Hmmm.... Maybe I'll post Chap. 5 ^^
But first... Here's a picture of Heigher I made from using: Paint (on the computer, and Microsoft image composer (the old version)

It's sort of late B-day present that took forever to make. ^^ I'm making on of Masha and it's a little harder. I'll make more of anyone else, just ask me ^^ and I'll do the best I can.
Anywho... Here's chap. 5 where Shizuka's past is revealed ^^ I think... confused
But first... Here's a picture of Heigher I made from using: Paint (on the computer, and Microsoft image composer (the old version)

It's sort of late B-day present that took forever to make. ^^ I'm making on of Masha and it's a little harder. I'll make more of anyone else, just ask me ^^ and I'll do the best I can.
Anywho... Here's chap. 5 where Shizuka's past is revealed ^^ I think... confused
Enjoy! ;D
Chapter Five
-I’m still alive.-
-I’m still alive.-
She stared at me, eyes wide, mouth open, hands reaching forward to touch mine as I touched hers. Her hair was unfamiliar though, her bangs were longer and tucked behind her normal ears. But, on the top of her head were two, long, silky black cat ears four inches from each other, four inches wide, and about seven inches high. She leaned forward as I did, opening her moth wider so that he teeth could be seen better. Her canines were two times longer than usual, and sharper. Then our eyes locked, still wide, but I could see that her pupils were round, but there were slits coming out from the top and bottom. They were like rounded slits. A human’s pupils and a cat’s pupils put together! And the thing that shocked me most about this girl, was that she was me!
“Thank you for not screaming.” Kuroran said from beside me.
“W-w… What happened to me?!” I shrieked while turning my head to look up at him.
“I didn’t do this to you.” He replied, “if it weren’t for me, then you’d be dead right now.” He added randomly.
I began to shake my head then turned to leave to room. To leave him. To leave wherever I was and hopefully wake up and laugh at this bizarre dream.
“Wait, you can’t go.” His hand was around my wrist in a split second, “ you’re not the only one like this.”
I only ignored him while trying to pull free unsuccessfully.
“I’ll explain later, but you really need to get cleaned up before you try to go anywhere.” He said pleadingly.
I sighed and gave up on trying to get away. “I want to go home.” I muttered.
“This is your new home.” Now the woman spoke.
I looked up to look at her, brows pulling together.
“You really need to clean yourself.” She continued, “we’ll let you have your privacy, but we cannot allow you to leave.”
“That will be explained after you get cleaned up.” She replied, “I’ll be waiting for you out in the hall.”
“Yori, are you sure you can-”
“She doesn’t know anything yet.” She-Yori, snapped, cutting Kuroran off. “Go tell everyone that she’s awake, I’ll be fine.”
I felt Kuroran’s grasp release from my wrist and Yori’s hair swaying a little like something had passed it.
“Take your time, there’s no hurry.” She told me, “there’s clothes in the closet in the room.” She then turned and walked out, closing the bathroom door behind her.
I noticed that Kuroran was gone now and that I was completely alone. But still confused on why I was here, and who they were. Not to mention the fact that I now had cat features and god knows what else.
Blood was all in my hair and it washed down the drain when I took my shower. But as I would run my fingers through my hair, I noticed that it had become longer! It was now lingering just above my thighs. How strange, having hair grow from waist long to thigh long over night! Even my bangs had become longer! They were now resting over my chest! My hair was no longer straight across, it was now more pointed at the ends and more silkier like my ears and tail.
But before the shower, I had to undress my shoulder wound that I guessed someone had cleaned up, but it still stung as I took the shower. Then I noticed more qualities that I had gained. My nails had become longer and sharper, I could hear four times better than usual, I had better balance, and that my wrist had healed the fracture in the matter of hours!
The only bad thing was that my new, physical, qualities would hurt every time they were touched. That’s when I hoped that the pain would go away, then there was the endless curiosity, and obsessions of a cat to come along with everything else...
“First of all, I won’t hurt you, so try not to be so tense.” Yori said as we walked down a long dimly lit hallway. “No one else here will even try to harm you, but if someone does, then tell me or Kuroran, or anyone else who you’ll end up trusting.”
I had changed in a loose shirt and baggy jeans with my hair was still wet and brushed back in a bow. “Okay.” I said, softly rubbing my cheek where a purple-blue bruise was, not covered up and there for everyone to see. That’s when I guessed that I only healed fast with internal wounds and not cuts our bruises.
