
water-drop-07 Area: Rings Summary: A ring that makes you looked dazed to fool monsters, but you can still move from screen to screen. Explanation: The higher your rage, the longer it'll last. same as upgrading it, the longer and more powerful it'll be. Pictures and ExamplesNone emo
Ginji of Thunder Area: Rings Summary: Plasma Gear Ring Explanation: Ya know how the Plasma Gear has that cool lightsaber pose? Well, what if we turned that into a ring? RR1: Hit enemy with Plasma Gear type sword. RR2: Hit the enemy twice with a Plasma Gear type sword. RR3: Throws Plasma Gear at Enemy. Ranged. RR4: Plasma Gear Swords come out of multiple directions and hit the enemy. Pictures and Examples None. Why? Because I can't draw...
Ginji of Thunder Area: Rings Summary: Gaia Weapon Rings Explanation: A few minutes after that last post I had an idea! What if the Devs took old Gaia weapons (G-Blade, Whip of Ice, Flame Sword, ect.) and made ring copies of those weapons? So we could 'use' our weapons in the MMO, but not in the traditional way. And so we wouldn't have to have the weapon equipped to our avi to use them! Pictures and Examples Plasma Gear, Scythe, Sword of Aegis, Flame Sword, Race Start Gun, ect.
Ginji of Thunder Area: Rings Summary: Gaia Armor Rings Explanation: Along with the idea of weapons being made into rings, so could armor, so we could 'use' our armor in passive rings or buff ring form. This could be an equivalent of wearing armor in game. Of course you would have to find the rings in game and just because you own a piece of armor doesn't mean you get the ring, and vice-versa. Pictures and Examples Ookami Armor, Dalmascus Armor, Mythrill Armor, ect.
Naitomare Area: Ring Summary: A small AoE healing ring, that cures poison, but afflicts poison on the user (Name: NulToxin) Explanation: A cloud off bright, yellow smoke gushes out from your character, covering a small radius around you. Anyone in the affected area will be cured of poison, and will have a small amount of HP restored. You then become poisoned. The no. of charge orbs slightly increases how much health this ring heals. Pictures and Examples Nope
emolicous panda Area:Rings Summary:Ice damage/escape/monster evasion ring Explanation: It basically has this aoe effect where everyone in the area is frozen or slows and takes a little damage.advance levels of the rings has greater aoe effect and damage and longer status ailments on.its good for traveling and you dont wanna waste time on little monsters getting to your objective and a great escape ring to Pictures and Examplesummm a big snow cloud will come and everyone will get hypothermia lol

kingdom Neos Area: Feature/ Rings Summary: Swordsman bonus Explanation: When the user is using a got set of swordsman ship with atlest one longrange attack to heard an emeny from others to prevent swarms and give the user a will power bonus for that extra damage. Ring set: Mantis, Slash, Hack, any ranged ring
ray mineo Area: Rings Summary: The Darkness Ring Explanation: A ring formed of the shadows themselves. Said to manifest only at night only after defeating a certain monster. When used it will spawn a giant claw on your arm which can sap enemy hit points, and occasionally cause instant death.
RR1: Same as normal attack, just slightly faster RR2: Your claw gets bigger, doubling its attack range RR3: Your claw gets bigger, tripling its attack range RR4: You can use two claws instead of one. both have triple attack range Rage release: your claw turns into a black hole, sucking all enemies on the field into it. Pictures and Examples

Makata Area: Rings Summary: AoE Ice-Explosion Ring (Name: Freeze Flash) Explanation: A sparkling ball of ice is hurled at an enemy and explodes upon contact; forming large jagged spikes of ice which extend from the ground-up. This spell also damages any enemy around the targeted foe and inflicts a "slow status." The damage is scaled for 120% damage to the targeted foe and 80% to any foes around it. Pictures and Examples*snore*
Joel Ang Guevarra Area: Ring Summary: A pumpkin based ring. Explanation: Rage Rank 1: A pumpkin falls on the target RR2: TWO pumpkins fall on the target RR3: Guess how many pumpkins fall on top of the target. That's right, a walloping THREE! RR4: A GINORMOUS pumpkin falls in front of the user and breathes fire, having an arc as its AOE. Pictures and Examples Nada
herby62 Area: Rings Summary: I came up with the idea of a ring that looks and acts like a yo-yo. well, in fact, it is a yo-yo. but back in the day, yo-yos were actually used as a form of weapon, and nowadays, the way you tie it around your finger in a sort of ring-fashion....I thought it would be really interesting to make a yo-yo ring. Explanation: the design would be simply a string that wraps around your finger, but there's a yo-yo attatched to the end, of some color. in combat, it is used as a weapon of attack. In the lower rage levels, the yo-yo would whip out and simply strike an enemy once, for a quick guerilla style attack. but as the rage rank increases, the yo-yo will circle around many times, (kind of like an 'around the world' move) and hit the enemy in a quick succession of strikes. I would love to have a yo-yo ring! Pictures and Examples This here is an example of the around the world trick. if done multiple times,as stated above, the enemies could be hit more than once.
