Two Worlds.
Long ago, back when dinosaurs ruled the earth, there were other creatures to.
Dragons, mighty dragons, Kiro's, Dragoon's, and many more.
The dinosaurs began dieing out, and so did the mythical creatures.
So the 3 mighty dragons, Kain, Xypher, and Xek created A world of their own.
This was a complete different realm just for them and their mythical creatures.
This, is the dragon realm.
Lynsey is a 15 year old girl, on a small street in an even smaller town.
One day, when she was only 5 years old she was playing behind her house.
She noticed a cave, just big enough for her to fit into.
She crawled inside, and saw a lizard-like creature with big leathery wings, and a brilliant blue mane.
''Dragon'' she muttered to herself. She turned to run, and felt a sharp sting on her lower shoulders.
Lynsey ran into her house crying, ''Mommy mommy!! it was a dragon, help it bit me!''
''Oh my lord...'' her mom said faintly has she picked up her shirt to find two puncture wounds on her back.
Lynsey was rushed to the hospital.
After only one night, her wounds had healed and the pain stopped. A huge gust of wind blew, and then a knock at her room window.
Lynsey slowly approached the window, and pulled open the blinds.
It was the dragon! Lynsey jump back a few steps, frightened.
''Do not fear me, I am only here to help. My name is Kain, I am the wind dragon.''
Lynsey heard the words, but his mouth didnt move a muscle.
'' are you talking? You're mouth isn't moveing...'' Lynsey said puzzled.
"Shhhhhh, dont speak. Just think, I can hear you're thoughts and you can hear mine." Kain replied in a safe, assuring voice.
"Why did you bite me in the cave?'' Lynsey asked, still a bit frightened.
"I didnt bite you, i can promise that." He replied, in that safe innocent voice.
"So what happened?" She said, still confused.
"It's only what happens, when I have found the new gaurdian of the Wind Sphere."
"The what of what..?'' She said. those were Kain's last words.
A huge gust of wind came, and Kain left with tornado-like winds after him.
Now, 10 years later, Lynsey's 15th birthday is today.
She got up at almost 1:00 a.m in pain, her scars on her back were stinging and began to swell.
She ignored it as best she could, and fell back asleep.
When she got up in the morning, she went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. She had wings!
Where her scars were, there are now 2 wings each about as long as she is tall, so around 5ft.2in.
"Ok, my birthday is in 3 hours, i need these gone!" She whispered to herself.
She folded them down, and put on a jacket."you're going to get all hot in that, take it off." Her mom protested.
"No, im alright.I just feel a bit cold this morning is all." Lynsey replied.
Her mom just mumbled something to herself and continued her cooking.
It had been 2 1/2 hours, and guests were about to arive. Lynsey went into the bathroom and took off the jacket.
"Thank god, their gone." She put on her birthday outfit, and returned downstairs.
She enjoyed her 15th Birthday, and was lying on her bed, when a gust of wind came, with a knock on her window.
It was Kain again! "It's been a while, has'nt it?" Lynsey said.
"Yes, it has. Here, I have something for you." Kain handed her a Sphere the size of a basketball.
"What is this?" Lynsey asked, with a puzzled look on her face.
"Do you remember, 10 years ago?" He said.
"Hmm, yeah, you said i was the gaurdian of the-...this is the Wind Sphere?"
"Yes, and you must keep it safe. Not all other Dragons are like me Lynsey, protect it with your life."
With that, Kain left with a gust of wind, this time pushing Lynsey down onto her bed.
She sat in her room thinking, and studieing the sphere.
Kain would come every few days or so to check on Lynsey and the Wind Sphere. One day, he came with a small box in hand.
"Here Lynsey, take this." Kain handed her the box.
She took it and opened it, a small whistle was inside.
"What does it do?" She asked.
"Do you see the shimmering light inside the whistle?" Kain pointed out.
"Yeah, i see it. What is it?" She asked, still very confused.
"It's Dragon scale, the texture makes a high toned screech, that can be heard by me anywhere in the universe."
"Wow. Is this important?" She said to Kain, Keeping him there long enough to get the information she was missing out on.
"Yes, if it needs to be. if you are in trouble, or getting lonesome you can blow it and where ever i am, i will hear it and come if i can."
"Oh, ok then. Thanks! I'm sure this will come in handy."She said smileing.
"Alright, I have some buissness to attenend to. I will come back in a couple days, as usual. Goodbye Lynsey."
"Ok, bye Kain." Again he left, tornado-like winds chaseing after him.
Lynsey was walking around the cave where she first met Kain, and saw a worn book lying on the cave floor.
She picked it up, and read anything that was'nt to torn to read.
~The Dragon realm, a magical place to be.----the creatures are----to the north, elfs play.
So many wondered to behold----Dragon realm-- To get here simply Blow on a Dragonscale whitsle
as hard as possible, and imagine a wonerous place.-----belive--will happen.~
The rest was to torn to read. Lynsey placed it back where it was, and returned home.
She sat in bed studieing the Dragonwhistle Kain had given her.
She enjoyed getting it at the light from different angles, watching the light reflect.
Although she didnt know it, there were other people like her in the world.
Carsh, is a 15 year old boy who has met and be-friended Xypher, the water dragon.
One day, Lynsey asked Kain about the dragon realm.
"What's it like? Are there other dragons? Is it pretty?" She asked.
"Here, get on my back, i will show you."
She cautiosly got on, and he took off faster than anything she had ever seen.
A blinding light came, then it was all calm. She opened her eyes, to take in a truely amazeing sight.
The most wonderfull plants, and strange creatures were everywhere.
The Kiro, very full of pride and protective over the things it cared about.
The males have a beautifull crest, and flashing tails.
The female's dont have a crest, but ram-like horns. They lay 3-6 eggs in a single clutch.
They usualy nest in hollow tree trunks or burrows.
Usualy around 5 - 6.2feet tall when fully grown.
The Syrupins, are snake-like creatures, with two front legs and feathered wings.
Usualy very calm, and not startled easily.
The Seprins, Syrupin's more evolved cousins, are very large and vicious.
They have venom that will burn straight through most fabric,wood, and metal.
Usualy around 10 - 14 feet long.
They are very solitary creatures, and they are very rare to come by in the wild.
The Dargoons, are very much like the kiro's. They average the same size,
The only thing to specify a kiro female from a dargoon female, is a female dargoon has a crest.
The male kiro and dargoon are very much alike. The only thing different is that the male dargoons dont have a flashy tail.
Lynsey looked around, and saw Carsh. Carsh had just recently had his 16th birthday party, and got his dad's old car as a gift.
Lynsey's birthday was in only a week. "Hey Lynsey, i got you something!" Carsh said runing to her.
He handed her the box. "Open it! I think you will like it.''
She slowly opened it, and there was a Syrupin in it!
"Awww, he's adorable! thank you Carsh."
"No problems, you can name him, he doesnt have a name yet." He replied.
"Hmm, i think i'll name him viper. Its nice and simple." So Lynsey now had a pet syrupin.
Lynsey and Carsh Explored the Dragon Realm, and Lynsey asked Kain
"Does time move differently in the dragon realm then it does in the human realm?"
"Yes, if your from the human realm no matter how long your in the Dragon Realm it only counts as 1 hour in the human realm."
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