11/2/2000 11:09 PM
Near woke up fast with a cold sweat and a whimper. He looked around and noticed he wasn’t in the car anymore but an almost empty plane. Where am I? Near thought and looked up. He was laying on Alfred’s lap with his Bun Bun in his hands and his special blanket over them.
“Alfred are you awake” Near said looking at him.
Near hared no answer so he got up and crawled past the sleeping Wheasker quietly, and into the bathroom in the back. When Near finished with the bathroom he came back out and started to crawl by Wheasker when he hurried a phone go off so he hurried back to Alfred, and crawled on to his lap. Wakening him up.
“What’s wrong my little Near?” Alfred said.
“I hared a phone go off” Near answered hiding under the blanket.
“That was just Wheaskers phone, Umbrella was probley calling to see how much longer before you get there.” Alfred said. “You have nothing to fear, just go back to sleep.”
“Yes Alfred.” Near said yawning and then falling quickly asleep in Alfred’s arms.
Alfred ran his fingers through Nears hair. “I hope nothing bad does happen."