Profile Type: I
Name: Himmel Feuer
Moniker: None given yet.
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Heritage: German, Austrian, Hungarian
Appearance: Himmel stands with a medium stature, prominent curves and a medium-sized chest.Her skin is pale is a very light tan that quickly comes and goes. Her height is 5'8, and weight is 152 lbs., most of which is muscle.
Her hair is extremely long, going down to just below her hips. In addition to being long, her hair is also very thick and wavy. It's natural color is a platinum blond, but she often times dyes it purple. She usual wears it in a long single braid with bangs framing her oval-like face.
Her eyes are a beautiful cold blue, which seem to be rather misplaced with the rest of her. Himmel often wears a black cowboy hat, a white long sleeve collared shirt, a red tie, and a rather tight revealing slitted black dress with thigh-high steel toed doc martins.
Personality: Himmel is very judgmental and racist. She doesn't take well to other people who don't share her beliefs, and especially not well to students who are not of the 'Ayran' race. Although she has outer beauty, her soul has all the beauty of a horribly deformed war criminal. Himmel is actually a Nazi, although her beliefs are slightly different than the usual human Nazi. She believes that Spirids are the new Ayran race, although not every Spirid is worthy of being an Ayran...
ST: Himmel is a pyrokinesic. Basically, she can create fire and willfully control it in all its forms. Although, fire is highly unstable and Himmel can easily loose control of it if she is distracted or emotionally unstable( e.i. incredibly angry or in pain).
ST Rank:
Grade: 10th, she was retained... twice.
ID Number: 613
Dorm Number: 335
Inventory: A copy of 'Mein Kampf', several swastika armbands, several empty bound books and journals, quill, various colors of ink, a blackjack II, and an ipod touch.
Additional Info: Himmel is, obviously, a Neo Nazi. She is attempting to join The Eidolon. She smokes on and off campus, and often times smells of smoke. She also speaks fluent English, German, and Hungarian.
Afterschool Activity:
[1] Photography
[2] Biology II
[3] Algebra II
[4] Tennis
[5] English II
[6] ST Training
[7] U.S. History
[8] German