CHP. 3
Chapter Three
-Don’t under estimate me-
Ledeen’s hands gripped the man’s hand that tightened around her neck, limiting the amount of air that she could breath. She clawed at them, but it had no effect against his diamond hard skin that made her nails peel back.
“Hmm… I wonder…” The man grinned evilly, “should I kill you now? Or after I kill your daughters?”
“I swear if you touch them, I’ll kill you all!” Ledeen shrieked while glaring at him with pure hatred. Of all the people in the world, it was her daughters that she loved and cared for the most.
“I think that just answered my question.” The man chuckled, eyes gleaming with sick pleasure.
“No… I’d rather you kill me.” She gasped as her lungs began to burn with the hunger for oxygen.
The man lifted her from the ground then threw her across the alley. “I would rather kill you too.” He laughed, “but not so quickly.” He whispered menacingly.
All the others that were surrounding Ledeen, drawing closer to her fallen body; licking their lips at the smell of fresh blood.
“But it would be sort of pointless to kill such young children, when I could just bring them to my side.” The man also walked up to Ledeen, “if they choose to come or not, I’d keep them alive” His eyes slightly narrowed, “they could just be our slaves.”
“Shut up.” Ledeen muttered, “just shut up!” She yelled, head throbbing.
“Oh? Does that anger you?” The man lifted his hand, beckoning the others to stay still. “Talking about the only remaining family you love, or… Have?”
Ledeen struggled to her feet, “I told them not to talk to strangers.” She grinned and winced. There was a cut above her eyebrow, causing a ribbon of blood to stream down the side of her face. “And I’m sure they would never talk to vampires.” She placed one of her hands on the wall behind her and stared at the him.
“Kei, can we play with her before you kill her?” Asked a woman who stood beside him. She looked up at him, smiling. Her long white hair shined silver in the moonlight, and her pale green eyes glistened with ecstacy.
Kei looked down at her and smiled while touching the side of her face gently, “of course you can, Yuna, my dear.” He smiled then brushed his black hair over his shoulder.
Ledeen now stood on her own, glowering at the approaching figures, knowing that tonight, could be her last. “Bring it on, damn vampires…” She said clenching her fists.
Yuna came to her first, shuffling a dagger in her hand. “I hope you know, the human race will soon belong to us.” She said still smiling. Her moon highlighted her silloette, showing her small, famine body.
Ledeen only glared at her, hoping to find a way out of the situation, but secretly knew that she wouldn’t escape, unless of course by some rare miricle she found a way out of this hell.
“And for all of my bretheren that you have killed, I will be sure, that your death will be as slow, and painful, as possible.” She said.
Ledeen braced herself as Yuna’s hand swept across her arm, blood splattered across the wall with small little smacks before it began to sliver down onto the ground. She bit her lip, trying not to scream in pain as she held her arm. Her mind still searched for a way out, for a way to return home in one piece.
Yuna placed the dagger’s blade on her tongue and licked the blood off, “you’re blood is delicious.” She said smiling then lashed the blade over her shoulder, watching her victim sink lower to the ground before turning to look at all the others, “you have a very rare blood type.” She licked the rest of the blood from the back then laughed, “don’t let me have all the fun, my dear brothers and sisters, and children.” She said as she began to return to her spot beside Kei.
Ledeen took this chance of a life time to escape. She pushed herself to her feet and pulled a white hilted, black bladed dagger with red imprinted writing out of her pocket, running it across Yuna’s turned back before the followers began eating her.
Usually, a normal dagger would bend, break or may possibly cut against the solid skin if the victim was a vampire. But with this special dagger, it would cut deeper and cause a much worse wound to their perfect skin that would take more than a couple days to heal, and within time if it is not treated, the vampire would die.
Yuna fell forward, caught by surprise from the sudden attack. And as all of her followers knelt to help her instinctively, Ledeen made a run for it, despite the throbbing pain of her fresh wounds.
“Don’t help me, get that hunter!” Yuna spat, struggling to even hold herself up.
“Yes madam.” Three of her followers backed away and disappeared into the shadows while the others stood by like frozen, watchtowers.
Kei knelt down beside Yuna, “I didn’t even see that coming.” He sighed and offered his hand to her.
Yuna took it and let him pull her to her feet, “she’s the best of them all, and it’s what to be expected.” She muttered hastily.
