Well today around 4 my friend Xavier dropped by to see how I've been and all that crap. So after awhile we decided to go see Isabella, and we were gonna pick up Chelsea first. We got to Chelsea and he mom was talking to us and stuff. So we left and on the way to Isa's house we decided to just go to my house instead, but first we were gonna stop of at the apartments and pick up Chelsea's sunglasses from Paige. So we get there. Chelsea and Paige are talking. Then suddenly Paige pulls Chelsea out of the living room into her room to ask her a question about "Him." at this point I was freaking out cause Xavier was right next to me, and I pretty much knew who she meant by "Him". So later we go into her room, and Paige just has to ask. She ask me if I'm Bi. she said Shay told her. Then I got really pissed. So she asked me again and I studdered, and Chelsea said Paige didn't have to be so mean. So I say yes but at the same time Xavier says. "Oh were just friends." I think he might have just thought that Paige thought me and him were more than friends. So I'm hopping that he hasn't figured this out. But I mean how could he not so...yeah. So Paige knows. And apparently a whole bunch of other people know because Shay told them. So next time I see her I might just punch her in the ******** face. I'm so tired of that b***h. I tried to be nice to her last time. But now that I know for a fact shes told people I'm beating that bitches a**! Later Chelsea gets on Myspace and Checks her messages from Paige's computer and I freak out cause it says some stuff about how I feel about Xavier and crap like that. So I block it with my hand. Chelsea doesn't know what it says so were all just fighting over it at this point. Somehow me and Paige end up getting bitten. When I saw my chance though I closed it down. Chelsea asked why I did that and all I said was that it said some private stuff. So its about 6:00 now and Xavier said he needed to go home, and I did to because my mom is getting off work and she said I couldn't go anywhere today. And as were leaving we both give Chelsea a hug, and Paige decides that Xavier, and Chelsea should kiss, even though there not going out. Xavier is OK with it but I could tell Chelsea wasn't. She kept looking at me and making excuses because she nows how I feel about him. So finally she runs out of them and I'm not really sure if they did but it looked like she kissed him. Which I'm not angry about because I could tell Chelsea didn't want to because of me. So then me and him leave and we both go opposite directions, but then Xavier comes running up to me and ask what was in the message. I tell him its just private. So hes trying to get it out of me but all I can tell him is that its private. So he tells me I can tell him because were best friends, and he says that most of the stuff he tells me is private. I kinda felt bad for not telling him since he tells me so much private stuff, but I just couldn't. So he gives up and says "Bye" and gives me a hug. So I walk down the road to my house, And on the way I pass Shay's, and I realized how stressful she is making my life! That stupid b***h is telling everyone! I have to come up with Excuses and my friend Chelsea and Rachel are trying to help cover me, but still Shay keeps going and pushing it. Plus Chelsea broke up with Jordan last week and now Shay's going out with him, so me and Chelsea are both really pissed at Shay for that to. Now we pretty much just hate her. I wanted to beat that bitches a** so damn badly right now. Normally when I get angry with someone it last a few days at the most but this is just Unforgivable! I trusted her, she was the first person I ever told and she betrayed me. I want her ******** dead! I'm always having to worry about things because of her, I never know what shes going to do next! I mean my heart is still ******** racing because I'm so damn worried right now! I just really can't believe how fast my whole ******** world is falling apart because of that fat whore!
Ok so today(the day after the top part) I went to Paige's house around 10. Chelsea had spent the night so I was gonna go pick her up there and we were gonna go to her house and then Xavier's. We got to Xavier's and he went up stairs and got ready and we just waited for him. Then we went to Brookshire's cause Xavier wanted a Magazine. On our way there though we stopped of at the donut place and he got a donut and some OJ. He offered Chelsea like half of the donut and some of the OJ but not me. Kinda pissed me off. Then we kept going onward to Brookshire's We got inside and Xavier found his magazine, and then Chelsea found one that she liked so we sat down at a table and they were reading their magazines and I was just watching videos on my iPod. Then Chelsea found this horoscope thingy and it told you about them and what other Horoscopes their attracted to. What a coincidence that mine had Xavier's in that list, but his didn't have mine. Then Chelsea noticed I had been silent for awhile and thought maybe I was angry at Shay some more. Xavier asked why. Then he thought it was because she was telling everyone I was Bi. So I then noticed that Xavier knew and didn't really seem to have a problem with it. So we got up and for some reason went looking at pies, then Xavier got us both drinks and he got his Magazine. We left and stopped off at the Gas station because Xavier was cold because he didn't bring his Jacket even though I told him to!! So we went inside and looked at a whole bunch of Magazines with tattoos and piercings. Then we left and went back to Xavier's. We all went into his room and laid down on his bed. The entire time he was playing with Chelsea tickling her, and all that s**t. He hugged her like a million times but not once offered me a hug. So then they both noticed that I had been really quiet for a while. Mainly because I had been trying to block them out with my music. I closed my eyes so I wouldn't notice them. So Xavier thought I was angry at him for some reason and tried to make me feel better. He even kinda laid on top of me. Then we started complementing each others hair again. (I know its weird!) So then we get up and decided to go bother Shay but then I decided not to because I was afraid she would tell Xavier. So we went to Chelsea's instead. We talked with her sister whose actually pretty awesome. Then Chelsea decided to straighten our Hair. So we did mine pretty much looked the same since mine is straight most of the time besides when it curls out at the bottom. Xavier's looked pretty awesome I thought. Then they started talking about how I need a haircut again, and how I should get it like Xavier's. Which I had thought about once before. So we get out of the bathroom and go into her living room and Xavier's playing with Chelsea and all hugging her and crap again. So then me and him had to leave cause I had to go home and he had to go to his friend David's house. So he decides to give her another kiss, but it ended up like being three kissed and like 6 more hugs before he left while he only gave me one hug because I had pointed out that while they were hugging each other all day I had barely gotten any! So thats like the only reason I got one. Then when me and him were leaving he turned around at the door and started talking with her again, so I just decided to leave without telling them anything so I just kinda walked off and went home. I don't think I'm gonna see any of them tomorrow since Xavier said he had to clean his room and go to his dads, and Chelsea said her parents won't let anyone over since its Christmas eve tomorrow and crap so I guess tomorrows gonna be pretty depressing.
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