She swam towards the on coming ship. She hid behind a rock. She wanted to know what kind of people were on it. She noticed alot of men and one stood out from the rest. she tried to get a closer look but one of the men yelled"theres a strom coming!"
She looked to her left and noticed a hug dark cloud huvering over the ocean"oh crap im in deep trouble now"she dove back in the sea and swam back home. She noticed her father was pacing back and forth. He then noticed his daughter"Kanna where were you, you missed the residle?"
She had to think of a quick lie"i was swiming with the dolphins and i lost track of time"
"You say that everytime kanna"he shook his head"if it happens again, you will be locked in your room"
"okay father"she swam off to her room.
((please pm me to continue, men only for this Roleplay))