“Don’t worry, she’ll be dead.” Kei grinned and lightly touched her wound, “this will take a while to heal.” He spoke softly, “but I’m sure a couple days worth of fresh blood will help.”
Yuna stared at him then smiled, “yes, she will be killed and soon.” She winced as he touched the cut, “and I’ll tell you now, you shall be proud of one of our sons for accomplishing such an honorable deed.”
Kei stared at her, eyes gleaming proudly. “Don’t say anymore, I want it to be a surprise.”
Ledeen continued to run, hoping that the vampires would just give up already, but knew that they wouldn’t.
She reached into her other pocket, pulling out another dagger, like the other one that was already in her other hand. If it’s bloodshed they want, then it’s bloodshed they’ll get… She thought and stopped running.
It would be a waste of energy if she would’ve continued, and the smell of her blood would’ve given her away after a while.
“You stopped? It’s about time.” A voice whispered in her ear, sending chills down her spine when the cold breath hit her warm skin.
Ledeen turned around and nothing was there, “stop being cowards and reveal yourselves.” She said loudly, feeling the adrenaline pulse through her veins, knowing that a fight would break out.
“You’re just too slow.” A man stood about five feet behind her, “stupid humans.” He scoffed. “they’re good for nothing but blood.”
“Oh, no, you shouldn’t under estimate her.” The voice that had first spoke quipped from Ledeen’s right side. It was a young woman.
“Yeah, she’s so great, and going to kill us all.” Another woman appeared in front of Ledeen and raked her hand across her face rigorously, but not hard enough to kill her.
Ledeen fell, blood flying behind her. She caught herself before hitting the ground, feeling her cheek begin to flush. “Yes, in fact, I will…” She whispered. Then, quickly, she stood, extending her arm to cut the woman’s throat open.
“Too slow.” The woman was leaning back with a taunting smile.
Ledeen lifted her foot, with a spell written on the bottom it’s shoe, and kicked the woman’s stomach, letting her stumble back until she regained balance and Ledeen sliced her throat while she was distracted. At the same time, the other woman was knocking her aside before kneeling down to help her wounded partner.
“You must be kidding me.” The man sighed and crossed his arms.
Ledeen fell back, turning her body so that she landed on her back, then pushed herself with her hands, and landed on her feet. “Lesson learned.” She grinned, “don’t under estimate me.”
The woman whose neck was cut open, was now dead and crumbling into dust while the other began to walk towards Ledeen. “That was my sister.” The woman snarled while pulling something out of her sleeve.
Ledeen tilted her head and smiled, “well then, I guess that you’re are going to join her in hell tonight as a happy family reunion.”
The woman dashed forward with blinding speed and the thing that she pulled out of her sleeve sundered Ledeen’s skin.
Ledeen fell to her knees, holding her thigh, feeling the blood ooze out slowly. She looked up and there the woman stood, in her right hand was a whip.
“Is that all you’ve got?” She asked and pushed herself from the ground and lunged at the woman. She threw her hands side to side, but the woman only dodged her attacks.
“You’re too slow.” The woman said and lifted her whip.
Ledeen decided to change direction of attack. She made a 360 turn with her body, putting all her weight on one leg, then one she was facing the woman again, she shoved the two blades into her throat.
Success was the key to victory!
She stared at the woman as the whip fell out of her hand and she pulled out the daggers before taking a couple steps back. “That’s two, one more to go.” She turned her head to glare at the man who was smirking.
“I hope you know, even if you kill us, you’re still going to die.” Now the man stood to her right, holding a broad sword.
“Everyone dies sometime, even vampires.” Ledeen replied, pulled out a match and quickly lit it before she faced him, thinking of a way to take him down.
She threw the match down at the fallen woman’s body, thinking of how the women were foolish, and obviously weren’t well trained. But this man looked wiser, and a lot more stronger.
“That is true, but a human’s lifespan is too short, therefore human’s are just a waste of flesh.” He said with a grin, “and unlike others, you’re infamous to my race.” He began to walk towards her, lifting his sword up by his face and traced the blade with his finger. “shall we?”
Ledeen nodded, “we shall.” She watched his eyes then moved to the right, knowing exactly what to do. She didn’t spend her whole childhood training for nothing.
