My current heartbreak pt 2
I promised I'd try to write/type more, so here I am. I called, no answer. waited, called again then his brother (who is pretty kool at times XD ) answered, he wanted to talk to me but couldn't. Then he called me back like half an hour after he said (the family calls back, but their timing could perhaps use some tuning up. at least they call back.) and talked and said he'd talk to him for me, then his best friend talkedc to me for the majority and remainder of the time, and promised she'd talk to him as well and said that perhaps I don't have anything to worry about. But he's going out with that one chick..(RAREWGR KJDHSGIDAFH GILFAJDGKL;FADHGFHF ADHGIOAFDHH)..anyways. He didn't want to talk, says I'm "Too clean" (I do what I can to not get in trouble, yet I still get in trouble. I'd do more if I could, but my mom gets frustrated and it makes things harder for me. I'd never be able to hang out with him if I did everything I wanted. And I'd never get to go to Germany.) He's to talk with me on Monday, and hopefully make up with me. And dump that one chick. (I never liked her because she always looked at me weird, she seemed to hate me even though I'd never met her before. Then I found out he had feelings for her and that made it to where I somewhat understood and started to keep an eye on her. Some of you might be like, "Yea, right. that's what you say, but that's not what you'd do. That means you don't know me. I still think she's a RUDE b***h.)
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