Well, I didn't go Trick of Treating, instead I went to a "party" at Rob and Alicia's house. It was nice seeing everyone from Expo again, I guess I can consider most of the people there my friends. In a way it makes me happy that I didn't throw my life away.
I fear that I am letting my feelings get the better of me. I know in my heart that this person will never see me as anything but a crazy person, but I still wonder. But what scares me more than anything else is the fact that he kinda looks like Raymond from an angle. I almost went into psycho mode and jumped him the moment I saw the semblance.
So yeah..excuse the rambling.
I didn't have a costume this year. I just put on Alexia's Wonka hat and put her wonka goggles around my neck and walked around like that. I managed to get a couple leers and "wtf" expressions.
Jen was a punk asian girl, Alexia was a gypsie, April was a mafia princess/queen/hit woman, Tiffany was herself, and I was a serial killer; because we know they dress like everyone else. But I guess I would call myself the eccentric type.
There are pictures, once Alexia gets her mouse back.
And for some reason I am shaking violently, to the point where tears are forming. Maybe its due to the fact that I saw something horrible. ...I'd rather not go into that, for the sheer thought of typing it makes me shake more.
But all in all everything was spiffy.
And through all the randomness a lesson has been learned; Red Bull hurts when coming out of one's nose. WORSE than any caffinated beverage. I should suggest to Jason that Matt should snort Red Bull. It would be priceless.