“You’re smart.” The man said, suddenly from her left; in the spot where she had been standing. His sword was in the ground and he pulled it out. “But are you quick?” He lashed the blade over her back in a split second.
Ledeen stumbled forward but started to run so she wouldn’t hit the ground. The adrenaline from the fights over came the pain from her wounds as she ran, but not quickly so she could keep her energy.
She glanced over her shoulder, seeing that he was gone, then she stopped when the change of wind flew past her. She took this chance, he was going to attack from behind and probably aim for the back of her neck so she ducked. She was right.
The man had appeared behind her when she stopped, then he thrashed his sword where her neck would be, but was slightly thrown off since she had ducked. This was a weak point.
Ledeen used his failed attempt, to attack. She quickly turned on the heels of her shoes, and drove the two daggers up into his stomach. “You’re one of the only ones that actually lasted more than a minute.” She said before pulling the daggers out. “Other than those damn pure bloods.” She spat.
“Now I see, why Yuna despises you so much.” He dropped his sword and held his stomach.
“Does it take that much for you to realize that?” Ledeen watched him crouch down, seeing his veins turn black under his chalky skin, and she knew that if she left now, he would die, and she could make it home without anymore trouble.
The red writing on the blade was a spell to kill vampires, almost like a poison. And since it had punctured his flesh, the poison would spread through his body, and kill him slowly as it raced through his unmoving heart, then into his brain; shutting it down completely then it would cause the body to decompose quickly.
She took a step back, keeping her eyes on him, telling herself to leave. I’ll do everything I can, to keep them safe… She thought and turned around. Even sacrifice myself, for their safety. Now, she was running. Her head was clouded with her thoughts, while her feet led her back home.
The beeping of an alarm seeped into my mind slowly. Drowning out the sounds of footsteps pounding in my head from the dream. My eyes opened and I stared at the ceiling, ignoring the beeping, not knowing if that was the cause of my headache, or if it was because I stood out in the rain for too long, resulting in getting sick; which I had no time to deal with.
Slowly, I reached over and silenced the beeping, wishing that is was the weekend instead of a weekday. “Get up… I have to get up…” I told myself and sat up causing the headache to get worse.
Yup, I was probably sick, but it could be worse than this; thankfully I didn’t have to walk home in the rain.
When I had returned home yesterday, no one was here. Only a note had told me that my parents went out. Like usual. So, all night I had waited for their return while doing my chores and homework, but also hoped that they did not, so that it would remain peaceful.
Well, my parents didn’t come back last night, and now, I have no idea if they came back or if they’d return later on in the morning. This was a normal thing though, so I didn’t need to worry. Well, I never did anyway...
I stared at the light brown liquid inside the mug that rested in my hands. I had searched the house, but no one was here, and there was no sign that anyone had been here for a while. I was already dressed in the school uniform and ready to leave, but I still had half an hour before I had to leave. So, slowly, I drank the coffee, enjoying the silence while I could. My thoughts mainly directed at my dreams, then soon it switched to school and the new student. Not to mention Mr. Osamaru, and how he knew that the crowds of people were coming back inside. It all confused me to the point that I didn’t even want to think about it.
Soon, I was driving towards the school. Bag in the passenger seat, hair in the same style as yesterday, music turned up louder now, and head still reeling. I couldn’t get the thoughts of Ms. Aki’s death out of my conscious and that today would be once again… Different. But after a while, I would grow used to all that was going on, and soon everyone will forget about the terrible death and move on with their lives. And soon, I will end up graduating from high school and go on to collage like I had planned for myself all along.
All was good in my imagined future, no relationships, no more changes, and no more distractions. The road to me looked clear and full speed ahead.
“Morning Mayu-chan!” Hinata said happily when I entered the room. “Guess who decided to join us today?”
I looked at the person sitting between my seat and Ama’s.
“Good morning.” It was Hiroshi. Hiroshi and his same perfection as yesterday, just in the guy’s uniform which was the same as the girls but with a neck tie and pants. Other than that, it was the same color and everything.
“Oh, good morning everyone.” I spoke softly as I walked over to my seat and sat, “how’d you know these were my friends?” I looked at him, eyebrows raised.
Hiroshi shrugged, “they came to me.” He grinned.
