hi journal..today a bunch of friends and i went to wal-mart and camile punched ashton for grabbing meh a**..i can stand up for mehself but since the fact is my heart is cracked and i don't want it broken is what stopped me from hitting him....ok i can't say names but i love someone way more than they think i do..like i really wanna spend my life with this person,but the friend of mine wants him too *V_V* and i can't compete with the friend i have.He's sweet,nice,and the ghetto queen...the person i enjoy spending time with tells me im sexy and hot and cute,buti only say i am because i don't want him thinking im emo *V_V*..he has a wifey...which hurts...the wifey is cool...but he is meh bestie friend *^_^*...like i said i can't compete with him...well i guess he'll never know how i feel about him *V_V*..and it sucks i have to fake like im happy near him..cause im not...he tells me he loves me,but even i know he dosent mean the way i mean it when i say it....yea so i might as well move on and get over him-no excuse me- try to get over him...i don't think i can but since meh friend has dibbs i don't want to get in the way.....it's not like he wanted me anyway