Art Avi's:

This is a picture I did on paint of my avi (one of mah piratey looks pirate ). Took me about two days to finish. smile
EDIT: Then my older sister showed me photoshop and let me borrow hers. I tried "fixing" up the picture a bit and I must say, it is quite fun exploring and playing around with the toolbox. blaugh

I did this for my friend, xChris-Kunx (Chris), with his GF, MidnightxMoon7 (Felicia), for Christmas. biggrin Also did this on paint. 3nodding The picture took my about a week to finish. It turned out better than I expected. blaugh Ok, I know the hands look kinda weird, but you gotta give me credit for trying right LOLz lol plus, it was my FIRST time drawing a person holding a sword pointing towards the camera. xp

Here's a picture I did for a VERY special someone. ^^ heart He was gone for a couple of days and I couldn't stop thinking about him so I decided to make him a little surprise. mrgreen I first drew it out on regular printer paper and traced it over with a black pen. I don't have a scanner so i took it with my phone lol xp Yes, it was kind of in a bad quality, but I tried fixing it up in photoshop. ^^ I'm still kinda new to it so I'm learning as I play around with the tools lol. 3nodding Okay.. my shadings still kinda suck so bare with me here lol. xp He said he loved it and that makes me really happy. blaugh I hope you all like it, too. ^^ enjoy!

A picture for a friend's request, xi-Rose-ix. Did it all on photoshop. biggrin And I must say, I think I'm getting the hang of it! blaugh I also just bought myself Wacom's Bamboo Fun tablet, which cost me ~$100.. but it was totally worth it! xd It's definitely so much easier than drawing the picture by hand on a laptop.. lol. xp
note: still working on shadings... >.<

A surprise aviart for a very special friend who is always there to listen to my problems and would give me advice on how to fix em. Thank you morgranite! xd heart
So the same thing I drew this with Rose's aviart, it was all done on photoshop using my Bamboo Fun tablet. xp Hmmm... I think my shadings are a bit better? xp lol I don't know, but I do like the outcome of it haha. xd Enjoy!

Type: normal, full body, lineart. 3nodding
(Dang... I still gotta work on the hands... &.&'" wink
Hmm... I think I might start a commission soon. xd

Type: normal, bust, colored. 3nodding

Type: normal, full body, colored.

Type: chibi, full body, colored
Avi: [x]
Character Info
Name: Karite Dollie
Gender: Female
Age: ???
Weapon(s): Swords and a dagger (hidden in her boots)
Skill(s): Can navigate ships, fish and have some knowledge of
swordsmanship and being a medical assistant
Like(s): Training, daydreaming, helping those in need
Dislike(s): Spicy foods
Description: Daughter of a respectable fisherman and a benevolent mother, her father was a very fine sailor at seas and her mother worked as a nurse on land. Ever since Karite was a little girl, she watched her mother treat all her patience with kindness and courtesy. She also taught her how to aid others and soon, Karite became her little assistant. Sometimes her father would take her out on the blue horizon and he would teach her how to navigate and fish. As Karite grew older, she became very fond of the seas with its whooshing sound of the waves crashing against the boat and intermingling with another, the sound of the birds calling to each other, and the fresh salty smell in the air blowing through her face...
Later, both her parents died in a tragic accident and that was when she decided to go off on her own. She met a handsome young fellow, by the name of Gold De Roger, and joined his crew called the “Bloodsail Pirates.” Since then, Karite sometimes help navigate the ship; and when in battle, she rides on her trusty loyal steed, Whisper, and fight her enemies with pure determination. Her skills of being a nurse’s assistant also became very useful, especially when in a battlefield. On her free time, she would go to the back of the vessel and watch the scenery slowly fading away, while remembering the time of the good ole days when both her parents were still around. But then reality would call her back and she would realize that she have a NEW family now, one that is lively and full of adventure! pirate

For my loving sister, Trammi3. heart
Type: normal, full body, colored.
My coloring and shadings are definitely getting better. x3

For a friend. smile
Type: normal, full body, colored.
Haha, I used Superman as my reference to draw the muscles on his body.. xp

Type: normal, full body, colored.
Pose request: [x]

Type: normal, full body, colored.
Special request: Raichu [x]
I had fun playing with her hair. xd

Type: normal, head, colored, w/background.
Avi: [x]
Trying to go for a different style and also learning how to use patterns in photoshop. :p Still need to work on backgrounds.. D:

Type: normal, full body, colored, w/background.
Avi: [x]
Started this months ago. Couldn't finish it at the time because of some program difficulties. But now everything is up and working again so I was able to finally finish this today.. smile I'm very satisfied of how the outcome came to be. I think my shadings are definitely getting better, too! xD

Type: normal, full body, colored, w/background.
Avi: [x]
I still got to work on shadows.. ^^;;

Type: chibi, full body, colored.
Avi: [x]

Baby group commission for (from top): Jet Raiden, The Arvinator, Akari Yuuto, MikeyChan5 and Eternal Agape.
I still need to work on the folds and creases on fabrics.. >.<

Type: normal, full body, colored.
Avi: [x]

Type: normal, bust, colored.
Avi: [x]

Art for Jet Raiden and potpourii as Cookie Boots and Bibbles. c:

Art for Akari Yuuto and I- Reaper -I.
Avies: [x]

Art for The Omnitrix King. C:
Avi: [x]

A second commission for the Omnitrix King. C:
Avi: [x]
Art Avi's:

