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Random S%IT
This is the place where things are written down after they have entered my life. Maybe it will be a full story or just a short rambling, but trust me, it should be amusing.
RE fanfic
Somne friends of mine were inquiring about this...so I decided to post it...
Warning...There is a HUGE spoiler for Resident Evil Code Veronica...so if you plan to play (shame on you if you haven't yet) don't say I didn't warn you...XP
Chapter 1
Chris hurried down the steel stairway, rubbing gory fluids off of his face from what was once the mutated insect-like version of Alexia. He ran blindly as the reactor started self-destructing behind him. He had to get to Claire and get out of this Antarctic facility before the whole thing was destroyed in the upcoming explosion.

With one final leap he tumbled down the last few stairs to avoid being swallowed up by the growing fire behind him. He had to find Claire and get to the fighter-jet that was waiting in the hanger. The elevator would take the both of them there the fastest. If only they could get there in time.

He pushed himself up onto his feet but had to stop short when he heard the sound of his sister’s cries. He looked up in time to see Wesker standing in the center of the hall between the prison cells.
He held Claire in his grasp with one hand holding her arms behind her back and the other with a firm grip on her ponytail. He laughed mockingly at Chris to show that he now held the upper hand.

“Chris.” Claire called as she tried, unsuccessfully, to break free from her captor’s grip.

“Move.” Wesker ordered as he shoved his victim through an opening in the wall that had been created during the minor explosions that shook the building’s foundation.

“Claire! No!” Chris yelled as he chased after them, not giving any thought on what he was charging straight into. All he could think about was that he had to save his younger sister.

He ran headlong into a room bathed in flashing red lights and blaring sirens warning about the self-destruct sequence being activated. A zombie stumbled in from the side, trying to find something to bite with what remained of it’s rotting jaw. Chris dodged it though and it fell headlong into a burning fire. The fact that what remained of its flesh was burning away didn’t even phase the monster. It just clawed its way back on to its feet and started forward again in an attempt to catch its meal.

Chris was already far enough away from it by that point to not have to worry about it, but more of the walking dead stood to block his path. A bony hand reached out to grab him, but he swatted it away and continued forward. He ran as fast as he could, trying to ignore the monsters that surrounded him. His only thoughts pushing him was the knowledge that his sister was in danger.

Another zombie lumbered in front of him. There was no time to pull out his gun to deal with it. Instead, he charged straight into the partially rotted, partially eaten creature and tackled it to the ground before continuing his charge forward.

The only way to go now was through a set of steel doors. With his hands straight out in front of him, he pushed his way through the double doors and into an almost blinding light. He stumbled into the new room but was able to recover his senses quickly.

“Chris!” Claire called out before Wesker pulled her back by her hair.

“Well done Chris… it turns out that Alexia’s work wasn’t much of anything.” He stated in a calm voice even though the compound was being demolished all around him. “So now the only thing left is revenge.” He gave Claire’s hair another tug to emphasize his point.

“Let her go Wesker.” Chris demanded. “You don’t want her.”

Wesker looked back over to the defenseless girl in his grasp. “Fine.” He said before flinging her forward several feet to the ground.

Chris ran forward calling out Claire’s name. He helped her back onto her feet, checking to make sure she wasn’t hurt, before looking back over to his enemy.

“Today’s a good day. I came for Alexia,” He said while cracking his knuckles, “but killing you is even better.”

“Sorry to disappoint you.” Chris said with a slight shrug of his shoulders, “but Alexia is gone.”

“That’s no longer a concern to me.” He said with a slight laugh. “I have Steve to work with.”

“What?” Claire didn’t understand. Steve was dead. She couldn’t stand that Wesker would bring him into this.

“Steve?” Chris was also confused.

“In his body there’s still a living T-Alexia virus.” He explained. “Steve should be a good specimen. Maybe he’ll come back alive just as I did and be able to see your sister again.” He waked over to his right as he spoke

“You freak!” Chris said as he stepped forward

“Don’t you touch him!” Claire yelled out as she tried to run forward to attack but Chris held her back, preventing her from making an awful mistake.

“I’m sorry dear heart,” Wesker said while pushing his sunglasses farther back on his nose, “but my men have already taken him.”

“You get out of here Claire.” Chris said, pushing his sister behind himself but not taking his eyes off Wesker.
“But what about-”

“As a surviving member of S.T.A.R.S,” He interrupted, “I have to finish this.”

