Name: Kiaos Van Akiaru
Gender: Male
Race: Demon
Age: 19
Birthdate: December 19
Height: 5'7
Beliefs/Religion: Finds the belief in God useless
Hobby: Dreaming, sitting over the ocean, Reading, Traveling
Basic Description: Tends to be stand offish hates being around other people would rather be alone. Appears hateful to others, hides his true feelings from everyone. Has the inner personality of a child, finds comfort in speaking with children
Current Information
>family background: He was born to a Father, Aias, and a Mother, Riana. His father and mother never got along and only remained together for Kiaos's sake His Mother hated both him and his father is father was killed in an ongoing war, after this took place his mother took this chance to abuse and destroy her child.
>birth place: Athin- a small village in the mountains where is snowed nonstop throughout the year. The town was mainly for trading not many steady families lived here.
> background: His mother lost it one winter and dragged the 8 year old Kiaos to the frozen lake that stood outside the village, she walked him out on to the frozen lake and pushed him to the ground and grabbed his head slamming it repeatedly into the hard ice below till the back of his head began to bleed excessively, she continued to his skull broke through the ice she then pushed his body into the frozen water below leaving him to die.
>home: Has no current home, Travels to different cities
>possessions, make-up, jewelry, etc.: A cross choker, a Magical Glass ball
Physical Description
>hair style: Silver, relatively long in the front sorter in the back
>eyes: Empty cold gray
>body: small body, long legs, skinny
>physical condition: Unstable gets sick easily, gets infections easily
>marks, scar, and tattoo: A scar runs from his hip down into the line of his underwear
>clothing: Black robes adorn with straps
>likes: water, snow, Sweets, animals, Flowers, books, Soft fabrics
>dislikes: frozen water, Mother, Adults
>fears: drowning
>goals: Learn of the demon that saved him, to stop the war that killed his father
>occupation: Takes on bounties from town to town of Wanted humans or demons
>favorite food: strawberries
>most prized possession: Magical ball that was found after he awoke from his near death
>psychological condition: Unstable
>positive characteristics: Sweet, caring, loving,
>negatives characteristics: hateful, stand offish, pushes others away, over reacts, gets mad easily
>physical: Moves quite slow, is not very strong physically, has a weak body
>magical: can see what is going on at anytime over the world
>other: has the ability to mesmerize people with his eyes drawing them in into a nightmarish dream