This is a picture I did on paint of my avi (one of mah piratey looks pirate ). Took me about two days to finish. smile
EDIT: Then my older sister showed me photoshop and let me borrow hers. I tried "fixing" up the picture a bit and I must say, it is quite fun exploring and playing around with the toolbox. blaugh

I did this for my friend, xChris-Kunx (Chris), with his GF, MidnightxMoon7 (Felicia), for Christmas. biggrin Also did this on paint. 3nodding The picture took my about a week to finish. It turned out better than I expected. blaugh Ok, I know the hands look kinda weird, but you gotta give me credit for trying right LOLz lol plus, it was my FIRST time drawing a person holding a sword pointing towards the camera. xp

Here's a picture I did for a VERY special someone. ^^ heart He was gone for a couple of days and I couldn't stop thinking about him so I decided to make him a little surprise. mrgreen I first drew it out on regular printer paper and traced it over with a black pen. I don't have a scanner so i took it with my phone lol xp Yes, it was kind of in a bad quality, but I tried fixing it up in photoshop. ^^ I'm still kinda new to it so I'm learning as I play around with the tools lol. 3nodding Okay.. my shadings still kinda suck so bare with me here lol. xp He said he loved it and that makes me really happy. blaugh I hope you all like it, too. ^^ enjoy!

A picture for a friend's request, xi-Rose-ix. Did it all on photoshop. biggrin And I must say, I think I'm getting the hang of it! blaugh I also just bought myself Wacom's Bamboo Fun tablet, which cost me ~$100.. but it was totally worth it! xd It's definitely so much easier than drawing the picture by hand on a laptop.. lol. xp
note: still working on shadings... >.<

A surprise aviart for a very special friend who is always there to listen to my problems and would give me advice on how to fix em. Thank you morgranite! xd heart
So the same thing I drew this with Rose's aviart, it was all done on photoshop using my Bamboo Fun tablet. xp Hmmm... I think my shadings are a bit better? xp lol I don't know, but I do like the outcome of it haha. xd Enjoy!

Type: normal, full body, lineart. 3nodding
(Dang... I still gotta work on the hands... &.&'" wink
Hmm... I think I might start a commission soon. xd

Type: normal, bust, colored. 3nodding

Type: normal, full body, colored.

Type: chibi, full body, colored
Avi: [x]
Character Info
Name: Karite Dollie
Gender: Female
Age: ???
Weapon(s): Swords and a dagger (hidden in her boots)
Skill(s): Can navigate ships, fish and have some knowledge of
swordsmanship and being a medical assistant
Like(s): Training, daydreaming, helping those in need
Dislike(s): Spicy foods
Description: Daughter of a respectable fisherman and a benevolent mother, her father was a very fine sailor at seas and her mother worked as a nurse on land. Ever since Karite was a little girl, she watched her mother treat all her patience with kindness and courtesy. She also taught her how to aid others and soon, Karite became her little assistant. Sometimes her father would take her out on the blue horizon and he would teach her how to navigate and fish. As Karite grew older, she became very fond of the seas with its whooshing sound of the waves crashing against the boat and intermingling with another, the sound of the birds calling to each other, and the fresh salty smell in the air blowing through her face...
Later, both her parents died in a tragic accident and that was when she decided to go off on her own. She met a handsome young fellow, by the name of Gold De Roger, and joined his crew called the “Bloodsail Pirates.” Since then, Karite sometimes help navigate the ship; and when in battle, she rides on her trusty loyal steed, Whisper, and fight her enemies with pure determination. Her skills of being a nurse’s assistant also became very useful, especially when in a battlefield. On her free time, she would go to the back of the vessel and watch the scenery slowly fading away, while remembering the time of the good ole days when both her parents were still around. But then reality would call her back and she would realize that she have a NEW family now, one that is lively and full of adventure! pirate

For my loving sister, Trammi3. heart
Type: normal, full body, colored.
My coloring and shadings are definitely getting better. x3

For a friend. smile
Type: normal, full body, colored.
Haha, I used Superman as my reference to draw the muscles on his body.. xp

Type: normal, full body, colored.
Pose request: [x]

Type: normal, full body, colored.
Special request: Raichu [x]
I had fun playing with her hair. xd

Type: normal, head, colored, w/background.
Avi: [x]
Trying to go for a different style and also learning how to use patterns in photoshop. :p Still need to work on backgrounds.. D:

Type: normal, full body, colored, w/background.
Avi: [x]
Started this months ago. Couldn't finish it at the time because of some program difficulties. But now everything is up and working again so I was able to finally finish this today.. smile I'm very satisfied of how the outcome came to be. I think my shadings are definitely getting better, too! xD

Type: normal, full body, colored, w/background.
Avi: [x]
I still got to work on shadows.. ^^;;

Type: chibi, full body, colored.
Avi: [x]

Baby group commission for (from top): Jet Raiden, The Arvinator, Akari Yuuto, MikeyChan5 and Eternal Agape.
I still need to work on the folds and creases on fabrics.. >.<

Type: normal, full body, colored.
Avi: [x]

Type: normal, bust, colored.
Avi: [x]

Art for Jet Raiden and potpourii as Cookie Boots and Bibbles. c:

Art for Akari Yuuto and I- Reaper -I.
Avies: [x]

Art for The Omnitrix King. C:
Avi: [x]

A second commission for the Omnitrix King. C:
Avi: [x]