- * Torushina: Stop being lazy - the next chapter is half-way done and the fic as a whole IS CLOSE TO THE END ALREADY!! Okay, I'm not really into the fandom anymore, but eight thousand words isn't that impossible to pull off either. It will be a weight off my shoulders.
* Torre dos Ventos: Probably not the best time to start working on it again. Probably shouldn't be watching CDZ at this moment either. Oh, Aiolia...
* The Secret Weapon: I keep cutting down the size of the fics, hoping they'll get easier to write. The thing is, I'm trying to cram too much information into too little space, so things start to feel awkward in the story. I'm rather unsatisfied with what I have, but I figure I should write down all 5 chapters of it anyway so I can edit it later. If I feel like it. Which I know I won't. Damn. Just write, curses!
* Rewind And Rewrite: Or whatever I end up calling it. Stop toying with this idea! Yes, it's intriguing, and yes, Minato as a missing nin is awesome, but... don't. Save it for another time.
* Of Knights And Scoundrels: oh boy... *migraine*
(...and I won't even go into the rest of my ideas, so I don't scare myself...)