All eyes were on me as I walked into a large living room lit up by a flickering fireplace surrounded by chairs and couches with a small coffee table.
“Mayumi Honami, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” It was a young woman’s voice who spoke. A young woman who was the same age as me, possibly older and with a taller and more developed body than mine. “Or should I say, Shizuka Yoru.”
She had healthy-looking, crimson red hair that rested over her shoulders and chest with long bangs that were parted over her right eye. And though she was a very attractive girl with a pale and pretty face, behind the black bordered glasses, the look in her piercing red eyes scared me, making me think that she was about to pull a gun out and kill me.
“Shizuka?” I repeated, bemused, as I stared at her, examining her much more. I saw what Kuroran was talking about. Me not being the only one like this.
On her head, in the same place as mine would be, were two long crimson red ears with black tips, and behind her was a long bushy red tail with a white tip.
She was part fox.
“My name is Kurenai Shio, I’m the one who made you like me.” She smiled a little while taking off her glasses, “and Shizuka Yoru is your real name.”
I stared at her, wondering if she was just joking or not. I then glanced around at all the others in the room, about seven of them. Two of them were extremely beautiful, one who was pale, and another who was much tanner. Then there was Yori who was standing between two men. One taller then the other and he had two large dark blue wings behind him.
“It’s hard to believe, I know.” Kurenai saw my shocked expression.
I was about to reply but someone else spoke.
“Turn on the TV.” Another man entered the room. He was dressed in all black, a large black scarf, black sleeveless shirt, black jeans, and black boots. Even his messy looking hair was black, but all the dark colors made his skin look white under his built muscles, and his ice blue eyes stood out as well. He was very adducing, like the two other beautiful people in the room that stood out more than all the others.
“What’s going on?” Yori asked, looking at the man.
The TV was turned on buy the tannest person in the room who was a man. He was a tall man with a built body. He wore more brighter colors than the others and his hair was longer but his bangs were short and parted to one side, allowing both of his dark colored eyes to be seen.
“Over the past week, the number of deaths have sky rocketed through out all the regions. The victims have been drained completely of blood, and are usually missing limbs. We have not found the players of this sick game, but we advise for everyone to stay indoor more often.” The female reporter said then looked over as her co-worker spoke.
“Due to the multiple amount of deaths occurring more frequently, the Starlight Family has set out more rules to make sure that no more evil can be done. If these new laws are not followed, you will immediately be sent to jail or a safety house.
“Curfew has been lowered for everyone of all ages who walk the streets. Nine o’clock, and seven in the morning for students. There will be a routine house search every so often—“
“Due to the multiple amount of deaths occurring more frequently, the Starlight Family has set out more rules to make sure that no more evil can be done. If these new laws are not followed, you will immediately be sent to jail or a safety house.
“Curfew has been lowered for everyone of all ages who walk the streets. Nine o’clock, and seven in the morning for students. There will be a routine house search every so often—“
“This isn’t good.” The tanned man said looking down in thought.
“The family is trying to make a utopia.” Yori pitched in, looking slightly annoyed, “but this will end in chaos.”
“Leon, I want you to sweep through the woods and see how the city is reacting to this.” Kurenai looked at the tan man who nodded.
“Want me to go down town as well?” He asked while taking off his shirt.
“Yes, and be back as soon as possible.” Kurenai then looked at the man with wings. “You can go to, just in case.”
He nodded and walked off with Leon quietly, not speaking.
“W-What’s going on?” I asked, looking at Kurenai guessing that she was the one who knew everything.
“Do you believe in myths?” She asked, ignoring my question.
I thought about it for a second, “I’m starting to.”
“Here’s the thing.” Kurenai sat down, beckoning me to sit as well. “Vampires, werewolves, angels, etcetera… They’re all real.”
I was going to get up and walk out, if only the couch wouldn’t have sucked me in. “What are you saying?” I asked, trying to get up, “and unicorns and fairies are real too huh?”
“I was being sarcastic!” I stood and turning only knocking into someone while doing so.
“Sit.” It was the man who had said to turn on the TV.
I quickly sat down. Meeting his stare, forgetting completely where I was and why I felt so mad. But now I didn’t feel anything, I couldn’t feel myself breathing.
