Hey, Kids. How's it Going?
I'm fine, thanks. Just bored. I know I should be reading; my school's got this "Strive for Five"(<-Which, by the way, is I think the tackiest name they could've possibly come up with.) thing where you have to read 5 books by Thanksgiving. Easy enough, right? Ha ha.
For someone like me, giving a due date that's over a week away just screams test to see how close you can cut it, the last possibly moment where you can do all the work at once. I've got two books on the list, I think, although they were both technicalities. I'd read them like...3 weeks earlier and decided to put them on the list so I wouldn't have to read all as much. Don't get me wrong, kiddies, I like to read, it's just...once you turn pretty much anything into an assignment, I lost all interest in it. Sad, huh? Let's just hope the school doesn't start grading us on breathing. Though it'd probably bring most kid's GPAs up quite a bit.
Remind me to update this later, kids.
So Kids, I got my strive for 5 in. I read 3 (ish) of the books I claimed to. Funsies.