OniChild Area: Rings Summary: Hermes Ring Explanation: Little wings appear on your character's feet when active. Float for 5 seconds. Allows you to go over bumpy areas without being blocked. Enemies have a more difficult time laying a hit. LV2: Float for 10 seconds. LV3: Float for 15 seconds. LV4: Float for 20 seconds. Pictures and ExamplesNone
OniChild Area: Rings Summary: Ice Spear Explanation: Damage your enemy with spears of frozen water and send chills up their spine (a chance they will be frozen in their tracks for a few seconds). Pictures and ExamplesNone
Jord22 Area: Rings Summary: Butter Ring Explanation: RR1: Recovers 10% of Health. Has a 25% chance to make Light Weight enemies slip and miss. RR2: Recovers 25% of Health. Has a 50% chance to make Light Weight enemies slip and miss. Has a 25% chance to make Medium Weight enemies slip and miss. RR3: Recovers 50% of Health. Has a 75% chance to make Light Weight enemies slip and miss. Has a 50% chance to make Medium Weight enemies slip and miss. Has a 25% chance to make Heavy Weight enemies slip and miss. RR4: Recovers 80% of Health. Has a 100% chance to make Light Weight enemies slip and miss. Has a 75% chance to make Medium Weight enemies slip and miss. Has a 50% chance to make Heavy Weight enemies slip and miss. Has a 25% chance to make All enemies skip and miss. Pictures and Examples The green number is the amount healed. RR shown would be 1. We were having a discuusion about a toaster boss, and i suggested he would drop a Butter Ring. It got far and i made it an idea.
Taurus Guardian Area: Rings Summary: Dragon Ring Explanation: The dragon ring gives you to release a dragon shaped energy burst and attacks your enemy. RR1:One single long dragon gets out of your body and attacks the opponent. RR4: Great dragon apears and breaths fire. Pictures and Examples:The animation need to look like coyote spirit.
EvilLemon45 Area: Rings Summary: Blitz. A ring that isn't particularly powerful, but is so fast it will make your head spin. The ring gives the user the ability to use their fists to create a flurry of energy bullets. Explanation:RR1: A short charge which releases 3 fast and moderately powerful bullets. RR4: No charge and 10 high-speed powerful bullets straight infront of you that keep going until they hit something. Pictures and Examples
Jing360 Area: Rings Summary: Beast Mastery Ring: You could control a monster (besides bosses) for about 5-25 seconds, depending on the ring level. Explanation: Pros: +No more pet system suggestions +Allies without partying +Monster won't attack you +Monster turns aggro and attacks other monsters randomly Cons: - Monster must be weaker then you to control it - Monsters may not be attacked when being controlled - You can't control a monster that is being attacked - You can't control a monster that is under someone elses control. Pictures and ExamplesI don't have any pictures yet, but if I can make some, I'll be sure to post them.
Cube B Area: Rings Summary: "Racial" Themed Rings! Explanation: Gaia has released various non human races, from "Zombie" to "Dark Elf". These rings are representative of various Racial abilties, often gained from NPCs of the respective race. The rings can be used by people of any race of course, but they form build sets when completed. Certain rings are shared between races as well. Pictures and Examples I don't have many, but rings like "Bite" "Claw" "Drain" "Great Strength" "Fly" "Probe" "Soul Gaze" and "Crush" are possible, among others. Each combo could also offer a bonus "Racial" buff.
Wolfia18 Area: Rings Summary: Evolving rings Explanation: There are evolving items, right? Well, what about evolving rings? Once you reach the highest rank for that particular form, the ring changes into an entirely different ring. Example: Smack-in-the-box Tier 1 - The box appears and opens up, punching an enemy with a boxing glove on a spring. Higher levels = more damage. Tier 2 - A clown is now on the spring and is holding a club. He sticks around for a short time, attacking the nearest foe. Higher levels = stays around longer. Tier 3 - The clown is now human sized and carrying his own box. When he opens it, almost anything can happen (ie. Poison smoke, damaging fireworks, random status effects, heals party, etc.) Higher levels = more effects. Pictures and ExamplesNone. I can't draw...... crying
DeathWyrmNexus Area: Rings and Ring set Summary: Shadow Dragon Explanation: Preferably Stamina regen and Defense but one or the other would be nice Pictures and Example: N/A 1st ring: Maim Summary: Two quick claw attacks Explanation: Two quick claw attacks that do medium damage, more rage used equals more claw attacks. No knockback. Quick recharge like Mantis or Slash. 2nd ring: Shadow Breath Summary: A damaging defense debuff Explanation: AoE attack that centers on the first creature doing damage to it and the ones next to it.The defense is also lowered for a short period of time. More rage pumped in equals more damage and stronger debuff. Recharge like Fire Rain. 3rd ring: Tail Whip Summary: A vengeful lash of the tail Explanation: Small melee AoE attack doing heavy damage, more rage gets more damage and more AoE, culminating in a full 360 degree spin. Knockback like Slash. Recharge than Hack. 4th Ring: Aura of Devouring Summary: Life feeding aura for your crew. Explanation: A crew buff with recharge time and stamina cost like Divinity. As long as it is active, crew members heal a percentage of damage dealt to enemies. Greater rage boosts equals higher healing percentage.