I stared at him then looked at Hinata, “well, that’s not hard to believe.”
Hiroshi kept his eyes on me then also looked at the other girls, “I explained to them what had happened yesterday.”
“How could you be so careless?” Ama smiled at me playfully.
Like all the other girls, gawking at the new student, the three sitting with me obviously wanted to befriend this white skinned, and flawless featured guy who just happen to be around me. The one who didn’t want anything to do with any type of relationships this year.
Then again, it wasn’t that hard avoiding love, I don’t really know the true feeling of it anymore.
“Oh, yeah… That.” I looked at the table with a sheepish smile across my face. I was still surprised by the fact that I hadn’t heard any other my friends say anything about Mr. Osamaru just yet… Maybe they will today?
“Good morning Mayu-chan.” Mamoru’s voice sounded from the side of the table where he and Haru stood.
“Morning.” I waved to them. It seemed like everyone was in better moods today. A whole lot more perkier then yesterday.
“Morning Mayu, Ama, Maki, Hinata…” Haru then looked at Hiroshi, “Hiroshi? Am I right?”
Hiroshi nodded, “The name’s Hiroshi Hanakari.” He replied.
“Nice to meet you.” Haru smiled. “I’m Haru Uzumaki.” I saw him examine Hiroshi’s appearance before returning his stare back into his eyes. “Welcome to Ien High.”
Hiroshi nodded a thanks then looked at Mamoru expectantly.
“Mamoru Sato.’ Mamoru said examining Hiroshi quickly before returning his gaze back to me, “we should go take our seats now.” He said and nudged Haru softly on the arm, “before the teacher gets here.”
“Fine.” Haru sighed then lifted his hand, “see ya’ ladies.” The two guys turned and walked off, Haru poking Mamoru’s side and laughing at some joke he must’ve said. As usual.
“So, where are you from?” Hinata asked Hiroshi.
I rested my chin in the palm of my hand and listened to their conversation though I knew a couple things about him, and there was no doubt that Maki was eyeing him right at this moment.
“I visited my family back Ivory Grounds of the Moon Region for a year.” He replied simply. “But I’ve lived here for all of my life.”
“That’s awesome.” Hinata smiled, “isn’t it a beautiful place?”
I stared at them, beginning to space out. Ivory Grounds, isn’t that the place with that large tower? I asked myself. Moon Region… If he’s been there a year, wouldn’t he at least have a little bit of an accent?
“Good morning class.” Mr. Osamaru walked into the room, examining everyone to make sure they were all there. “This morning, I had received the news that I will from now on, be your Math teacher.”
Everyone stared at him in silence.
“Now, I’m sure that everyone is ready by now to begin our new lesson.” He turned to face the board but then paused. “Unless you’d all rather get to know me better?”
I heard a couple of girl giggle then someone say ‘yes’. Of course, I’d rather have to listen to nonsence than a boring lesson, that I was sure we’d end up getting to listen to anyway, after our little game of: ‘Let’s get to know each other’. But, honestly, the only fun thing about lessons is seeing all the girl students in the whole class gawking at him as he teached us.
Now that was the hilight of the mathclass.
“Okay then.” Mr. Osamaru turned and faced the class. “I’ll take any questions.” He cupped his hands in front of his chest like her was going to clap, but it would be muffled since he was wearing gloves… Again.
A girl on the other side of the room nervously raised her hand.” How old are you?” She asked in a small voice.
“That’s a wonderful question.” Mr. Osamaru gave her a charming smile, “I am quite young, I know, but I am ninteen.” He nodded honestly, “I finished highschool in a very early age and I started collage when I was fifteen, but I was at the top of my class so I am capable of teaching anywhere I would like.”
The class began to murmur quietly before another hand was raised. “What made you want to become a teacher?” It was a guy this time.
Mr. Osamaru took some time to think, “well… I think mainly because I’ve always wanted to help children learn better than most teachers that I’d had over my life time.”
Some girls began to talk excitedly, then next I heard guys scoff in the imaturity of the young girls that I guessed were lower classmen.
“Do you have any family?” More and more questions were being asked, then answered. And those answers were only followed by more questions and soon it all came to an end when the students were all sucked dry of questions.
