So I finally got around to watching Australia. I am neither a Bas Luhrman fan, nor big on Nichole Kidman. I don't mind either, but I've never seen anything of either of there's that was better than watchable, so i didn't bother seeing this in a theater. it was free at the library though, and I got it, mostly hoping for tanned, muscular, shirtless shots of Hugh Jackman. In this, it was not a disappointment. Otherwise, it was an extremely long, nay endless chick flick, with a lot of manipulative emotional stuff involving a child character. It also seemed to me that in a moving were racial attitudes signaled whether one was a good guy or a bad guy, the death toll was awfully high for the aboriginal characters, who except for the child, seemed little more than props for the white characters, two dimensional creatures there to show how broadminded the heroes are and to die at climactic moments to ratchet up the sense of jeopardy. It reminded me rather of Last of the Mohicans really. This is not a compliment. It's basically an insanely long Romance novel. Honestly African Queen did it rather better, and while Jackman is cuter than Bogart, Kidman is no Katherine Hepburn. I'm glad I did not pay money to see it.