Enlong Area: Ring Summary: Blood Sucker draws life from an enemy and gives it to the wielder. Explanation: Usable only at melee distance, a snapping sound is heard, and a blood-red stream of color flows from the enemy to you. The enemy takes moderate damage, and you regain the same amount of health. The ring is a little slower than Slash, but the damage is comparable to Mantis. The ring is part of a "Vampire" set. Pictures and ExamplesHigher rage ranks increase the size of the blood stream, and add more streams to it, so that there are about eight streams in an even pattern at the highest rank. The ring is jet black and set with the same jewel as the Blood Drop Brooch..
BlooCow Area: Rings Summary: Magical Transformation Explanation: Ever envied those magical girls with there cute little skirts and lovey dubby awesome powers? Well here's your chance now you can transform into one! -Transforms you into a npc like figure with amazing hair and gives you boost strength while be able to shoot awesome heart beams- Rage One: Shoots a small array of hearts while already transformed Rage Three: The user spins arround shooting random rays of hearts at nearby targets Pictures and ExamplesA silver ring with pink and red hearts
DarkKnightSeptimus Area: Rings Summary: Ring of Gravitation Explanation: Okay so who is sick of getting ganged up on by enemies? Well fear no more with the Ring of gravitation! This ring allows you to summon a gravitational field. This field will pull enemies toward them and immobilize them for a span of time. Long enough for you to heal and counter attack or long enough to get your tail outta dodge. Pictures and ExamplesN/A
Crimson Jazz Area: Rings Summary: (Proximity) Mine Ring Explanation: Basically, what you see is what you get. You place a mine that explodes whenever an Animated passes over it. Different rage levels drop different size and number of bombs. Pictures and Examples
Wixvhen Area: Ring Summary: A Self Modifier 'Berserk Ring' or 'Rage Ring' Explanation: The ring causes the user to go into an angry/berserk fury causing them to act faster (shorter cooldowns) and hit harder either draining rage or extra stamina per attack (an alternative would be a lowered accuracy) due to the lack of concentration and the anger fueling the attack. Example: The 'effects' cause the user to turn red and the stressed to pop up like in the picture previously listed in this example.
Archwizard Drake Area: Rings Summary: A vampire set! We've already got a race of vampires, and have rings for angels and demons. So why not give a shout-out to the undead races of Gaia? Explanation: This set includes 4 rings: Blood Lust: A ring that allows you to sap your enemy's life force, increasing your own health. It has a quick recharge but a short range (How suck someone's blood from 10 feet away?). Higher charge level increases your health more while higher rage drains more health from the enemy. Night Wings: A ring that gives you bat-like wings, temporarily allowing you to move faster and increasing your dodge rate, though flying so quickly raises your miss rate. Higher charge level increases the dodge rate more while a higher rage increases the speed. Return to the Coffin: A ring that makes you invincible for a minute and slowly increases your health and stamina, but makes also immobilizes you and prevents you from attacking or using the ring again for a while. Higher charge level increases more health and stamina a second while higher rage increases the duration. CHOMP!: A ring that bites into your fallen allies, raising them from the grave. It has a long recharge time and doesn't return as much health as a Defibrillate, but returns just as many rings and gives them a temporary wide-spectrum stat boost. Higher charge level increases the stat boost while higher rage increases the health and number of rings recharged. Having all four rings increases the rate you heal and recharge rings while in the Null Chamber.
Archwizard Drake Area: Rings Summary: Dragon rings! We've got Gwee and tons of other dragon-like items, but how can we fully indulge in it if we can't use their power ourselves? Explanation: This set includes 4 rings (as all ring sets do): Fiery Breath: A long range AoE that breathes fire right into your foes' faces. It burns a lot of stamina, but deals pretty high damage. Higher charge level causes more damage to be dealt while a higher rage rank increases the duration and range of the attack. Hide of the Drake: A ring that causes you and your nearby allies to grow glistening, magical scales to protect your flesh from harm. Higher charge level protects better and higher rage increases the duration of the effect. Dragon's Wingbeat: Gives you with wings of a dragon, which you then flap hard enough to make a breeze that throws all enemies back a few feet and deals some damage, but has a long recharge. Higher charge level increases knockback, and higher rage rank increases damage. Ryu Strike: Calls upon a horde of dragons, which unleash their wrath upon your target. Deals high damage over time but has a long recharge rate. Higher charge level increases damage per hit, while higher rage rank causes the effect to last longer. Having all four rings causes Animated to avoid you more, and any who do attack fear you enough to miss more often.
kirin rider Area: Rings Summary: Land mines. Explanation: Once dropped, the Land Mine will be active for X time and will explode if animated are within Y proximity. After X time, the Land Mine will deactivate. I'm not sure if LMs should deactivate if the player moves to an adjacent screen, since drops wont necessarily be attributed (although kills will for repeatable quests). Time lapse shouldn't last long that players can plaster an entire screen with these, but can lay down 3-4 for perimeter defense/ambush.