“Okay… remember your promise.”

He looked back over to her and nodded before she ran from the room.
“I’ll end this once and for all.” He said while turning back towards Wesker. “Say hello to my colleagues who you’ve killed.”

Wesker slowly removed his glasses to reveal his demon eyes. His pupils were black slits that resembled that of a lizard. The irises faded from a golden color in the center to a blood-red shade at the edge. “I don’t know where you get your confidence Chris.”

Wesker strode confidently towards his prey, dropping his dark glasses to the ground. It was time for him to end this battle. Time for him to take his revenge.

Chris slowly backed away from the monster that moved closer. How could he have any hope of beating this creature? This was no longer Albert Wesker but a demon that seemed to be invincible.

As Chris continued to move away from the advancing Wesker his arm bumped into something metal. He looked to his side to see several thick iron pipes piled together. They weren’t much but maybe they could be used as weapons.

He grabbed tightly onto one of the pipes and slammed across the side of Wesker’s face. Wesker’s head turned with the force of the blow but he didn’t waver. As Chris swung again the opposite way the demon brought his fist up and blocked the blow. The pipe bent under the force of the hit.

Chris’s eyes opened wide in surprise but only the beginnings of a smile started appearing at the corners of Wesker’s lips. He grabbed onto the useless weapon and pulled it out of Chris’s hands just before delivering a kick to his abdomen that sent him flying across the room and face down on the ground.

Chris brought a hand down to his stomach and tried to catch his breath as quickly as he could. If he didn’t get up fast enough then Wesker would surly kill him. Another explosion shook the building, sending cement fragments falling to the ground.

Wesker confidently strode over as Chris stumbled up onto his feet. He tightened his hand into a fist and punched Chris in the sternum.
Chris doubled over but somehow managed to stay on his feet. Wesker threw another punch but Chris saw it coming and was able to bring his arms up just in time to block the blow.

Wesker punched again, stronger this time, and sent Chris’s arms wide. He took the opportunity and slammed his enemy right in the jaw.
Chris stumbled as he tried to keep his footing while Wesker casually moved over to him. He grabbed into Chris’s shoulders and kneed him in the abdomen. Before Chris even had a chance to react Wesker took a fist full of his hair and pulled him straight. With a slight movement of his wrist he released Chris and punched him in the jaw again.

Chris stumbled down to his hands and knees while Wesker strode about confidently, his arms were stretched out to his sides and he slowly spun in a circle.

“Sure I’m not human anymore,” He boasted, “but just look at the power I’ve gained.”

Chris moved slowly back onto his feet. A splotch of blood started forming on the cold ground before his face. He reached up and wiped away the blood at the edge of his mouth with an arm. He looked up from his hunched over position just in time to see Wesker’s fist again as he slammed an uppercut against his jaw.

Chris went flying through the air and landed sprawled out on his back a few feet away onto the cold ground. He opened his eye to see dozens of iron I-beams suspended right above his enemy. A plan was starting to form in his mind. If only he could get Wesker to stay under them.
The demon’s laughter filled his ears as he looked around and saw the chain and lever switch that held the beam up. He had to move fast or he would loose his only chance at winning this battle.

“Magnificent.” Wesker gloated as he pointed towards Chris. “Don’t you think?”

Wesker started moving so fast he was a blur as Chris pushed himself up onto his hands and knees. With one quick jump he was several feet in the air and plummeting down towards his enemy.

Chris saw him coming and dived out of the way right before Wesker landed. The force of the demon’s punch created a deep hole on the stone ground where Chris had once been. Chris aimed himself as he moved through the air towards the lever that locked the I-beams in place.

The chain groaned slightly in protest after years of not being used but moved and rocked the balanced beams. Wesker moved up to his feet only to realize the trap had been sprung. There was nothing he could do but watch as the tons of metal fell down upon him.

Chris gave a sigh of relieve, pushing himself up into a sitting position. He had to catch his breath before he ran to catch up with Claire. He had done it. He had killed the super powered demon that had once been Albert Wesker.

His relief was shattered though when he heard the sound of grating metal. He opened his eyes to see one of the top I-beams being pushed off the pile. A few seconds later Wesker pushed his way out of the pile and stood onto his feet, a smirk on his face.

It wasn’t going to be that easy to kill a demon.

