Well, if anyone reading this knows me, they know I love love LOVE to write! Good side; I am a pretty good author-in-training. Bad side; I can never finish a book. sweatdrop But I do have a good time with making them up! So people who are writting come to me for advice on what they should do, their spelling (though my vocab is great, I still can't spell that good), and other things needed for writing. But recently, I ran into a friend, Best friend, who is writting a story that I absolutely loved! Good; I loved the idea. Bad; I needed to steal it from her! I couldn't help it! It was just so go! But I didn't steal the whole thing...actually. I just aultered the idea to my point of how it should be so I didn't-OH GOD I'M A CROOK! LOCK ME UP AND THROW ME IN JAIL!...But if I don't finish it it wouldn't I'll just go along for the ride. rofl