Summary: Mass Disruption Device Explanation: The MD Device hits the targeted creature, with damage travelling to any other creature in point blank proximity. Heavy knockback so animated get dispursed, ending the damage cycle. This process repeats until the domino effect stops, and may hit a creature more than once. i.e. Creature A hits B. B hits C and D. C hits A. (A is now hit twice). etc.
Lissianthus Area: Rings Summary: The Mad Scientis Set, comprised of Magnet, Igor, Lightning Rod and Spiderbite. The bonus for the set would be a minor boost to Willpower and...maybe Weight? Explanation: Ring 1: Magnet With this ring, you can pull one enemy toward you without triggering the aggro of the Animated around it. Ring 2: Igor Summon your assistant Igor, who shambles off screen drawing enemies away from you. Ring 3: Lightning Rod Pull the switch!!! Directs a lightning bolt to strike a distant enemy. Ring 4: Spiderbite You've been bitten by a spider. Was it radioactive, or poisonous? Has a 90% chance of increasing your stats temporarily, and a 10% chance of causing a set amount of damage over a short period of time. Pictures and ExamplesMagnet would be useful for enemies that gather in large groups or freeze you in place and attack from range. The others I think are self explanatory.
DeathWyrmNexus Area: Rings Summary: Angry Tractor Beam Explanation: Tired of enemies that get knocked back and then lock you in place where you can't reach them. Just hate knockback in general? Then you will love this ring. It does the opposite of knockback. It grabs enemies and pulls them right into your deadly melee range. Great for fighting Masks, Brainclams, and or being a jerk and dragging a monster over to beat on. Does damage as well as Pull In because well... It is an angry Tractor Beam. Higher rage gives more damage. I suggest it use about as much stamina as Shark Attack due to the super lure (read: drag) ability. I do not advise using as a remote for your television or to fetch drinks. Either use could be messy. Pictures and Examples: No pictures but let's say you are fighting something like a Mask that can pin you down. If you are an unlucky sap who knocks him out of your attack range then you are usually left with no choice but to wait until death takes you. Or you make the "will save" and can charge him.
ManuelDangelo Area: Rings Summary: A long range ring which damage increases exponentially with each rage level spent on it. Explanation: IMO there is no a ring with a serious effect according to the rage level you use on it. The “Lazah” ring would bring a bit of light on this deal (maybe too much light XD). For those who doesn’t know what “exponential” I’ll put this simple, at level 10 with no bufs nor rage the ring makes about 5 damage points, doesn’t sound like to much, but with Rage level 2 it turns into 25 (5 x 5), then Rage level 3 damage goes to 125 (5 x 5 x 5) and finally RL 4 is 625. Now it sounds good, hu? And as we are talking about sounds, I think we all want to hear a big GAAAAAAAAAH for level 4, don’t we? ;D
BTW: Ring level 1 makes 1 damage point in every single rage level (1x 1 x1 x 1), and damage increase about 0.5 every ring level Pictures and Examples
Sexay Orange Area: Ring Summary: Grenade Explanation: You throw a Grenade at an enemy, or enemies, and damage all enemies in a surrounding area. This would be the FIRST ranged AOE ring available. I'm certain the idea of throwing a Grenade shouldn't need to be described in more detail than i've already given. I was, however, thinking that it should be long-ranged and be atleast Moderate in damage, if not Strong. Also, Grenade would have to be an AOE or else you loose the entire reason for why it's a Grenade... they go boom and destroy everything in an area.
explicit56 Area:Rings Summary: Gloves of steel ring, this ring summons a pair of boxing gloves to beat up your enemy Explanation: when this ring is used two boxing gloves appear as the animation. when no rage is used, the right golve (rg) will make an uppercut motion. with rage lvl 1 the rg will jab and then the lg (left glove) will jab. rage lvl 2, rg will jab twice and then lg will jab once. full rage means that rg will jab 2 times then lg will jab once, then rg will uppercut. each blow does not do a seperate hit, it just adds to the total which is shown when the final punch is thrown. it will recharge for around 5-10 seconds, and I suggest a moderate or strong damage. Pictures and Examples:the damage in this pic is made up

GamesTesterJan Area: Rings Summary: OMG Tail Whip ring Explanation: It can be a mid rang offensive ring which hits one opening but on rage charge it could lasso an enemy and then do a spin with an AOE damage to all enemies especially the one caught in the lasso.
