Once there was this girl who lived in Vidalia,Georgia had just moved there one time a bully messed with her than her whole body went red and black fire around her. Everyone stepped back and scream ,and she just tried her best not to say mean bad things, then all of a suddenly she used the force to choke that ugly girl she swore and slamed her around and any one who came near got hurt besides Jason and Tamara calmed Chanaria down. She and Her friends jumped in the cars and took off they took a one way ticket to Hollywood,California and ended up being stars but soon the FBI were on their tail again and then started heading somewhere to be profesinal basketball players. They changed their names and let their hair grow and kept their big houses in beverly hills soon they will have to move in 3 years. She always used her powers fo all her jobs soon she settled down at th age of 12 and soon would be her 13 birthday May,16 2009. she was moving forever and ever. she dated this guy named Storm he found out that they all had powers he did too he could create storms and speak telepathically plus read Chanaria's mind ,his girlfriend,they had so much fun learnig how to control their powers soon they would have to fight a real big battle between them and the FBI.