Kyle arrives home with wendy. He is a little ticked off at stan for setting him up with wendy. It wasn't that he didn't like her, he was nervous if she might kiss him.
oh man... I can't believe stan did that to me... so what do I do now?
"so..." kyle and wendy are just staring at each other wondering what do to. knowing that stan is outside the door, kyle knows that wendy won't kiss him.
"oh, I know!" wendy says, "we can play truth or dare! you like that game, right?"
Kyle stared at her. almost like, "are you high?"
"wendy... you know stans' right out the door, right?" kyle was in shock. she should know that stan was right out the door listening.
"yes I know. but we can play just 1 game of it, can we?" wendy wanted to see how brave kyle was to... kiss her.
"fine. but just 1 game. ok?" kyle sighs like he won't enjoy it. stare
"fine! ok, truth or dare?"
"ummm... dare."
"ok, i dare you to... redface " wendy leand close to kyle and whisperd "kiss me on the lips."
"what?! no way!" kyle was in the middle of shocked and embarrassed. eek
"please kyle! just 1 kiss!" wendy puckerd her lips.
"no! no way! im not kissing any1! live with it! mad " kyle didn't want to kiss wendy. he didn't want to lose being friends with stan, no matter how much wendy would egg him on.
suddenly stan ran in, cause he heard what wendy had said. wendy was about to lock the door befor stan could open it. when stan opened the door... wendy kissed stan! heart
"uhh...." kyle was just staring.
wendy stepped away from stan. she couldn't believe it. she kissed stan. not the first time, but she could never think that stan would pop in and she would end up kissing him. heart heart
stan was just staring at her.
"whoa,dude u kissed wendy!" kyle was just relived that he didn't have to kiss her now.
meanwhile at cartman's house...
"hey cartman... hello?" Bebe was trying to talk to cartman, but he was busy playing with clyde frog.
"OW! oh, what the hell do you want bebe?"
"grr... never mind..." bebe didn't care what the plan was, she got tired and left to go ice skating.
meanwhile at kyle's house...
wendy was sitting down next to kyle and stan. sorta in the middle. stan was staring at the ground, kyle was being bored.
"stan?" kyle was trying to talk to him. but as usual, he wouldn't listen when he was like that.
"what?!" stan snapped at kyle.
"are you ok?" kyle asked.
color=darkblue]"I-I'm fine..." stan replied. he sounded a little sick and nervous. as he always did when he was around wendy.
"no your not, what's wrong?" kyle got up and came twords his face.
"DUDE! what's wrong?!"
stan stared at kyle like, "what is your problem?!"
"nothing is wrong with me!" he got up and left the room.
"...kyle?" wendy asked.
"i'm sorry." she was apologizing for trying to make him kiss her.
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To all of my DeviantArt friends, I am currently updating and writing Bring me to life ch.1. Thank you all for following, watching and subscribing for the latest news!
YT- shadowangelcrystal12
FaceBook- Jessica B.

YT- shadowangelcrystal12
FaceBook- Jessica B.