Hermes the Swift Area:Rings Summary:Halo Ring Set Explanation:Based entirely from the Healing Halo Pictures and ExamplesRing Set consists of: Healing Halo (duh) and three other halo rings(idea rings of course :3). The set boost provides slightly increased regeneration (standing only). Ring Description: A pair of wings isn't the only thing an Angel gets when a bell rings. Armed with this set your Halo becomes the most versatile weapon ever, healing, defending, attack, even restraining. All this holyness increases your regeneration, but only when your standing in combat.
Cutter Halo: Similar in cooldown as GGGuns, Shuriken, and Hunter's Bows, but is only stronger then Hunter's Bow and weaker then GGGuns/Shuriken by a little bit. It has good range, slightly less then that of Hunter's Bow, It fires off a spinning halo to slice and dice your enemies from afar. (Higher RR=More damage and more Halo's added into the animation).
Halo Shield: Acts similar to Teflon and Turtle where it reduces damage and heals yourself from each hit taken, but only on occasions gives you HP. (High RR includes more fantabulous animation and HP regen from hit *NOT increased chances of getting a regen from a hit, just the amount regenerated*)
Binding Halo: A Crowd Control Ring, much like Duct Tape but with some minor differences. The monster is not put to sleep and can still attack if your within range, the effect lasts just a little then Duct Tape, Hitting it does not weaken the effect of the ring.
SlayerBlade128 Area: Rings Summery: A ring used to get to the Null Chamber fast. Explation:Ok lets say your in DMP for example and you just killed the OMGWTF for fun and you don't want to walk all the way back to the Farm. You can use this ring to teleport back to the null chamber with out having to walk all that way. You should have a prompt saying "do you wish to go back to the null chamber?'' so you don't acidently activate it and fly back immedatly. Well some would say what if i'm not at DMP and some where else and it would be eaiser to die. Normaly that would not be an issue if it didn't lock your rings and then you got to sit and wait for them to unlock and waste time. With the nullifcation ring you can do the same thing but make as a small penalty lock only 4 rings instead of 6. and if you used more rage less rings become locked. like 1 ring for each level of rage. You can proably tell how it works clearly without pics to show but here is a picture of what the ring might look like. Pictures:
keito melfina Area: Ring: Blessed Light Summary: A ring that is able to resurrect ONLY allies in the same area as you. Explanation: Range: Point Blank (it's one of those "click and go!" type of rings) - AoE is the entire screen, affects all allies in the same area you are in. Unlocks rings like Defib, cures Stamina and HP of allies. Stamina usage: 30! (well it's worth it!)/ Cool-Down Time: 5 minutes
Effects: RR1- 25% HP + Stamina Healing, 2 rings/RR3- 75% HP + Stamina Healing, 6 rings RR2- 50% HP + Stamina Healing, 4 rings/RR4- 100% HP + Stamina Healing, 8 rings. Pictures and ExamplesPicture this: A large holy shockwave surges from you and then small threads of light shine upon each of your allies and angelic feathers rise from their feet as they come back to life.
keito melfina Area: Ring: Interception! Summary: The ability to protect those in trouble through simple teleportation. Explanation: The game analyzes when an Animated is in the state of aggrovation and who is the main target of the Animated. With a simple use of this ring, you are able to get between the Animated and the player in trouble (but you take the hit as well, so by doing this, you make the Animated focus from its previous target to you). Other way Interception works is to telport behind the enemy and attack. You can set the ring to either "dramatic" or "protective" style (go to Null Chamber and there will be an option for the ring when you click on it, that is the way you can set it), base on your preference (see Graph). Interception works to the closest person (works automatically when used) in danger (the person who has the lowest HP and will die in the next 1-3 hits). EDIT: the only thing you will get from this is gratitude from the other player, no drops at all. Maybe drops shouldn't be divided at all, those who save the other person will get the same 100% drop-rate, not 50% or 25%, 100%! Range: AoE is the screen, and it's a Point Blank ring like Diagnosis/Dervish. Pictures and Examples I'll show a graph: X - You Y - Player in trouble Z - Animated ---------- = Target line of the Aggrovated Animated Situation where a player is in trouble: Z------Y X Situation after you use Interception (dramatic rescue): XZ--Y (this situation where you go behind the enemy gives Intercept a more dramatic effect. Protective State: Z---XY (takes the hit)
iEM0T10NS Area: Rings Summary: Quick Sizzle: Want a fried animated? Explanation: Quick Sizzle is a frying ring, It fry's the animated, doing x3 come backs, like Fire Rain. Rage 1: Frying pan is under animated, doing some damage Rage 2: A larger frying pan is put under the animated, the animated turns into a different colour, most likely brown or orange. Rage 3: A sizzle hits the animated, just as stated as the last two rages. The Animated turns into a rich crisp colour of orange. Full Rage!: A giant frying machine is placed behind the animated, the animated jumps and falls into the machine ( Just like Kirby in SSBB xD ), The animated is now burn't. Uses 5 Stamina on Rage 1, 10 On Rage 2 , 20 on Rage 3 and 25 on Full rage. The cool down time is as long as " Dervish's " Cool down time. Other names for it ^^; : Fryin' Ya., Quick Dip, Pictures and Examples>____> Clickeh Here for the picture.
