
XD I was playing around with the avatar stuff. Heigher and Masha! Yayz.
Oh, and lookie at this: In reference:
She drew me. ^^ For only... (200g!) XD Cheap huh? But I would pay more since it's so good. XD
I want to do Avi Art, but I have no camera! >.> Other then my mom's pho- Wait! >.< I have an idea!
I'll ask my aunt if she'll give me the old digital camera (that was given to me by my grandparents in AZ but due to our past split up and hatred, I guess they give it to her)
I'm sure she'll give it to me then I can do it! XD
Happiness and bliss!
I'll be able to show everyone my new work in a sketch book that bought myself for christmas. XD Though I baought it yesterday.
I bought:
3 long sleeve shirts, two containers of sushi, chocolate, my mom some clothes (Aren't I sooo nice?), and the sketch book.
I now have 4$ left on the gift card. XD I'm rich!
But look forward to more pictures, and when Heigher send me a letter (she said that she wrote it this morning *4:00am* Because I texted her saying that I couldn't sleep), I'll get her art on here to. heart w heart Now, that is all for now. ^^
I might post another entry sometime tomorrow early in the morning again. X3

XD I was playing around with the avatar stuff. Heigher and Masha! Yayz.
Oh, and lookie at this: In reference:

She drew me. ^^ For only... (200g!) XD Cheap huh? But I would pay more since it's so good. XD
I want to do Avi Art, but I have no camera! >.> Other then my mom's pho- Wait! >.< I have an idea!
I'll ask my aunt if she'll give me the old digital camera (that was given to me by my grandparents in AZ but due to our past split up and hatred, I guess they give it to her)
I'm sure she'll give it to me then I can do it! XD
Happiness and bliss!
I'll be able to show everyone my new work in a sketch book that bought myself for christmas. XD Though I baought it yesterday.
I bought:
3 long sleeve shirts, two containers of sushi, chocolate, my mom some clothes (Aren't I sooo nice?), and the sketch book.
I now have 4$ left on the gift card. XD I'm rich!
But look forward to more pictures, and when Heigher send me a letter (she said that she wrote it this morning *4:00am* Because I texted her saying that I couldn't sleep), I'll get her art on here to. heart w heart Now, that is all for now. ^^
I might post another entry sometime tomorrow early in the morning again. X3