Yeah read this if you wanna know some more about me
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Your Result
You're neither an introvert or an extrovert, you're more in between. You like spending time with people, but you need quality time by yourself as well. You prefer hanging with a few close mates than a big crowd of people. You're quite a good student at school even though you don't make much effort. Sometiems you get jealous of people because you think you're weird. You're not really that confident, but you will do crazy things if you think you're not getting enough attention.
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How assertive are you?
Your Result
You are very assertive. Not too agressively, or passively. Just the right kind. You love to express your ideas to people, and overall you feel confident about yourself. Whenever a problem arises, you solve it in the right way.
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Are you an enjoyable person?
Your Result
Your enjoyable to your friends and those close to you.
Your not very open with other people if you don't know them that well and tend to limit those types of conversations to small talk.
But that all changes around your friends and loved ones. Your comfortable and want to see them smile, so your the closest thing to yourself around them.
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What Do People Like About You?
Your Result
You're funny! People laugh, and laugh at your jokes until they're sore in the sides. Anyone can have a fun time with you because no matter what the situation, you've always got an entertaining wisecrack ready.
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are you easy to get along with?
Your Result
Are you are very easy to get along with, that is, once you get past your shy attitude and let them in a little. You don't want to put yourself out there and do something that you could get hurt doing. Like a rejection. Maybe you should try something once a day that doesn't make you all that comfortable. Try and break out of that shell a little.
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Are you a pushover?
Your Result
You're the perfect mixture! You're helpful but strong and have a lot of will power. You'll put your foot down, but you do it nicely. You really value your friendships! I'm sure your friends have a lot of respect for you.
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What Is Your Biggest Weakness?
Your Result
You are the self-sacrificing. Your biggest weakness is you would rather sacrifice everything than see someone sad. You'd give anything you could to see someone smile, even if it's a stranger. A little giving spirit is a good thing, but too much can wear you down. Make sure you get what you need, too, and don't give too much of your life away to other people. They'll be fine without you watching over them every minute.
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How TRULY OriginalUnique Are You?
Your Result
Stubbornly Different.
You simply could not stand being called "normal" In every aspect of your life you strive to be different from everyone around you. You wouldn't be caught dead listening to main stream music or wearing the latest fasion. To you rules were made to be broken and you fell that all the people who follow them are pathetic sheep, just following the crowd. No one could ever truely understand you, and no one could ever be like you. You like that, and intend to do everything in your power to keep it like that!
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