Three of the best shows on TV...
OK, fine, Anime is right behind them, a very close second, like photo finish close, but still....
No one can beat Grissom's awesomeness, Gibbs's intensity, or Jack's sarcasm...
I know I spelled that wrong, get over it... wait... *uses spell-check* HA HA!! I spelled it right!! What now?!
Sorry, I'm hyped up on cake... sweatdrop
OK, fine, Anime is right behind them, a very close second, like photo finish close, but still....
No one can beat Grissom's awesomeness, Gibbs's intensity, or Jack's sarcasm...
I know I spelled that wrong, get over it... wait... *uses spell-check* HA HA!! I spelled it right!! What now?!
Sorry, I'm hyped up on cake... sweatdrop