Frogerst Area: Ring/Other Summary: Ring Animation Explanation: After someone completes a set [Pirate, Prankster, etc.] There could be an animation behind them. Like maybe for the [angel] set a halo could float over their heads, or flapping wings, or light around them. I'll leave the imagination up to everyone else :]
keito melfina Area: Rings: Odor Sleuth Summary: A ring that allows you to not be targeted by Animated, but wears off if you bother/attack them... Explanation: A mist envelops you, removing any trace of your scent... Thus, give you the ability to go unnoticed by other Animated for 2 minutes. But the buff wears off IMMEDIATELY if you attack an Animated. Works well with Support Healers mostly... Pictures and Examples...
keito melfina Area: Ring: Soul Infusion Summary: Convert HP & Stamina to switch #s. Explanation: Rings activates and the Stat #'s of HP and Stamina are switched. Ring increases Defense, in compensation to the low HP (damage converted to 1 HP per hit from enemies), but recieving the effects of all healing rings/buff rings (not including Fitness) are banned. So you have 100 hits til you are dead. Once resurrected, all rings are usable, but you may use Soul Infusion again after 10 minutes. Pictures and ExamplesExample: Before Soul Infusion Stamina: 100 HP: 1000 After Soul Infusion Stamina: 1000 HP: 100 Large Defense Boost (enemies damage converted to 1 HP)
SoulSkourer Area: Ring Summary: Set of Rings: Magician (Because everyone loves magic) Explanation: Enchant Ring Power up your friend's rings with this magical skill! There are three "types" Fire Gives a moderate damage boost. Ice Slows down the enemy, gives a moderately weak attack increase. Electric Increases AoE range, even if it's a single attack (the extra AoE does very little damage), weak attack increase.
Infliction Inflict a random status effect on friend or foe. Has a chance to do everything (If it's friend and healing friend, it reduces person to half health, but gets other heals)
Magic Spear Kill your enemies under your magical spear point. Extreme damage, large AoE of 90 degrees from your enemy, has 0.1% chance of killing targeted enemy instantly, only if it weren't going to die anyways, does not work against bosses. Medium range. 1% chance of causing fear within the enemies, 1.5% chance of lowering accuracy and dodge, 0.5% chance of paralyzing the enemy for 5 seconds, effects can last on all
Set bonus: Energy Absorption: Small chance (1.5%?) of converting an attack to you to energy (half of the attack, ex- 90 damage, 45 energy, 1 damage, 0 energy, rounds down)
SoulSkourer Area: Ring Summary: Sets: Classical Musician!- Because everyone loves music Explanation: Serenade Serenade a friend or foe. Foe: By playing music, you lull your enemies to sleep. The more rage you use, the more likely you're going to put all the enemies in your screen to sleep. 10% chance of messing up and damaging the listening enemies, making them all chase you. Friend: Heals your friend, and has a chance to: 10% chance of giving them a stamina boost, 5% chance of giving a random buff, 5% chance of putting your friend to sleep, 10% chance of messing up, dealing damage to your friend and pissing them off (IRL) Animation: Music notes flying from your body to the target
Etude Play some music for your friends to raise their stats. This skill is continuous as long as you're using it, it raises the stats of the people around you, but you cannot attack. If you get hit, at a certain % of your health you mess up and have to start over. Use-when you use the skill, it's turned on, and you must use it again to turn it off. If you use rage ranks, it slowly drains that rage rank, and when it's gone, it goes back to regular Stamina and other stuff: Uses 1 stamina every 2.5 seconds of use (2 stamina 5 seconds). If you get hit and mess up, you take more damage, and when you turn it off, you must wait 30 seconds to use it again (idealy, you can use this move for 250 seconds). Every second you have a 10% chance of messing up, but every 10 seconds adds 5% the mess up rate (so I take that back, it's random, you can use this up to 1 second to 200 seconds). If you mess up naturally, it deals some (like 10 if you're CL10) to your friends and enemies Animation: You're playing an instrument (depending on rage rank) while the skill is on, When you turn it off, it disappears
Intentional Bad Playing Play bad to annoy your enemies. Can be passive action, or it can be used on an enemy. If you use passively, (targeting you, a friend, or nothing) you turn it on and enemies run away, drains 1 energy a second. Has a 25 seconds recharge if used this way If used as target for an enemy, it does a scaredy cat, (scares the enemy away, whether or not they're attacking you) Then gets agroed and attacks you (taunting them) Animation: Those broken music notes you see in the comics
Sheet Music Protect your friends with your (useless) pieces of sheet music! (You already remembered the songs...) Provides a scapegoat-like barrier around your friend, and it absorbs some of the damage done to them, has a little rip every time it gets hit (has a certain HP, depending on its CL) Animation: Pieces of paper (like rock armor) are created around your friend, and a piece of paper follows you, every time it takes damage it tears a little.