“Well now that everyone’s curiousity has been satisfied, we should begin the lesson.” Mr. Osamaru had kept a smile on his face the whole time, which I had magange to aviod staring at for most of the class. “Now, let’s get started.”
I stared at the table, wondering if he even knew what lesson we were ‘really’ on. I heard him begin to talk again, but all that I heard was: “blah, blah blah, blabitty blah, blah.” I had taken the notes, and read the text book. Ignoring my friend’s childish remarks here and there, while trying to resist looking at the clock so time would go by faster. Since math wasn’t my everyday ‘cup of tea’.
Once class was over, I walked out of the room, my friends waving their ‘See ya’s’ as I walked off down the hall. My eyes focused ahead, staring blankly like I’ve done this a million times before. Which I have. But at every and each step I took; my head would pound with them. It almost felt like it was my ‘head’ hitting the floor rather than my feet.
“Hey Mayumi, what class do you have next?” Hiroshi’s voice called behind me and soon he stood at my side.
As usual to every guy, I at least came up to their shoulders, or maybe even possibly their collar bones, but mainly at the shoulders.
I looked up at him then back ahead, “biology.” I replied bluntly, feeling slightly annoyed by the headache no matter how much I tried to push it aside so that I could actually enjoy my morning.
“Wow, so do I.” Hiroshi looked down at me with a wide grin.
I looked up at him then ahead again, “What a coincodence.” I muttered and turned into the room, “just a warning, this teacher is a little cranky sometimes.”
Hiroshi looked around the room, “alright, mind if I sit with you?” He asked.
I couldn’t help but smile then I quickly made it disappear before shrugging, “sure.” I walked over to an empty table. “But usually, we go to the lab.”
Hiroshi sat in front of me, “that’s cool, I guess.”
I crossed my arms on the table and nested my head in them. The headache was bothering me more and more; mainly on the top where it throbbed the most.
“Are you alright?” Hiroshi asked, seeing that I didn’t look to well.
I nodded, “yeah, just tired.” I lied smoothly.
“Oh.” Hiroshi nodded, “you get up early, don’t you?”
I nodded, “uh-huh.” All of the talking students around us wasn’t really helping either, with the laughing, muttering, yelling, and such.
The door opened and the clacking of heels echoed in the room, silencing everyone. What a relief, for the moment.
“Today, we are going to the lab.” This fourty –year-old looking woman stood in the front of the classroom. Black eyes fixed on the students, hands on her hips, and an impatient look on her old, wrikled face. “So, grab your things and get to it.” She watched as the students stood and began to gather their things.
“See what I mean?” I whispered to Hiroshi as I stood, swaying a little from vertigo.
“Yeah.” Hiroshi picked up his stuff then looked at me.
I put my bag on my shoulder and began to follow the class out, head still throbbing; malise pervating through my body, but mainly targeting my stomach.
Hiroshi stood by my side as we walked out into the halls, “I don’t think I’ve been to the lab just yet.”
I kept my gaze forward, confused by the sudden aches in my body. “It’s just like any other… Lab.” I tried to keep my breathing steady and my thoughts clear.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Hirosh stared at me cautiously.
“Miss Honomi, and Mister Hanakari!.” The teacher, whoes name was Mrs. Suzuki, said loudly, “no talking.” She narrowed her eyes at us.
Hiroshi looked back and nodded. “Strict much?” He whispered to me and looked at me, but as he did, I fell forward. “Mayumi?!?” He reached for me and seized me by the wrist; quickly leaning my limp body against his, frowning as he looked at my wrist. “Damn, I grabbed it too hard.” He muttered then noticed that I wasn’t responding.
“What’s wrong with her?” Asked Mrs. Suzuki, cocking an eyebrow. From her expression, she probably had thought that I was pretending to be knocked out cold.
All the other students stopped and watched as Hiroshi lifted my head upright carefully and held my chin. “She’s unconsious.” He replied softly and kept his eyes on my wrist as it turned red though he wasn’t touching it anymore.
“Take her to the infermery at once!” Mrs. Suzuki said, “everyone else go to the lab.” She watched as Hiroshi lifted me up, cradling my small body into his arms, “can you carry her?” She asked.
Hiroshi nodded, “yeah, she’s feather light.” He responded in a silky smooth voice that was smothered by worry. But his eyes were zeroed in on my reddening wrist as the seconds ticked by.