“Everything is real.” Kurenai went on, “but they’re hidden.” She looked at me, seeing that I was still staring at the man. “Lation, please.”
The man- Lation, looked away and I sucked in the air, lungs burning.
“As I was saying, all the supernatural creatures in the world prefer not to be seen and discovered.”
I looked at her, still struggling to breath, “you’re being serious?” I asked, “this isn’t some joke?”
“You have cat ears and a tail, I have fox ears and a tail, Damien had wings, and Lation has fangs.” Kurenai seemed amused, “trust me, I’m not joking.”
I looked down at my hands that were in my lap, “she’s not lying.” I said, mainly to myself, “and that means that things will be different.”
“Yes, but there’s only one reason why you’ve been put into this life.” Kurenai added, “your mother.”
I looked up quickly, eyes slightly wide, “my mother?”
“Yes, your mother.”
“What’d she do? How do you know her? Is she still alive?” I wanted to stand again, but glanced up at where Lation still stood, looking off somewhere else.
“I’ve never met her, and she’s dead.” Kurenai watched for my reaction.
“How do you know?” I asked, defensive, “if you didn’t know her, then you wouldn’t know.”
“I used to know your mother.” Now Yori spoke, “I was her closest friend.”
I looked over at Yori, brows raised.
“And yes, she’s dead.” She looked over at the man beside her, “she died to save you and your sister.”
“Hold up.” I shook my head, “I have a sister?” All of this information was smothering.
“Yes, but we haven’t found her.” Now the man spoke, “she was adopted like you.” He looked like he was in his early thirties with messy light brown hair and dark green, almost hazel colored irises. “My name is Ryu.” He added, a smile crossing his face, “I’m sure you don’t remember me.”
“Where’s Kuroran?” One of the beautiful people spoke, a woman. She had waist long, wavy black, seemingly really dark green colored hair with long bangs and beautiful emerald green eyes. She was extremely pale and beautiful with an oval shaped face and a slender body.
The man beside her shrugged.
“Go find him then, Meya.” Lation’s first sentence that I’ve ever heard was musical.
Meya looked at him then was gone within a split second.
The question was on the tip of my tongue. I had to know, since I only wanted to have a picture of her in my mind. “What did my mom look like?”
Yori smiled, “well, a lot like you.” She replied.
“She was small bodied like you, but maybe a bit taller, and her hair was brown and her eyes were bright blue.” Ryu added on.
“How about my father?” I asked, “did he die to? Or did you even know him?”
An uncomfortable silence grew.
“Well, you see…” Yori began, “he did die, but…”
“I’m still alive.” A familiar voice spoke.
I looked up, meeting the stared of the man at the door with Meya beside him. “K-Kuroran?” I gasped, eyes wide. He was my father? Such a handsome man, my father? The man who killed my foster parents was my father?!
He smiled, as if he could read my thoughts. “I wish I could’ve told you earlier.” He sighed, “but I didn’t know how to.” He was suddenly in front of me, a couple feet from Lation.
“B-But they said you died, but you’re alive?” I was confused. No… More than confused.
“I’m a vampire.” He said, kneeling in front of me, holding up a piece of paper. But it wasn’t paper.
I took it from him and looked at it. It was a picture.
“Her name was Ledeen Vincent.” Kuroran said, “a very brave woman.”
I stared at her. Her eyes were very bright, ice blue. Perfect white teeth and peach pale skin like mine. Small thin lips and thin brows. High cheek bones with bark brown tresses falling over her chest and her bangs fell slightly over her eyes.
“I can show you what happened if you want?” He met my stare, red to blue.
I nodded, “I want to see why… Or what happened to her.” I said softly, looking at her picture again. “Show me everything.”
Kuroran looked over and Kurenai who nodded then looked back at me. “Close you eyes and concentrate on your latest dream.”
“How do you know about them?” I asked, still staring into his eyes.
“I’ve been sending them to you, but just close your eyes for now.”
I closed my eyes and felt his two ice cold hands on the sides of my face, making my skin tingle beneath them.
“Open your eyes.” Kuroran whispered.
I opened my eyes, seeing the warm room, and the light of the Christmas tree.
“Showing you this is like watching a movie, only you can walk on the scene.” Kuroran explained, “only thing is that you can’t communicate with the people or touch them, only watch.”
