Total Value: 124,449 Gold, 12,500 Tickets
After Exclusions: 123,969 Gold, 12,500 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Ribbon Luv Sleeves White
Nitemare Claws
Dashing Gentleman Onyx Tie
Red Wine Pimpin' Platforms
Lovely Genie Red Bangled Bra
Black Class Sock
Elegant Snowy Leggings
Courted Ruff
Angel Imp Plushie
Crimson Red Pimpin' Skirt
Dashing Gentleman's Onyx Tail Coat
Buttoned Down Feather Shirt 'n' Sweater
Roco Rochel Costume Ring
Summoning Tome
Soot Face Explode
Gift of the Gods
Rock Hard
Dark Cape