 as selaina ran through the foggy forest, a dark shadow followed close, but not too close. her breath came in ragged pants and fogged on the chilly night air. she knew that she would be forced to go back to the castle, but she just couldnt resist just TRYING to escape. she knew she got in somehow and, somehow she had to find that opening.the chains on her arms were slightly tugging at her wrists, but she ignored it, and pushed back with her own weak magic. ever since she had been here, her own magic had become weaker and weaker. damian, her tormentor, had been draining it as much as possible,making himself stronger all the while.
 "servatis periculum" selaina murmured, while trying to her draw her power and focus it to help her find a weak point in this demented world his words played back in her head," i feel it when you even try to use a drop of magic, so dont even try it." "stop, just stop." she hoarsely spoke. in the castle she had begged for water, she may have been mistress and have the servants listen to her every beck and call, but they always said the same thing,"im sorry,miss, we just dont have water, the sir wont have it, but.... we do have blood, if you like."but, her answer was always the same deny. the chains were tugging harder now, pulling hard enough to open the scabs that came from her writhing in pain when he whipped her for even the most unimportant infraction.she tried to rub it, but more blood only came pulsing out of her wrists, making her wince. ~~~~~~~~~~~in the castle~~~~~~~~~~~ Damian sat at his chair in his room and watched the crystalball and saw selaina rubbing at her wrists, only making them bleed more. "silly silly woman, thinks she can just figure a way out of here at night, ha!! ill show her!!!! Ohh, summerset!!! set up the chains in the dark room and ready my sharpest and most painful whip, will you, im afraid that ill be busy tomorrow, so please can you handle things around here??" "certainly, sir, what ever you wish sir." he tipped his hat and bowed then went to do as he was told.
 ~~~~~~~~~~~in the forest~~~~~~~~~~~ the choker collar around her neck was tugging as hard as the chains were, and slowly pulling her back to the castle. the hole she managed through sweat, blood, and tears was now disguising itself so hopefully damian wouldn't find it. she turned around and reluctantly followed where the chains lead her. when selaina got back to the castle the doors opened and damian sat on the steps leading to the second floor and stared at her so hard she was amazed when she looked down and didnt see holes. "where have you been?" damian whispered quietly.selaina preferred his hot temper rather than his cool and even wrath. she knew his control was stretching thin. " i..i...i was out for an evening walk in the forest." " seems to me like it wasnt." temper lanced through his deep blue eyes tinging them with red. "that was all, just a walk, but i was just thinking about how there should have been some animals there, like, maybe squirrels, or .....birds, i guess." ~~~~~~~~~~~in another room~~~~~~~~ summerset was setting up the chains checking to make sure there were no loose nuts or bolts, so that damians mistress wouldn't free herself. but it was a pity she hadnt found the one room where he kept all the information about this world. the info that might just break him and selaina out and ave damian trapped inside. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~several hours later~~~~~~~ selaina was chained and secured, but left alone in the darkest and coldest room there was.she had been here before, the first time she had ever come here.
 ~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~in reality~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sheriva had just finished her daily chores, but now that she was living alone, she knew that there were bills to be paid and food to be bought. sheriva was 23 and finally out of her mothers scrupulous rules. she sighed and began fixing her bed for the night and was going through the house to make sure that every thing was locked and every light was off. when she got into bed and comfy with a book and book light that clipped onto it, she was extremely exhausted, and fell into sleep before she finished the first page. ~~~~~~~~~~in the room where selaina was~~~~~~~~~~ selaina heard whispering somewhere but knew that she was alone, that she was hearing things, but then she heard another womans voice screaming about being here and not alone in her own bed at her relatively comfortable apartment. summerset was bringing in a woman who he kept calling sheriva, to calm down. selaina kept herblack hair covered head hung and tried to be a shadow. after sheriva was chained and summerset left, selaina asked in a hoarse voice to the yelling sheriva " hi, my name is selaina and i heard yours was sheriva. and it might help your throat if you didnt scream anymore. i didnt stop screaming the first week i was here, and now i have this hoarseness, so just a heads up, stop screaming and save your self the trouble." Sheriva stopped screaming to be let out long enough to hear selainas words. "yeah, my names sheriva, and why doesnt he give you water if youre hoarse?" " damian isnt a big fan of water 'round here, only serves blood, the b*****d." "hmm, why?" sheriva asked. ~~~~~~~~~~~~several hours later, after the sun rose~~~~~~~~~~ selaina was walking throught the forest with sheriva and thinking about how to tell her new friend that she was stuck in this fantasy-slash-reality until they could figure out how to get out. maybe summerset has something to do with it, i mean, come on, he takes care of practically everything! "you must be thinking pretty hard." sheriva pointed out. "mmm, yeah." selaina agreed. "why are there chains on your neck and feet?" sheriva asked. "i... guess you could say its a reminder of when I...or we, have to get back to the castle." selaina replied. "oh." ~~~~~~~~~~~in the castle~~~~~~~~~~~ summerset sat in his own room, albeit small, reading his book for like the thousandth time. He thought that he should ask the master about when they were going to get more books.And that he might show selaina and sheriva on how to get out, he might. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~in another room~~~~~~~~~~~~ damian sat and contemplated about how he should torture his new guest. thinking he got up and scanned the book his father gave him a few months before he died, when damian was just turning 15. should he try the one he hadn't done before, or should he do one of his favorites, or one that could be done from a different room with just a snap of a finger? maybe he could create an illusion that there was water in the forest, since the girls were there now. yes, he'd go with that one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~in the forest~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sheriva and selaina were walking, and in their own thoughts when sheriva suddenly saw a clear freshwater lake with a flowing stream. "water!!!!!" rasped sheriva. "wait,"selaina said," it could be a trap." "pffft, no it couldn't!"sheriva snorted. selaina took sherivas hand just so if something happened, they were in it together. they went towards the lake, sheriva with happiness, selaina with reluctance. as sheriva bent down and put her hands in the water to drink, and slowly selaina the same, the water disappeared in a blink and turned into a whole giant nest of angry and writhing rattlesnakes. "oh my jesus!!!!!" sheriva called out as selaina practically blacked out. "ohh, wake up wake up wake up wake up!!!!!!!! sheriva said frantically while tapping selainas cheeks, dragging her towards consciousness. "what?" selaina asked sleepily "get up, lets go!!!!" "why" "that!!" "oh my goodness gracious!!" selaina and sheriva started running away from the coiling and hissing snakes. ~~~~~~~~~~~in the castle~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ damian sat on his chair and chuckled to himself as he saw sheriva waking selaina up. that was a mighty good plan damian thought to himself, might good plan. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~in another room~~~~~~~~~~~~~ summerset was getting up when he heard thin screaming outside the doors of the castle.summerset was at the doors, and opening them as the two girls rushed through and thanked summerset for opening the doors and they asked him fervently to close the doors now!
.........i just might make more on this but, to do this, you must BEG!!!!!......... twisted twisted
Confictura · Sat May 17, 2008 @ 04:19am · 6 Comments |