In this photo is my friend Tyrel Gipe, he is the lead guitar player of a band I manage.
In this photo I used my Cannon Digitil Rebel XT.
First I set the exposure setting for the flash to -2.
Having a low flash in dim light is much better than a bright flash, it helps retain most of the natural colors and dosen't flush out skin tone and white objects.
So after setting the exposure level I just ran up and snapped a picture. You can take the picture on any setting you you wish, I used a custom setting cause I set my own white balance.
After taking the picture I put it on my computer and opened it on photoshop.
To get more natural colors I usually go to threshold and alt+shift and click in the lightest and darkest spots on the photo.
Click cancel and open curves. The darkest and lightest portions of the pictures should be selected still.
Take the ink droppers from the bottom of the curves menue and click ur selections, black eyedropper to dark spot, white eyedropper to light spot, and the middle gray eyedropper to a nice gray portion on the photo.
This should indeed make better colors come out.
Now make a new layer and a large soft brush, brush white in a spot that needs it, here I put it on the guitar and some of the hands.
And there you go xD