We used to have a cat, back when I still lived with my parents. He was called "Viiru" (means "Stripe" or "Streak" in English). His fur was light orange with darker orange stripes. He loved people, and all our friends and relatives loved him. He was the perfect pet.
Unfortunately he got lost. One day he just didn't return from hunting. He didn't return the next day either, or the day after that. We tried asking our neighbors about our beloved pet, but no one had seen it. After a few weeks we gave up the search. I still miss him though it's been years since he disappeared.
Now I'm living on my own in a small flat. Even though I have a wonderful boyfriend and a lot of friends, I still feel lonely sometimes. I've been thinking of getting a pet ever since I moved here, but I haven't been able to decide what kind of a pet I'd like.
First I thought of bying a gerbil or a hamster because they take up so little space and are easy to take care of. Besides, we've had gerbils before. Then I thought of getting a cat. I disliked the idea at first because I thought my flat was too small for a cat. Then I heard of others keeping cats and dogs in flats like mine. I realized that I could easily take it out for walks and such. I started seriously considering it as an option.
I finally made up my mind after an hour of staring at cute pictures of cute kittens with a friend of mine. It had to be a cat, nothing else could compare. I began looking for ads in papers. I found a few but they weren't very tempting. There aren't many ads this time of the year, so I became a little depressed. After all those months of pondering I wanted a cat and I couldn't get one until next summer...or so I thought.

It appeared that they are long-haired, blue and white little darlings. I'm going to see them in a few weeks. I can hardly wait! whee I won't get the cat until the end of December or early January, though, but it's definitely worth the waiting. ^_^