So I was thinking about writting a novel. Maybe I dunno. I actually took my real journal and turned it into a story. It came out pretty nice, but for the sake everyone's sanity (or whatever is left of it) I can not show it publicly. It hurts a lot of people's feelings ^^. Most importantly, it reveals information that I would not like others to know. But I might change it around to omit names and such. I've had a pretty pissy year thus far,mostly because of my parent's constant fighting. It gets really annoying. School started this week and it went pretty well. I got my schedule ******** up the first few days but I managed to get it fixed. I'm actually putting more effort into guitar now. Especially after what my teacher told me. I'm gonna blow his mind away. Two of my friends made pretty good new year's resolutions; one said he would stop acting so gay and the other one said he would try to be nicer. They've been coming along amazingly. It's somewhat scary. But whatever, they're making improvements so I guess I should support them and whatnot. There are some people that have really pushed my buttons this week and have made it to the top of my list. Do not ask about this list. If you were in danger you would know. And I seriously don't know how I got stuck in Leadership. Like hell I wanna be a leader. But whatever, we don't work in that class so I'm cool with it. I'm trying to work on my artistic skills as well. Hopefully I'll be able to draw humans without having to look at a visual. That's where I need the most work.