I looked around, seeing the two little girls, the twins. “I-Is that me?” I asked, not really knowing which one exactly.
“Yes, your Shizuka, the one with blue eyes and the one with red eyes is your sister.”
I looked up, seeing the woman enter the room. “Mom?”
Kuroran nodded, then placed his hand on my shoulder, “just watch.”
Shizuka was staring at the tree, a small mug in front of her beside a plate with a gingerbread man smiling. She had her right hand on her wrapped up wrist, where the newborn vampire had bitten her mercilessly.
Hio sat besides her, also staring at the tree, same expression, and posture and everything.
“Hey girls, do you want to go outside and play?” Ledeen entered the room, a mug in her hand, eyes sympathetic and pain filled. She hated knowing that a vampire had bitted her daughter, she hated the fact that she had let them out of her sight and had put them in the danger. She hated that she wasn’t the one that had killed the monster that had hurt her only loves in the whole world.
Shizuka shook her head and looked up at her mother as she sat beside her, “he bit me.” She said quietly, “why?”
Hio also looked at Ledeen, “why mommy?”
Ledeen knew it was too early to tell them the truth. She knew that young girls their ages shouldn’t know such monsters exist. “He was a very mean man.” She replied, swallowing a lump in her throat and petted both of her daughters’ heads softly, “I promise he wont hurt you ever again.”
Shizuka didn’t reply, she only looked at her mug and picked it up carefully and took a sip.
“Shizuka.” Ledeen looked at her, feeling her heart get stabbed with pain.
Shizuka looked at her, mug still in her hands that rested in her lap.
“If mommy ever disappears, and Ryu comes, go with him.” She said, struggling to keep her voice from cracking, “You too Hio, he’ll help you find me and he’ll also take good care of you two.”
Shizuka stared at her, “are you going away?” bother her and Hio asked, brows furrowing.
“No, it’s just in case if I have to take any last second trips.” Ledeen replied softly, “I just want you to know.”
Shizuka nodded then took another sip of her hot chocolate.
Hio did the same.
“But for now…” Ledeen smiled, “let’s open presents.” She watched as her daughters’ faces lit up.
“Thank you!” they set their cups down and picked up the nearest presents.
Shizuka picked up a small, white wrapped box the size of her head. She hastily ripped it up until it revealed a brown box. She lifted the top and looked at all the new clothes.
Hio picked up another box, similar to Shizuka’s and opened it.
“You two are starting to grow, so you need more clothes.” Ledeen watched Shizuka lift each pair up and examine them. “You can put them on later, open everything else.”
Shizuka and Hio both set their clothes aside and took two other boxes between them and peeled off the wrap. This was a larger box and it held a couple more stuffed animals and a game for one of her game systems in her room. The other box had a black MP3 in it.
“Let’s go try on those clothes.” Ledeen lifted the new presents to take to the room with Shizuka and Hio following happily.
“Mommy.” Shizuka said as they entered her room, “I have a present for you too.” She looked at Hio who nodded.
Ledeen set the new items on the bed and turned to look at her daughters, “really?” She asked, slightly surprised.
Shizuka reached over to Hio who pulled out the locket’s case that she had been keeping in her pocket all day, waiting for the right moment to give it to their mother.
Ledeen’s eyes widened and she blinked, “that’s yours, not mine.”
Shizuka shook her head and lifted it to her mother, “no, it’s yours now.” She smiled, “put it on.”
“You like it mommy?” Hio asked, grabbing one of Shizuka’s arms as she spoke.
Ledeen took her box and kissed both Shizuka’s and Hio’s foreheads as she did. “Yes, thank you very, very much.” She said and opened the box, eyes gleaming happily but sadly at the same time. She placed it around her neck and locked it in the back then held the locket, a sad smile on her face, trying not to cry. She then opened the locket and her eyes widened. The clerk was right, it wasn’t a normal locket. As she opened it, a small figurine popped up and spun with a soft melody that chimed loudly.
Shizuka wrapped her arms around her mother’s waist and placed her head on her thigh, “Forever and ever.” She whispered.
“Forever and ever.” Hio mimicked, also hugging the other leg.