Chris pushed himself back onto his feet to defend himself when for the continuing battle. Wesker walked out of the tons of metal, staggering slightly. Apparently, the tons of metal landing on his head had done something. The two of them stood in front of each other. A stand off between two enemies.

“Nice try.” Wesker said.

“Wesker.” Chris snarled through clenched teeth.

Unexceptionally to both of them, there was a sudden explosion in the wall beside them and a heavy piece of machinery fell, creating a wall of fire between the two opponents. They both ducked out of harms way but Chris was the luckier of the two.

When Wesker looked back up his hand covered a large burn mark that covered half of his face. So…he could be killed. That much was now known.

“Today’s your lucky day.” Wesker said as he faced Chris. “Next time down count on another.”

“Next time.” Chris started as he took a step towards Wesker.

“Until we meet again…” Wesker ended his sentence with an evil laughter. Words were not needed to explain his point.

Chris ran out the way he had entered. He had to get out of there before the base was completely destroyed. Wesker’s maniacal laughter hung about the room and drifted down the hall as the demon stood there, hand still over his face, while explosions and fires broke out everywhere around him.

Chris pumped his legs as hard as he could, trying to beat the clock that would end with his demise if he was not fast enough. A cheery voice continued to confirm how much time he had left. “Three minutes until self-destruct.”

Chris ran right to the elevator. Pounding on the button that would bring it back down. It took only a few seconds but with the chaos all around him and the cheery voice of the recording telling him how much time he had left to live it seemed like an eternity.

The elevator finally arrived and he rushed on it. Slamming the up button even before the doors were completely open. The elevator started its journey back up to the hanger where Claire and a jet waited for his return. A fireball soon followed Chris on his assent. The doors opened and he jumped out in time just as the fireball fully engulfed the machinery.

Chris cried out as he went sailing through empty air. His arms flailing at the air in an attempt to gab anything. There was nothing there and he landed right onto the nose of the jet. The force knocked the wind out of him but he tried to scramble back up anyway.

“Chris!” Claire exclaimed as she jumped up from her seat.

Chris looked up to her and was able to manage a smile. “Hey, you know that I always keep my promises.”

Chris climbed as quickly as he could into the pilots seat and stared up the engine. The hanger doors were still opening when he lifter the jet into the air. Its occupants were jostled twice as another explosion erupted from inside the hanger. There was no damage to the jet, thankfully, and the two of them were able to fly out of there; away from the danger.

“Chris promise me.” She started as she gently placed a hand on his shoulder. “Please promise that you won’t leave me alone again.”

“I’m sorry Claire but it’s not over yet.” Chris responded. “There’s still something we’ve got to do.”

“You mean…” She started while removing her hand.

“Yeah. It’s payback time.” He continued. “We’ve got to destroy Umbrella. Now let’s finish this once and for all.”

The fighter-jet raced through the air towards the horizon as what was left of the Antarctic base was destroyed in a fireball explosion that shook the ground for miles around.

He was surrounded completely in darkness. It felt as though that there was nothing around him. No walls, no buildings, no sky, not even a ground; just an inky blackness that shrouded him. There was no heat or cold. He didn’t even feel like he had his body.

A force started pulling on him, trying to take him away. To where, he did not know. He resisted the pull, tried to pull himself away from the force but it was slowly taking him away. He didn’t want to go where the force was taking him. There was only one word that filled his mind when his jumbled thoughts and feelings became clearer.


Steve was brought back to the world of the living in a cold place. Goosebumps formed on his naked flesh. He so desperately wanted to rub them away, but his body would not heed to his commands. Something was holding him back.

He tried to open his eyes. To open them and look upon the face of the girl he loved but a brilliant white light forced his eyes to stay shut. He had stayed in the darkness for so long that the light was an uncomfortable change.

“Claire.” He tried to whisper but it only came out as a strange squeaking noise.

Ever so slowly, his eyes became adjusted to the bright lights shinning down on him. He tried to lift his arm up, to shade his eyes from the glare, but something was holding his arm back. Something strong and tight.

He lifted his head slightly, even though there was an intense throbbing pain at his temples, and looked down to his wrist to see a thick leather strap holding it down. There were similar straps over his shoulders, his other wrist, and ankles. All holding him down to a cold steel table.
He opened his mouth to call out for help, but all that escaped his throat was a frightening scream.

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