It was an average day when I was flying to this new recently discovered isle. Little did I know, I was supposed to sky dive since there was no landing pad yet. So, I decided to take a nap. When I had awoke, I saw the pilot had just had a heart-attack and everyone had already left so I was going down with the plane. Luckly my parachute hadn't been used yet so I grabbed it and leaped out the open door. (it had already been open so I didn't realize when every one had jumped) I was yelling for dear life before I pulled the rip coard when i realizd there was land near by. I somehow managed to find my way to the island hoping that was the island me and my family were supposed to jump down to. Unfortunatly, it wasn't. I was stranded. Suddenly, I hear a big boom off shore. I jerk my head over to see what it was when I realized it was the plane I was just riding in. I realize now that I'm trapped on this island alone. I had never been to camp so I have no idea how to survive. I'll find a way, I can feel it.