Ledeen felt the tears fall and she knelt down, returning the hugs after closing the locket. “I’ll wear it forever.” She whispered back, wishing that this moment would last forever. Wishing that this Christmas could be normal. Wishing that her daughters wouldn’t be taken away, or that she wouldn’t have to even make such a decision. She only wished for this moment to last forever, to feel the warmth of their bodies together in a hug, knowing that this wouldn’t be the last time she would be able to hold her daughters.
“Mommy, I love you.” They said.
Ledeen pulled away, wiping her eyes, “Love you too, forever and ever.” She then looked down as her phone began to ring, “try on the clothes and show me your favorite pair, I’ll be downstairs.” She petted her daughters’ heads then stood.
Shizuka and Hio watched as their mother exited the room answering her phone, confused on why she was crying.
“What’s wrong?” Hio asked.
Shizuka only shrugged.
“Hello?” Ledeen said as she trotted down the stairs.
“I hope you’re ready to make a decision.” The sinister voice said coldly.
Ledeen stopped at the foot of the stairs. She had heard this voice before, it wasn’t Kei’s, but it was someone else’s.
“My father warned you, and please, don’t keep him waiting.” The voice then was beside Ledeen.
She turned, facing the man who stood there wearing all black like he was going to a funeral. “M-Masa.” She gasped then her body grew tense, face grew from fear to hatred within seconds.
“Miss me?” He grinned tilting his head to the right, his long black hair slightly falling over his face.
“Not even a little.” Ledeen hissed, slowly putting her phone in her pocket, eyes burning.
“Oh, if you want to know how he’s doing, you can just ask.” Masa chuckled darkly, “since the last time you two met was about… Five years ago? And you chased him away.”
“It’s your fault that he’s a vampire like you.” Ledeen aid clenching her fists, “you only did it to hurt me and to keep him from his daughter.”
“Well, if only he hadn’t killed any of my brethren, then I wouldn’t have done such a thing.” He replied calmly, “but anyways… What’s your final answer?”
“I refuse to give my daughters to you.” She said taking a quick step to the side, trying to make him think that they were in another room instead of upstairs.
“Heh, that’s a very, very bad answer.” He sighed and took and step towards her, “why don’t you make things easier and tell me where they are.”
“No!” Ledeen yelled, “even if I knew where they were, I would never tell you!.”
Masa was in front of her in a second, “ wrong answer.”
“I don’t care.” Ledeen’s face now had streams of tears rolling down her cheeks, “I will never let you have her, and I would never let you know.” She was trembling.
Masa laughed, his fists where clenched in anger and he looked like he was about to hit her.
Ledeen glared at him then her face went blank and her eyes widened, “no…” She whispered.
Masa only chuckled darkly now, “does this change your mind?” He asked.
I saw another man approach them, his hair was black but it covered most of his face, but it was still shadowed over.
Ledeen slowly shook her head, eyes still wide.
“Hmm…” Masa, who was laughing, sighed then grinned evilly.
“How could you?” Ledeen whispered, ignoring the laughing man completely and focused on the other one. “How could you join them?”
“Where is she?” The new one asked dully. A familiar voice to me.
“Why? Why’d you join them?” Ledeen ignored his question and the fact that Masa had made a sudden movement. “How could you Kur-”
My eyes widened and it all came back. The heart stabbing pain, the tears, and all over the red blood… All that I had forgotten just now flashed through my head as the scene continued to play where my dream had stopped.
The Masa’s hand swept across Ledeen’s neck, ripping it out and causing her body to fall to the floor. “You were supposed to be so great, and yet I was capable to kill you.” His voice sounded triumphant.
The other man tensed and he looked at the other. “W-Why did you do that?!” He shrieked, but his voice still sounded elegant despite all the agony that filled it. I could see his face now, in fact I knew it.
I knew this woman too. I knew her better than anyone. This woman whose name was Ledeen… She was my mother! She was killed right in front of me. The little girls on the top of the stairs staring wide-eyed at the scene was my five-year-old self and sister taking in this horrible moment. I would then forget all of it somehow and yet I had just remembered it all now.
“I’m sorry.” Kuroran whispered from beside me, “I wish that it wasn’t such a horrible death.”
I ignored him and dashed forward. I had to save her She was my mother! And now she was lying on the floor dying! I fell my knees beside her body and reached for her, but my hand went right through her. I couldn’t touch her. I couldn’t comfort my dying mother when she needed me!
