Kids today are soft!
When ever you hear someone saying that kids these days are soft, it's true!! Jeez kids can't even get hurt without parents running over and pulling out the neosporin and bandaids and dialing the doctor and s**t! JFC! I remember this one time I was playing on a friend's home made swing and I jumped off the stairs to go swing high and I hit up against her dad's homemade scaffolding and there was a nail sticking out and I hit it with my knee! It dug through my knee! I hit it and came down. I stopped swinging and looked it. showed my friend. The blood was going down my leg so we walked over to my house cuz her parents wouldn't let kids inside the house. I showed my parents, got it washed off with water! and went back out to play. First time I learned to ride a two wheeler, I fell off and scraped my knee and arm up....I was yelled at to get up! Jeez.....yeah kids today suck...Wonder what they'll amount to when they get older.