“Do you know—”
Hiroshi cut her off and turned, “yes.” He replied and walked down the hallway with quick, but silent footsteps, and movements that made it look like he was floating rather than walking.
The warmth of the house was comforting to Ledeen’s cold skin. Her house was a
beautiful sight to her, especially after what had happened today. Confronting two pure bloods was dangerous enough as it is, but as long as they didn’t have any plans of killing her here, then she would remain relaxed.
She first went to the bathroom, to clean up her wounds. Afterwards, she would put away all of her weapons to clean them later from all the blood. She was too tired to even try cleaning them, and knowingly she’d fall asleep while doing so.
She then trotted up the stairs, and turned to the right into a dark room that was
only lit up by a small, blue nightlight in the corner of the room. She walked over to the bedside and knelt by it.
There, under the sheets, lay two small figures. Their chests were rising and falling steadily as they slept peacefully, oblivious to their mother’s disappearances.
Ledeen ran her hand softly through one little girl’s hair and stared at her tenderly while switching her gaze to the other.
For someone who had a huge grudge for vampires, she still had a soft heart for her daughters. She leaned forward and kissed the girls foreheads before standing up to leave.
“Mommy?” One little girl spoke with pure innocence.
Ledeen looked down at her, “hey sweetie, did I wake you up?” She asked,
kneeling beside the bed again.
“Uh-huh…” the girl mumbled tiredly.
“Mommy is sorry, can you forgive her?” Ledeen asked, softly petting her head and glanced at the other girl who was still sleeping.
The girl nodded, “I forgive mommy.” She said starring at her mother. “I love
mommy too.”
“Mommy loves you more.” She leaned forward and kissed her forehead again,
“but mommy needs to go to sleep, and so do you.” She stood and smiled down at love and joy; happy that she was able to see her today in one piece.
“Okay.” The girl rolled over and pulled the blanket over herself tighter.
Ledeen backed out of the room, taking one last look at her, before she turned
around and left the room.
The next morning, Ledeen woke up to her screaming alarm clock. She groaned as
she rolled over, not wanting to get up. But she did anyways. She turned off the alarm, and now sat on the edge of her bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She wore a sky blue spaghetti strap and black shorts that hugged her body. She was very fit for a thirty-three-year-old woman who had a child, but it was staying out until two in the morning killing vampires as her secret of staying ‘in shape’. But, there is one thing that she can’t push aside for her secret life. The fact that she has two daughters, and a second life to live, jobs to work, and people to speak to.
Though, she knew that after her daughters were old enough, she would have to teach them about vampires, and how to kill them. That was her goal, to train her daughters to be just as good as she was, or better. That was only if she stayed alive long enough to do so.
Like her mother, who taught her for a little while, but she was killed a year later, so Ledeen was then trained by master hunters. That’s how she ended up being so great, and now all vampires feared her, well most did; the pure bloods just usually kept their distance.
Ledeen stood up, and walked into the bathroom to look at herself in the mirror.
She had long brown hair and bangs that hung over her small, pale face. Her eyes were ice blue, an unusual color for a dark haired person, and she didn’t look her age, she really looked eighteen with her lean, small, and flexible body.
She leaned forward, examining the cut on her cheek, then the cut on her shoulder and arm. Her mind reeled with excuses of how she got her wounds, but mainly for the one on her face, since she could easily hide the ones on her body. Maybe an accident in the kitchen, or out on a garden…?
“Good morning, Ledeen.”
Ledeen froze and she looked over at the entrance of her bathroom, eyes wide. “Put them down.” She said feeling anger consume her emotions, her brows automatically furrowing.
Kei stood in the doorway, holding Ledeen’s daughters who were hanging on
to him on each side. “Oh, don’t be rude.” He grinned while nuzzling one of the girl’s heads softly, “I just wanted to talk.”
“Give me my daughters first.” Ledeen said glaring at him, fists clenched until they were shaking uncontrollably.
“Not just yet.” Kei then looked at the girls, “you see, little Shizuka and Hio and I are friends now, aren’t we?”
Shizuka and Hio nodded quickly, smiling innocently, their short black hair swayed back and fourth as they did.
“We had a little chat.” He looked back at Ledeen, “and now we will too.” He set the girls on their feet and held their hands.