“It’s too late, she’s dead.” Masa said coldly, a smile in his voice.
“Shut up!” Two voices said. My own and the other man who was the past version of Kuroran; we yelled at the same time. He was beside me, cradling my mother in his arms, body rocking back and fourth as he let out quiet, tearless sobs.
I then looked up at the little girls who stared down at the bloody mess. Shizuka clutched the railing of the stairs, face red and wet. Like mine. I shared her pain. Her emotions. Her tears. Her experience. Only I had experienced it twice, and this time I wouldn’t forget it.
“Get a hold of yourself and find the girls.” Masa growled.
Kuroran beside me, carefully set my mother down and stood to his feet. “Yes…” He dipped his head, hesitated for a second then began to walk towards the stairs.
Masa only chuckled, “I’ll be spreading the news of the famous hunter’s death.” He said with sick amusement, “don’t return without the girl.” Then he was gone.
I watched as Kuroran started up the stairs and my younger self and my sister ran away.
“No!” I jumped to my feet and raced after them, not wanting her to be caught by a comrade of my mother’s murderer. Even if he was my father, pained by my mother’s death, I believed that he would do as Masa said.
“I’m not going to hurt you, Shizuka, Hio.” The man crooned to the girls as they trembled in a corner, holding each other. “I promise I will never hurt you.” He whispered.
I watched with wide eyes, knowing that I couldn’t do anything.
Shizuka closed her eyes tight and pressed herself against the wall then let out a scream as the man picked her up, along with Hio. “Shh… Please don’t cry.” He held them close.
Shizuka kept her eyes closed and she suppressed her cries, like she knew that this was the end while Hio still cried.
I watched as the man placed his hands on Shizuka’s head and began to hum the same melody that Kuroran was humming to me the first day I had discovered my new features.
Soon Shizuka began to stop crying and her body went limp as she fell asleep.
He then did the same to Hio and she fell limp within seconds.
I watched, eyes still wide, fists clenched, feeling my nails dig into my palm.
Kuroran was beside me again, “I told you that I would never hurt you.” He said softly, “I am a man of my word.”
I looked up at him with wide eyes. “Why were you with that murderer?”
He sighed, “I was a newborn vampire at the time… Surprisingly enough, I didn’t loose my sanity around all that blood…” He replied, “but I was sent to retrieve you two, since it was Masa who made me this way.”
“But why?” I asked, hearing Kuroran’s past self continue humming.
“Because Shizuka… You and Hio were a great hunter’s daughters. The daughters of a hunter who had killed many vampires.” Kuroran explained. “And the fact that they knew that you and Hio were my daughters only made them want to take you two even more.”
I could feel the scene change for now we were in front of a hospital. “But why’d you go against your orders?” I asked as we followed the younger Kuroran into the building.
“I couldn’t watch them torture you two…” He replied, “just so they could hurt me.”
“Why would they want to hurt you?” I questioned.
“Because I used to be a hunter as well, but I was changed.” He sighed.
I looked at his younger self give Shizuka and Hio to a nurse, telling her that they were extremely ill. Then as the nurse ran off, he walked out.
“You left me there?”
“I never returned to the other vampires” He looked at me as the scene began to change once more, this time in a white walled hospital room. “I watched over you two.”
I looked at the new scene. Shizuka was just waking up in the bright room. Confused and disoriented. She looked around then got off the bed. “Why isn’t she freaking out?” I asked. “that’s something I would do if I didn’t know where I was.”
“I erased your memories.” Kuroran said, “so that you wouldn’t tell anyone who you were, where you came from, or what had happened. Same with Hio, I did the same to her.”
I then watched as a nurse entered the room and began to ask Shizuka questions but she only tilted her head like she didn’t understand what the woman was saying.
“You still had dreams about the night, and you refused to communicate with anyone, or eat since you trusted no one.” Kuroran sighed and the scene changed again.
“So that’s why…” I looked away, closing my eyes not wanting to watch anymore.
“I’m sorry, I thought it was best for you.” He placed a hand on my shoulder and I opened my eyes to watch.
She was sitting at a small table, kicking her legs carelessly as she stared at nothing. Kids were running around the playground of the orphanage, laughing and giggling.
“Why didn’t you get me?” I asked, keeping my eyes on the scene as I knew what would happen next.
