Twilight Buzz @ 1am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just got back form seeing Twiligtht. Its 1:09 am and i dont feel so good...TWILIGHT WAS BOMB! im really sleepy and i have a headache but thats just because i was out so doesnt feel real i dont feel like i just saw what iv been waiting for for months it feels like i just dreamt it all ya know...? Probably not... =] man Rob looked so good as edward and Kristen played bella so well... and Jacobs few parts were amazing... i love Taylor Lautner but now im wishing steven straight would have played him a little... i still love taylor lautner even if he does sorta look like a shark and his wig was horrible...I LOVE JAKE! OMG the make out scene between edward and Bella was AMAZING! you have to see it to understand the intensity its like she has a hormonal rush and he has "i want to kill u" rush! gah! Hes all over her like cheese on a donkey! YESH! so tired and That movie could have been like 5 hours longif they did the entire thing but it was good as is too....cant wait for new moon Twilight was a total cliffhanger....... GAH! heart eek xp blaugh xd wink cool razz burning_eyes cheese_whine wahmbulance