Ledeen said nothing. Knowing that if she said one little thing wrong, that
something bad could happen. She had learned that lesson several times before.
“Here’s the deal.” Kei knelt beside the girls and petted them softly, “you can call off the attack of your little hunting clan, leave the country, and leave your daughters with me…”
“No, I refuse to leave my daughters with such monsters like you.” She said before
he finished his sentence.
“Or…. You can let the attack happen.” He continued ignoring her interruption, “risking all of your hunter’s lives, including yours, and I’ll take your daughters by force.”
Shizuka looked at her mother. She didn’t understand what was going on, or why
her mother looked so upset. “Mommy?”
“Shh… Your mother is thinking.” Kei hushed her while pressing his finger
on her lips gently, “what’s going to be? Miss Vincent.”
Ledeen stared at him, “I need time.” She said, desperate for a solution.
Kei tilted his head and smiled, “fine, I’ll give you till’ tonight to
make your decision, and when I return, you better have an answer.” He stood up, girl’s hand in hand, and walked them over to their mother.
Ledeen grabbed her daughters hastily and held them close before taking several steps back, “of course.” She nodded, wishing that she had one of her weapons so she could kill him right here, right now.
“Good, he reached over and petted the girls’ heads one last time, “cute kids, by the way.” He gave her a sly smile, “have a very, merry Christmas.” He chuckled darkly then a swoosh of air raced out of the room until the silent clack of the front door made everything silent.
Ledeen let out a deep breath then looked at her daughters, “Shizuka, Hio, sweeties, what did he talk to you about?” She asked, examining every inch of her daughters before looking them in the eyes.
Shizuka smiled and put her finger on her lips, “it’s a secret.” She giggled happily.
Ledeen smiled a little. She was just happy that her daughters were safe, but she had to make a decision… And either one she chose, her daughters would be taken from her.
“What’s matter mommy?” Shizuka asked tilting her head to the right.
Ledeen shook her head and sighed, “nothing sweetie.” She whispered,
“hey, do you want breakfast?” She asked, trying to make herself happier, but it still didn’t make the sinking feeling in her chest stop.
“Yeah!” Shizuka and Hio both clapped their hands.
“Good, now, go wait for me in the kitchen, I’ll be right behind ya.” Ledeen
nudged her a little and watched as Shizuka and Hio run off like excited school girls. She then walked over to the toilet and sat on top of the lid. She hid her face in her hands, letting her sinking heart cry out as her body shook with her silent sobs, wishing that she didn’t have to make the decision.
Shizuka and Hio were sitting at the table, playing with their stuffed animals when Ledeen entered the kitchen.
“ Mommy look.” Hio lifted the orange stuffed cat that had stitches in it here and there.
Ledeen smiled, “I see.” She began to take out skillets and set them on the stove, then walked over to the fridge and pulled out bacon, eggs, and butter.
Shizuka stared at her mother curiously, “mommy?” She said in her high-pitched, childish voice.
Ledeen turned around and looked at her, “yes sweetie?”
Shizuka touched her own cheek and traced it.
Ledeen touched the cut on her cheek, “oh, this?”
Shizuka nodded.
“Mommy had an accident.” She smiled, “but she’s okay.”
Shizuka smiled and returned to playing with her toy.
Ledeen watched Shizuka and Hio, leave your daughters with me… I’ll take your daughters by force… Kei’s words continuously echoed through her mind as she turned to face the stove and watched as flames burned under the skillets. Shizuka, Hio, sweeties, what did he talk to you about?… It’s a secret… Ledeen watched the bacon sizzle in the grease after she had placed it on the skillet’s hot surface, Hio…Shizuka… Sometimes I wish that you two knew what was going on… But, sometimes, I don’t… She spoke to herself in her head, because if you two knew what I did… And the consequences of my actions, I wouldn’t blame you if you two ended up joining their side… She felt tears on the rims of her eyes and she quickly wiped them away.
“Hey Shizuka, Hio, would you-” She turned to look where her daughters were. But instead of little girls playing with stuffed animals, there was nothing.
Shizuka and Hio were gone.
Now pic time!:
Here's Hio and Shizuka, but a bit older...:


Mikoto: (this is why she decided to cut her hair in the first place XD)





Well, that's all I feel like doing now, so until next time!