“I knew that you could’ve had a much better life with another family rather than with me as a vampire who never returned to his cult. It would be putting you into danger.” He replied and watched as well.
Shizuka looked up as three older boys walked over, all grinning mischievously as they saw her alone.
“Hello, what’s your name?” One of them asked.
She didn’t reply. The only looked back at nothing, ignoring them completely.
That’s when one of them walked over and pushed her off the seat, “this is our table.” He smirked, “no weirdo’s allowed.”
Shizuka slowly stood and dusted herself off but then another boy pushed her back down. “What’s your problem? Too good to talk?”
Shizuka looked up at him, eyes scared as he hovered over her and she tried to get up again.
Another boy kicked dirt at her and the other two joined, letting Shizuka cough and try to get away.
I saw an adult run over and scold the boys as they ran off laughing. She then offered her hand to Shizuka but she only got up and walked off.
“I never imagined kids to be so mean.” Kuroran said quietly. “but I knew it was better than what the vampires would do to you if they found us.”
“It’s not your fault.” I whispered, forcing myself to watch my own misery as a child. “People who hurt always want to take it out of the weaker ones”
The scene switched again, this time inside a small room where my younger self slept alone, since no one else wanted to share a room with her.
“After a while, though you spoke to no one, you began to talk to yourself.” Kuroran said, now serious, “I didn’t know what to think of it until you mentioned some strange things that I would’ve never imagined.”
I stared at Shizuka, dumbfounded. I didn’t remember ever talking to myself, I only remembered the abuse I went through.
“Hi.” Shizuka said in a weak voice. “What’s your name?” She stared at nothing as she spoke. She was sitting in the middle of the floor, arms around her knees, eyes a little wide. “you don’t have a name?” She asked.
“I guessed that you came up with an imaginary friend, but I was wrong.” Kuroran whispered quietly, but I could still hear it.
“Hio?” She waited a while before replying with a small smile, “good, you want to be my friend?” Her face then went blank, “my sister?”
“A sister?” I asked, looking over at Kuroran who shook his head. It looked like he was debating to tell me something. “You erased our sisterhood too?”
“Okay! We can be sisters forever.” Shizuka closed her eyes and laid on the floor, “mother? Do you remember our mother?” Her eyes opened again, “well I don’t.”
“Yes, at the time, I didn’t know how to pick out the things I wanted people to forget.” He sighed, but still watched the scene.
“What happened to Hio?” I asked.
“She was adopted a couple weeks after being put in the orphanage, by a very nice couple so I decided to watch you instead until I knew that you were officially safe, but the whole talking to her in your mind was too strange. This carried on until you were adopted by those people.” The scene switched to about more than a year later. Shizuka was six and she stared up at the two people who would abuse her and me. “After a while you began to stop talking to yourself, or your imaginary sister and became focused on your life and all it’s changes.”
I watched Kikuchi and Tobayashi showing Shizuka her new home. That’s when they said her new name. Mayumi.
“Now I remember…” I said, “I remember talking to myself, but I can’t see who or what the sister looked like.”
Suddenly, I could feel the cold hands on my face and now I could see Kuroran staring at me again.
“I only can think of one reason for the talking though.” Kuroran wiped off the tears on my face.
“What?” Kurenai looked at him, “why she talked to herself?”
Kuroran nodded, “Hio must be dead.” He looked over at her while standing. “Her spirit must’ve spoken to her through her mind.”
“Are you telling me that Hio might be in a limbo?” Yori was sitting by Kurenai, looking slightly shocked.
Kuroran nodded, “it’s reasonable.”
“What’s a limbo?” I asked, lost. “Isn’t that a game?”
“No.” Kuroran replied, “it’s when you die, but your… Not exactly dead. Well, your conscious is alive but it’s almost like a physical dream.”
“Technically, she’s dean physically, but her spirit must’ve spoken to you, so her spirit must be unsatisfied with the way she died.” Ryu said, his finger tapping his chin, “do you still hear her?” He looked at me.
I shook my head, “not that I know of.”
“We’ll have to search into where she had lived and who she was adopted by.” Kurenai said.
I stared at her, starting to get comfortable in this soft couch, starting to feel sleepy.
Lation’s head looked up, body tense. “We have company.” He muttered.
I watched as everyone got up, then Leon entered the room. “They’re here.” He said breathlessly.
