Community Member
Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 @ 02:26am
Wow. An online journal... I never could even remember to write in a real one, we'll see how this goes eh? Anyway, for starters, I'm 19 I live in Mn and I have one annoying brother who is 15. My boyfriends name is Micah and I believe we'll be getting married within the next 2 or 3 years. (I hope) biggrin heart I'm not sure what I'm really sposed to write in these things... My day was kinda stressful. I took my licence test this afternoon, (yes, I know, 19 and no licence. What a shock..) I passed happily though it was my second time. Seriously, how do you expect me to drive with a cranky old man in the car and no music on? crazy... Well, that's it for today I guess. Micah's here. He's spending the night! whee It's not what you think, he sleeps in Josh's (my brother) room. TTYL!! ninja