Hello everyone! This week of March 30†h through April 5†h I have soccer tournaments throughout the weekdays. I'm pumped and ready to kick some frozen butt XD <3¡! I've figured something out today: if you press alt or option and press anything els on your keyboard you'll get something cool like this 1= ¡ 2=™ 3=£ 4=¢ 5=∞ 6=§ 7=¶ 8=• 9=ª a=å b=∫ c=ç d=∂ e=´ f=ƒ g=© h=˙ i=ˆ j=∆ k=˚ l=¬ m=µ n=˜ o=ø p=π q=œ r=® s=ß t=† u=¨ v=√ w=∑ x=≈ y=¥ z=Ω That's really cool... did you know that??? anyway Im hungry ßye!!!