Profiles: Knights of Valor
User Name: Insainbutterfly
Name: Mareido ???
Age: 18
Race: ???
Gender: Female
Rank: 3rd
Faction: Knights of Internal Darkness
Elements: Earth, Poison
Weapons: Flowers, Vines, Plant-life
Techniques: ???
Bio: ???
Personality: Solemn and melancholy, Mareido is actually a mute. She can project her thoughts through the cross on her forehead, or the crosses on her palms, by touch.
As a young girl: [ x ] [ x ]
13-16: [ x ] [ x ]
17/18: [ x ] [ ---> ]
User Name: Insainbutterfly
Name: Mika ???
Age: 18
Race: ???
Gender: Female
Rank: 3rd
Faction: Knights of Internal Darkness
Elements: Darkness, Metal
Weapons: ???
Techniques: ???
Bio: ???
Personality: Quiet, but harsh, Mika has seen many evils and has almost completely switched personalities with her sister, Mareido. She understands her sisters so well, they don't even need to touch to understand one another. Mika is very dark, and focuses on the tasks at hand. She will throw away her life for things almost meaningless to most people and is secretly a deeply caring person.
As a young girl: [ x ]
10-15: [ x ] [ x ]
16-18: [ <--- ]
19-23: [ x ]