I got a brace for my ankle today...pretty cool?
Still can't do track today though
I had ramen today~ yatta~ but not really the Japanese kinda...
BBQ slices curry ramen ^^
Ah school...cheee
Ah my dream/nightmare this morning was kinda related to global warming? Not many places left for living and my town is in ruins with only one person living there. People evolved and had wings but my house was in ruins. The plants were in a frozen state and could not grow. The pool flooded. There was no proper place to live. Everything deteiorated (gah can't spell it) and I was extremely sad about it all, the state of everything. Made me want to cry. I've been having many nightmares lately, stress? Thankfully it was just a dream, but it felt weird.
Ahhh, I finally got chocolate today - Symphony~ Saving it!
We got my BFFL's presents today, shh, it's a secret wink
I hope she likes them ^^
I was thinking of getting Tokio Hotel for her since she's fan but dunno if she already has it or not... that and we were kinda too scared to go into the store and we had no time, my mom had to go to her friend's wedding sweatdrop
Anyway, I'm feeling on edge all the time...I dunno, hopefully this feeling goes away soon.
Edit: Almost reaching my goal for enough gold to buy the Sky Tunic, hehe yay~!
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The Inner Workings of SeraphicTune
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credits to lara_jun@LJ
credits to arashi_zutto@LJ