camcoolkid: i now
darkone5656: *sets up for hifive*
camcoolkid: iam hungry
mattattack15: IH
uchihatomekichi: ho ho f**kin ho
camcoolkid: i want some pizza
Im_Only_A _Stage: see you guys later, gtg
mattattack15: HO HO HALL
camcoolkid: bye
darkone5656: I ate all the pizza we had left over
kelly1052: O_O
darkone5656: no more running!
uchihatomekichi: fishy??
camcoolkid: save me some next time
kelly1052: moo
lazycsi: Bah Humbug
mattattack15: IH
14646436: *eats cow*
lazycsi: ;D
uchihatomekichi: fishy fishy!!
kelly1052: O_O
i M e l o p a n: o.o
i M e l o p a n: ?
darkone5656: sorry didn't know you wanted some
uchihatomekichi: yio
uchihatomekichi: yo*
kelly1052: mooo
camcoolkid: hungry
mattattack15: WAT UP
my melody sings to me: heh barbie poop XD
kelly1052: biggrin
darkone5656: next time I'll remember
Barbie Poop: HAI
Barbie Poop: biggrin
my melody sings to me: ello!
lazycsi: Bored, you?
Barbie Poop: HAI
Solitary Crow: Barbie poop?
Barbie Poop: biggrin
Solitary Crow: OMG!!
darkone5656: Go get some food then I'm not going anywere
Barbie Poop: :]
Solitary Crow: I__I
Barbie Poop: XD
camcoolkid: ok send it in the mail
Solitary Crow: xD
Barbie Poop: Lmao
Barbie Poop: ^^
my melody sings to me: parbie poop rocks
my melody sings to me: ish it pinkk?
kelly1052: moo
Barbie Poop: o:
kelly1052: biggrin
Barbie Poop: Yesh
Barbie Poop: And it
Barbie Poop: has
mattattack15: I MAT TONY HAWK
Barbie Poop: some
Solitary Crow: you're suppose to be wearing brown stuff.
Barbie Poop: beeds
Barbie Poop: Like
Barbie Poop: yellow.
Barbie Poop: o
camcoolkid: <eates cow>
i M e l o p a n: o.e
kelly1052: O_O
my melody sings to me: XD lol
Barbie Poop: Poop can be green
Barbie Poop: <<
kelly1052: D:
Barbie Poop: and
Barbie Poop: Gold
Barbie Poop: ;}
Barbie Poop: Too
Barbie Poop: ANd
Barbie Poop: white
Barbie Poop: If
Barbie Poop: u eeat
Solitary Crow: NO D:
Barbie Poop: white
Barbie Poop: stuff
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bleach we r rocking
bleach we r rocking