Strange Feelin
Hey. I'm in a weird mood confused . I'm really light headed and sorta sleep, it kinda pleasant. This kind of mood is good for listen to music like evanescence which for the record is a sweet and I love the video for good enough heart . I'm feeling this way probably because I woke up very sleepy, I'm kinda sad plus I was thinking. I know "I was thinking" doesn't explain a lot but I don't want to say, I'd rather keep it to myself. Or this feeling could be all about what I'm thinking of that's probable it to. I've been forgetting and being destructed to read Twilight but I'm making sure I read it ever day. Reading is also a good thing to do in this mood. A while ago my school went to body worlds and it's disgusting and boring gonk . We did go to the auditorium and lay down on the floor but that was the only fun part of this. I lied there where two hot guys working there too. biggrin