realized Maya Miki
playing producer on TQS
showed up on Cartoon KAT-TUN before~ didn'r realize same person!
mascot races today - super interesting, our mascot fighting it out with the one next to ours, ahha
and then someone ran in it and posed with people, handing out flyers
and he fell too
ran 17.9 for 100 m >< pretty bad
but better than 19^^;;
i could feel I wasn't running my fastest
but today's meet was fun~!
portapotties suck
so we ran into town and barged into a pizza place, dashed to the back to use the bathroom, snuck out the sidedoor next to it and ran away, ROFL mrgreen
more tomorrow ^^
and yay The Quiz Show ep 4 came out XD
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The Inner Workings of SeraphicTune
credits to lara_jun@LJ
credits to arashi_zutto@LJ
credits to lara_jun@LJ
credits to arashi_zutto@LJ