“Who?” I asked, standing as well.
“Meya, come.” Lation beckoned Meya to his side, “we need to distract them.”
“I’ll help.” Said another exquisite man, who I guessed was a vampire as well. He was tall and looked young with short spiked dark brown hair with blonde tips and chocolate brown eyes. He was also pale, yet his skin was perfectly clear, and he had broad shoulders but he looked much more friendlier than Lation did.
“Tanoshi, are you-” Kurenai was cut off.
“I’ll be fine.” He said smiling a little, “just get ready.” And with that, the three vampires were gone.
“Leon, how many?” Kurenai asked.
“Five. And Masa is with them.”
I froze. Masa, the Masa who killed my mother? The Masa who coldly ripped her throat out and left her there to die?!
“Where’s Damien?” Kurenai asked.
“He’s still out searching the cities just in case if there’s any more of them.”
I felt my legs move, fast and uncontrollable. I wanted to see this Masa. This man who wanted to kill. This man who I now hated though I’ve never really met him.
“Shizuka, wait, you have to stay around us.” Kuroran was in front of me but I went around him.
“He’s a murderer.” I whispered, fists clenched again, nails digging once more into my hand, but I didn’t feel the pain, only the anger.
Kuroran grabbed my wrist, “you can’t go out there, and you’re going to wrong way too.”
I stopped and turned, “He killed my mother!”
Kuroran suddenly let go, looking at his hand with wide eyes. “You just…”
I walked past him again, walking the other way, seeing the exit in the other room then began to run. I had to kill him. Punish him for his sin. Get revenge.
“Her… They’ve awakened.”
I heard Kuroran say behind me, then her was in front of me again, Kurenai warning him to be careful.
“You can’t go out there. They’ll take you away.” He said pleadingly.
“I don’t care!” I was yelling in my blind rage. “He has to pay for what he’s done.”
“No, you can’t kill him Shizuka, it’s impossible.”
I looked up at him, lifting my hands and pressing them against his chest, wanting to push him away and soon he was. Some how he was sent across the room and was in a hole in a wall, but I didn’t care, I wanted my hands to be in Masa’s blood.
How dare he! I thought while opening the door where Lation, Meya, and Tanoshi were speaking to a group of five. He’s a dead man! My ears were flat on my head as I walked towards them, seeing Meya turn, eyes widening like there was something wrong.
“We are the best liars after all.” His voice! I could hear his voice! “I’ve found you.” I now stood seven feet from him. I could see my mother’s blood on his hands, not physically, but mentally.
“You killed her.” My voice didn’t sound the same. It sounded like there were two people speaking. “Murderer!”
Masa only chuckled his dark, cold chuckle that I remembered. “Silly girl, I’d say you’re a bit late in punishing me for such a thing.” He grinned. His hair was centered with his back, his bangs split in the middle and rested over his shoulders. He was tall, broad shoulders, and a young looking face that would make anyone envy his beauty. He wore a black trench coat that lingered down to the floor, and it was zipped all the way up to his collar bone.
But I was not fooled by his appearance, I only saw the blood. The blood of a murderer who I would have to kill.
I dashed forward to pounce on him, but his hand caught my throat, holding me up from the ground, limiting my air supply so I kicked and struggled, failing to get free.
“So violent.” Masa said, “just like your mother.” His hands tightened and I could feel my throat being crushed.
Hee hee. ^^ I hope everyone liked it! XD
A cliff hanger as usual. >w<
Oh, and as for the Koji story thingy, I need you help again Aer-chan!
I need to know when or if or how Ren left Koji. (if he did)
Well, as I've said, I'll make pictures for other people, but only if you ask first! ;D
Have a nice day!
A cliff hanger as usual. >w<
Oh, and as for the Koji story thingy, I need you help again Aer-chan!
I need to know when or if or how Ren left Koji. (if he did)
Well, as I've said, I'll make pictures for other people, but only if you ask first! ;D
Have a nice day!
Community Member
He's HOT!!! Lol
Yes, Ren leaves him.
Let's just say that Ren meets Tekashi((Aerean's Nii-Sama XD)) who is the same as Ren and Koji.
Tekashi tells him all this stuff of how to get stronger and all that other crap.
So let's just say((again)) that Ren left Koji about a year ago and yeah.
Hope that helps!