Set bonus: Tuning- With all of your musical talents acquired, your musical moves will be magnified a little (even your bad playing!)
SoulSkourer Area: Ring Summary: Dice Heal your friend randomly. Roll a dice to see how your friends will be healed. Explanation: 1. Large Healing 2. No Healing HP, but Altered Status. 3. Normal Healing 4. Damage instead of Healing. 5. Random Buff 6. Large Healing
Rorek Orobus Area: Ring Summary: Fiery Spirit, A ring that accesses the very wearers untapped power and uses it against the enemy. Explanation: The ring reacts to the persons confidence in themselves, as they become more confident ((AKA: rings charge increases)) there attacks will become more tremendous and fierce. RR1: The ring displays a wisp of flaming energy creeping over the desired target and causing 130% damage with the base strength as the source. RR4: The body of the user bursts into energy and forms a face from the energy as it would then explode forming a medium diameter around the user. This would cause 300% damage to all enemies caught in the blast. 200% damage to the ones part way from the user and edge of the blast. And 100% to the enemies upon the edge of the blast. To the ones close to the user there is a 75% chance of Knock Back. To the ones between the user and the edge of the blast, there is a 50% chance of Knock Back. And to the ones on the edge of the blast there is a 25% chance of Knock Back. Pictures and ExamplesOnly a rough sketch to give a rough idea.

copycatloki Area: Reaper Ring / Scythe Ring (?) Summary: Melee/AoE-attack ring Explanation: Level 00: (No Rage Used) - A simple diagonal scythe slash Level 01: (1 Rage Bar Used) - A diagonal slash followed by a horizontal scythe slashing Level 02: (2 Rage Bar Used) - A scythe is whirled around the user damage enemies in a small radius around him/her. Level 03: (3 Rage Bar Used - FULL RAGE) - Summon a Grim Reaper/Shinigami/some other personification of Death who releases a powerful wave of darkness/death around the user damaging all opponents in a bigger radius than Level 02. Pictures and Examples An animation with a possible ring. Too late I remembered that there are already rings with skulls...but I can't come up with anything better...<_<
SoulSkourer Area: Rings Summary: Fisher Explanation: Fish! Ring 1 Summary: Reel In: Reel in an enemy using your fishing pole Explanation: Drag an enemy towards you. Does not agro the other enemies near it unless the link enemy has enough time to "warn" the other enemies Damage: Very little (20 at CL10) AoE: Single Enemy Range: Very Long Duration: instant Stamina/ Regen: 5 / 7 seconds CL ranking: Increases range, speed of reeling in, damage Rage: More damage, faster reeling in Fishing wheel with a line going towards the enemy and dragging them in: Uses the "fishing" Ring 2 Summary: Red Herring: Use a red herring Explanation: By using the red herring's amazing different smells, pursuing enemies get confused and leave you alone Damage: None AoE: Medium-Large Range: Medium Duration: Instant, makes enemies lose agro Stamina / Regen: 7 / 10 seconds CL Ranking: Extra AoE, More chance of making them stop Rage: Extra AoE, potential "fear" aspect Animation: Throwing a red fish at the enemies, and affected enemies get a "?" over their head: Bigger herring, more question marks (maybe RR4's green xD) Ring 3 Summary: The Drag Net: Drag your enemies with your spiked net. Explanation: Use your giant fishing net and deal damage to them, moving them sometimes. (depends on weight and towards you) Damage: Moderate (85 CL10) AoE: Large Duration: Instant Stamina / Regen: 7 / 7 seconds CL Ranking: Extra damage, more AoE, more dragging power Rage: Extra damage, more AoE, more dragging power: Different type of net (more spikes, broader, etc.) Animation: A net (like one of those in the sea) Ring 4 Summary: Fishing Spear: Fish Fish! Getcho Fresh Fish! Explanation: Use your expert fishing skills to stab a "fish". Because you're so strong, you can also stab other "fish" with your spear (behind the enemy you target) Damage: Large (110 CL10) AoE: Straight Line, medium Duration: Instant Stamina / Regen: 5 / 6 seconds Cl Ranking: More AoE, extra damage Rage: Extra damage, more AoE: Different type of spear, which is broader Animation: Stab a fish with a spear, like throwing a spear
Zeykhen Area: Rings and Ring Set Summary: Beast Set Explanation: Countains the Rings "Ram", "Claws", "Roar" and "Bite". Completion of the set will grant you a survival instinct that activates when you're endangered, providing bonuses to all your stats, mainly accuracy and dodge, whenever your health drops bellow 50% of max. Bonuses increase if bellow 25%.
