I'm Tired of People!
I'M ******** TIRED OF PEOPLE! ...Their God damn lying, deceiving, back stabbing mother ******** asses!...They always say " You can always talk to me if u need someone to talk to!"... BULLSHIT!... only when its convenient for them is more like it!...I have so many FAKE "friends", who all they want to do is be "friends" while times are good, but the second you hit a pothole in this journey of life ...These "FRIENDS" are nowhere to be found!... I mean for ******** Sake!... i try to be there for my "friends", so why can't they do the same for me! I have had so many problems lately...just so much s**t is going on!... but do you think any of my "friends" have the time to sit and ******** NO!...If you know me, you know that i will usually ask "whats wrong!?" if i think something is wrong...but my "friends" don't even care enough to ask!...its like i have to spell it out for them, even then they don't get it, or their just like "I don't want to hear it!"...but ya know what, they expect you to be there for ******** Hypocrites! ...i guess i need to chose my "friends" better...or not have any at all!