My New year Resolutions For This Year.
[x] = Done
1.Get better Grades [x]
2.Play more orchestra [x]
3.Finish what I started whatever it is. [x] less talkive [x]
5.Reply to almost everything [x]
6.lie more [x]
7.Do more nomework [x]
8.Remember everything or almost everything [x]
9.photoshop more [x]
10.get arrested at least [x] well I got caught by the police.
11.answer all questions [x]
12.Get 1st degree belt. [x]
13.learn kung fu. Cant. XP
Wow. I got alot done. Thats good. smile
Well I dont know anything else. for next year. smile
oh well. My Birthday Is a few weeks away. smile )
And Im For once, im getting good grades.
Spanish. C+
Reading A+
English C+
Gym A+
Orchestra A
Biology 1.5 B-C
Algerbra A
This is my first semester grades. My Reading class is drop for 2nd.
dont know yet. Maybe Physology. Or Today's Problems. I need a Soical Studies Class For Next Year. And This Year.
Next Year Schedule. No Order.
Geomontry <whoops
Regular English
Spanish 3-4
drivers ed
I may take a summer class so i can get honors. math only.
So yea..
DarkRPGplayer34 Community Member |