Ram (other possible name: Head Ram) Summary: Headbutts an enemy, knocking it away from you. Has recoil on yourself. (melee atack) Explanation: This melee atack MUST be activated when you are FAR from the enemy; you'll then run towards that enemy to ram it for a nice damage and a nasty knockback. Some little damage will recoil to yourself. *note: using any other ring while running towards the enemy will interrupt the Ram* Effect: the head of a horned animal shows up i front of you while you run, and it rams the enemy. The animal varies from a goat (rage 1), a boar (rage 2), a buffalo (rage 3) and a Rhino (rage 4).
Claws (other possible name: Swipes) Summary: use your claws to dish out some pain. (melee atack) Explanation: Though not so strong, this melee atack opens wounds deeper and deeper with each atack, causing a little bonus damage. You must not change target, otherwise the increased damage will start over. *note: only Claws will deal bonus damage* Effect: a claw slashing in front of you. Each rage LV has it's own claw (or claws) design, like wolf claws, tiger claws, bear claws, and so on.
Roar (other possible name: Howl) Summary: Howl and scare your enemies.(Mob Control) Explanation: This loud roar will cause nearby enemies to lose a little accuracy and willpower, decreasing the chance they can hit or mob-control you and your pack. Effect: some roar or howl noise, and the head of some animal (like a lion or a wolf) shows up at the avatar's head.
Bite (other possible names: Jaws, Fangs) Summary: Chew the enemy! (melee Atack) Explanation: This painful bite will cause an enemy to think twice before atacking you again. Deals damage and slows the enemy. Effect: a pair of jaws is shown at the target, biting it. At higher rage lvs, those jaws are bigger and have some extra effect such as dropping saliva or huge fangs oozing venom or something.
Pictures and Examples Well, this set has no ranged atacks, altough one of the melee atacks actually demands you to be FAR from the enemy. You can use Ram to move to an enemy far away, then atack it with Claws and Bite. In case other enemies join the fray, you can use Roar to try to survive long enough, with your set bonus providing extra accuracy and dodge when you get wrecked enough, so you can finish the work. It's a risky bonus, but with the right rings in the other hand, it's a worthy risk.
Zeykhen Area: Rings Summary: Spear Ring (melee atack) Explanation: The spear pierces through your target, dealing half of it's damage to any enemies behind that target. Pictures and ExamplesThe animation would include not only diferent spears or lances being used, but also effects like the lance moving in a spiral pattern while piercing it's target.
Draedellus Area: Rings Summary:Ring Set - Wizard Set Explanation: Countains the Rings "Fireball", "Ice Blast", "Thunderbolt & Lightning" and "Arcane Shield". Completion of the set will grant your nearby allies a temporary bonus whenever you use a ring at full rage (lv 4 rage). Bonus depends on ring type that was used (the bonuses will be explained bellow, with it's visual effects). This would be a great set for both solo and crew purposes, since most of it's bonuses affects ONLY your friends.
Fireball Ring Summary: Damages target enemy and deals little damage to enemies around target. (Ranged Atack) Explanation: This classic spell is the favorite of 9/10 wizards around the globe. Consists in summoning and throwing a fireball, that deals a nice damage to the target, and a little damage to nearby enemies around the target.
Ice Blast Summary: Freezes an enemy. (Mob Control) Explanation: This powerfull spell summons an artic wind to surround an enemy and trap it on ice. Lasts very little time, but the enemy will be slowed down a little after breaking free from the icicles.
Thunderbolt & Lightning Summary: Summons a thundercloud. (Ranged Atack, around you) Explanation: Takes a little time to work, but when it works, it's a choking experience for all enemies unfortunate enough to be close to you. The thundercloud will release a thunder at each enemy, dealing considerable damage.
Arcane Shield Summary: Creates a magical barrier. (Defense) Explanation: Summons a magical shield to protect you from incoming damage. It does not increases your defense, it absorbs a certain amount of damage, then it fades out.
Pictures and Examples Fireball it's simple: it's a fireball, with an explosive effect when it hits the enemy. rage 2 is bigger. rage 3 causes a small nuke-mushroom explosion at the target. rage 4 causes a red dragon head to pop in front of you, and it spits a huge magma ball at the enemy.
Ice Blast starts like an ice flock (rage 1) and changes to several ice flocks (rage 2), then a snowstorm against the enemy (rage 3). at rage 4, a wyvern's head (or a blue dragon) pops out in front of you to spit ice breath at the target.
Thunderbolt & Lightning makes a c
Ungoliath · Sun Oct 12, 2008 @ 07:31pm · 0 Comments |