So Friday was good/bad to me, same with Saturday.
Friday started out fantastic, with me Azzy and Aaron catching the bus at the school early in the morning and heading off to the mall. First we looked around some shops and all that junk, and I watched Azzy play Mario Kart in EB Games. (She did that godawful Koopa level but she didn't keep getting flipped around in the tunnel of doom like I did. >.> ) then we ate at MacDonald's. I can't remember too much of what we did at the mall to be honest. >.< Only that stuff and then Aaron left, and me and Azzy went to the sports section and I tried on some rollarblades and got some, yay. =3 Unfortunately they are crappy rollarblades that don't really fit me with icky wheels, but Azzy bought them for me and I am extremely grateful and love them nonetheless.
Rollarblading is FREAKING HARD. I tried to rollarblade around on Friday, but it was hotter then the savannah sun out there and I got burnt pretty bad. |: Also they are ill-fitting so without bunches of socks it was almost impossible to get around in them without wanting to keel over. Not that I can go for very long in them without becoming exhausted anyways. They're fun but oh, I need to work on my fitness. Dx Then I'll be able to go really fast for a long time~
It was Azzy's idea to go to Widdifield and visit Ma-chan, and I was totally up for that as I always usually am, although she almost ended up not going because she needed to go to work ... but she came for like 10 minutes and sat in the cafeteria with Ma-chan, Kora, Steph, and briefly Tony (who left with Ricky when he came in, that person completely ignoring me for who knows why -.-)
Then I waited with Azzy while she waited for the bus to get to work, and lucky me for being there at that time! ^^ Well whatever. Dustin came by and hungout with us until Azzy caught the bus, then me and Ma-chan walked him to Scollard... well, sort of. I tried to rollarblade and failed because of heat and lacking many socks. I apologize to Dustin for the many, many times he tried to help me tighten them and I held him up for fixing them every five minutes. x.x And also to Ma-chan for carrying that stupid box. We just ended up throwing it out anyways.
We ended up walking back to Widdifield from Euphoria (where Danika and some other people were, so of course Dustin wanted to see her) and then I left to go rollarblade and ran into Sheldon who had a job interview apparently. I'm so jealous. ;-; I wished him goodluck. Hope he gets that job. xP
I had originally planned on rollarblading to Azzy's work since I gave her my bus money, but it was impossible so I stopped by Kora's and hungout with her, Steph, and Ma-chan for a little bit until I got picked up by Azzy ... which it started to rain hard very shortly afterwards, so thank god, but I felt bad for those guys getting caught in it. x.x
I went home and called Azzy, and she dragged me out to rollarblade to the theater to see those guys again lol. It was killer but with bunched socks I was able to manage it, although I took a lot of breaks and my legs wanted to die. By the time we got there though we only saw them for like 5 minutes before they went into the movie, then we headed back and I slept over at Azzy's house. =D And since her brother and cousin were gone we had the whole basement to ourselves.
So we watched Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and baked cookies. Temple of Doom was great, but one part was kind of gross. ._.; But it was still great. I kind of hated Willie though, she sucks. Shortie is seriously the best sidekick ever, he made me laugh way too much. Indy is awesome of course.
We tried to watch The Last Crusade but it was like 4:30 by then and no one had the attention span by then, so we turned it off and planned to watch it in the morning, but that didn't happen. ): SOMEONE didn't wake me up and went shopping so when I woke up and went upstairs I felt awkward because they weren't even there. >.>; So I went home.
Then like two hours later got dragged to the waterfront. I didn't even have time to eat. ;-; We rollarbladed Kate Pace way all the way there -- Oh geez I thought I was going to die. Dx My legs are killing me right now... I had to stop too many times. I am envious of Azzy's wheels, they can actually roll down hills and mine can't... not a good thing... But I am getting better rollarblades eventually. These are just trainers.
So we went swimming with Ma-chan, Kora, Steph, and Aaron. We didn't stay in the water too long because it was kind of cold, and even colder outside. I froze for the rest of the night. |: I should of brought a jacket but I thought it'd be warm...
Ma-chan dressed up like a girl again. I was kind of cranky that whole night because I was tired and hadn't eaten anything all day, so I was a b***h to everyone. &.&; I'm sorry... It was fun I just hate being cold and hungry. Azzy got us pizza and breadsticks at Toppers, although by then we had to hurry up and catch the last bus... which didn't even go by our houses for some reason because it's the last bus? -.- So we went to A&P which was colder then outside for some stupid reason and I just complained about being cold the whole time. Azzy said something about my sunburn lowering body temperature.
Then we walked to her house, and I biked from there ... and I saw a beaver crossing the road. No, I am not kidding. An actual beaver was just crossing the road in an urban area. The nearest body of water was farther then a beaver should ever be from, but there it was crossing a street and wandering around peoples' front yards. I stopped and looked at it, and it stopped and didn't look at me, and a cat lying down in the driveway looked at it. I think the cat was as weirded out as me. That's the closest I've ever seen a beaver I guess.
And then I came home and here I am, exhausted and still kind of cold but don't really want to go to bed. xD Am bored though. No one's on at this time. I'm just a weirdo I guess.
I'm really glad school is basically over, just two exams left. I did the first of two scheduled plays on Thursday and I messed up horribly on my one of my parts. It was embarrassing but I was thrown off because someone else forgot to say their line and I blanked out. Also the lights went out while we were preforming. -.- Our play was kind of welfare (we didn't even have any props) but it was just a drama class play, and not a school play so it can't be blamed. No one was even really there that day anyways. Hopefully next time will go much, much better and I know quite a few people are going to come see it.
OH! CITY OF GUARDIANS IS PLAYING!~ <3 (on my playlist ... XD) Ahh I love this song... it's so nostalgic for some reason... now I want to go play ToA. ): Agh, I MISS when I first got that game and I spent like a week downstairs playing it while I ate ramen cups, commenting on every aspect of the game as I always do. But Brandon has my PS2 and everything, and also I'm working on Twilight Princess. Kind of stuck at this one place in the desert with the poes though... but I'll figure it out I guess. |: I think Link is a pretty cool guy. Eh can turn into a wulf and colletc goldn bugs and slay monstres and do dungoens and doesn't afraid of anything.
And now Selenite is playing... this song has some emotional history for me. Quite a few songs do really...
Okay, I'm just rambling on about stupid stuff now. Dx So I should wrap this up and go umm... do something... I guess. >.> Here's the start of hopefully a wonderful summer~!
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