You're Lucy, A vicious killer and you enjoy it when humans the suffer. You have a nice side, but that doesn't hold you back from doing what you want.
Killing Rate: 23 people in 5 minutes.
This one is the result of: "which Elfen Lied personality are you?":
"The Merciless Killer"
Getting Lucy as a result means one of many things. Perhaps you are sick of the way the human race is turning out, and wish to wipe it all away. Maybe you feel as if you are greatly superior, and everything else just doesn't matter. You could be a strong believer in "survival of the fittest." Perhaps you just like picking all the evil sounding answers in these quizzes. It's anyone's guess.
Opposite: Nyuu
Here's an Anime personality test.... XP:
Dark -
You're COMPLETLEY evil. Period. But seriously change your ways before you lose to the good guys.
This what I got from another Anime personality test.. But there were no evil things... -_-; :
You are very shy, and don't like many pepole around you. A lot of attention makes you feel insecure. But you are a good person at heart. Too god. Don't let people use you. Stand up for yourself. You can do it! Belive in yourself, and don't give up!!
And another...
You're quiet but you're COOL! You're Badass -haha- People think you're awesome. If someone insults you, you're the one who always have the last laugh.
Tip: Try to be friends with people that gets bullied... Your Badass-ness will save them ;D!!!
Thank you for taking my quiz!!! Hope you liked it!! (:
I'm BORED Okay?!?!?!
You have really expressionless eyes that are usually brown or black. You are kind of gothic, no offence. I mean, it's all cool. =P
you are Miss. Cool you never lose it in a heated situation and you work well under pressure. You always know what to say, or at least you make it sound like you do! You're a loyal and good friend! Lucky you!
Okay, notice: All of them seem to be almost the same... O.o
But this one reminds me of the Sundace school. My 2nd 8th grade school...
You don't like to atract atention, and you are very shy of things. You have friends who love you and you are very kind to them, but sometimes they are the ones comforting you so you are not scared. People think of you as a little child who they fuss over, but you don't mind at all!
You are a Ghost Walker. You are cute, but dont want to call too much attention to yourself.
Artistic and Creative
You love to write, draw, paint, doodle, anything that gets your mind going. You are very imaginative also- but you put most of your ideas on paper rather than keeping them stored in your mind. You even sing, make up dances- even dance in your room to crazy songs and hip hop- whichever one it helps you express yourself. Even if it's embarassing. (I've been caught dancing in my room before *blushes*) Maybe you were too. But the point is you express yourself with symbols-animals-colors anything. You just express yourself and aren't afraid to show it! smile
Quote to live by:
Life is a song. Sing it!
Okay, I'm bored, but maybe one more...
I think this one is like the type of person I am towards my old friend, not towards my new seeing that its my... 3RD 8TH GRADE SCHOOL!!!!! evil But the Gemstone is right, color too. Disney character? Are you ******** kidding me? Those are for little kids and immuture teens that are too stuck up in their own stupid fantacy world full of happiness and bliss.... IT TOTALLY GOT THE ELEMEBT WRONG!!!!
Thumper... WTF IS THAT?!?!?!
your the dare-devil
your bubbly, funny, crazy, wild, prankster etc. your always finding ways to enlighten your day! and oyu wont go through life unoticed. your friends love you even thgouh you seem stubborn at times. and youll never give up. you could be compared to a bomb because stuff always happens when your around
gemstone: sapphire
color: blue
disney character: thumper
elemt: fire
Okay, one more.... JUST TO CALM MY NERVES..... The last one was a waste of time.... -_-;
... This didn't make it any better, but it's a little true though I don't let it show as often... eh heh... ^^
You're confused and have ADD! Congratulations! Make sure that ADD bunny doesn't run too fast past you.
Ups: You're fairly easy going and seem to make people laugh at how ditzy and confused you really are.
Downs: You have a small attention span and never understand whats going on. This includes your...hey come back here! I'm still talking to you! *sighs* Oy...
Okay... One more!
you are very much so a tom boy.you want people to look at you and not your family you beilive to never judge a book by its cover and to give evryone at chance at anything that they want to do. also you are sweet and will always fight for your opinion
One last... one...
aaww..u r rather lonely and mysterious...u don't really show ur true feelings to others but then... u r also a very deep person...
HAIR: black
HOBBY: writing
GUY TYPE:someone strong and energertic...he must understand u VERY WELLLL....
Okay, I'm satisfied, have fun reading all of these if ya' want to that is. Bye.