PART 39:the call is sometimes evil
(in shades kindom)"ugh..send the warriors to the east..for all i care.."shade says madly "yes sir!!"valren says "sir??? they people are wanting more space for the market..."jain says "you people never listen....hold one a sec......*shade takes a deep breath and yells*JAIN!!!GIVE THEM MORE SPACE!!!!VALREN!!!KEEP THE WARRIORS PATROLING!!!MAXRY!!!LET THE MAIDS TAKE THREE DAYS OFF ON THE WEEK!!! GIVE ME THAT LETTER!!!!"shade says madly *everybody just scurries everywhere doing everything the suppose to do* "here you go..a letter from..umm..jade???!!"one of the servants *the servant hands shade the letter* (it says "shade!!!i need help!!!7 guys have surrounded me..and i am about to be raped..of my virginty!!.....and i am getting neovos and when i get like that i can't fight as" wink "i am going!!!"shade says and runs to the balcone and jumps then whistles *shade lands on his blue tip named laxa*(ten minutes later)"get away from me!!!"jade says while in stress "no intil you give us all your money..and if we can't get that..."one of the ninja's say "we are going to rape you if you don't.."another one says *they start circling her* *jade performs a aikido on one of them.* (one is down 6 more to go..)jade says in her mind *one ninja knocks her out from behind* "ugh.."jade says and falls to the ground lifeless (two hours later..jade is being carried somewhere..)"uuhhhhh....huh??....what the!!!let me out of these ropes!!!"jade says angrly "ok here is what you are we did not rape you when you were sleeping,we are taking you to our leader...and you will do his bidding like the rest of may of gotten knocked out but we could use your sex appeal for some of our jobs.."one of the ninja's say "*pfft*i don't work with ninja's like you and these so calls i work with highly train..."jade says "well in that case your going to be a perrrrrrrfect match with ourrrrrrrrrrr leader..oh and not to meantion my name is ppuuuuuuuuurrrrana"purana says "i can see why they call you that you pur to much...and why hasn't you leader have you instead of me??"jade askes "cause,i am the top ninja plus i ppppuuuurrrrr to i hiiisssssssss to much like a ssssssnaaaaaakkkkkkeeee...."purana says "shut up you two ..purana take this girl to the leader's tent and leave her their.."one of the boy ninja's say (meanwhile where shade is still flying on his blue tip)"where??is she..??"shade says (she is a the great flame ninja's clan..)laxa the blue tip says "how can you talk bird!!!"shade says "you thought i has duuuummmmm??i have learned you humans lauges...we must go back cause the clan will surely kill you and then me..."laxa says and turns around "how do you know this??"shade says confused "my mother was killed by them and they hate your father...."(meanwhile in the so called "leader's" tent) "don't worry jade...varren won't hurt you...he never does hurt anybody execpt enmemies!!"purana says and leaves the tent "you better be right..."jade says and sits down waiting "she is in there varren"one of the gaurds say *varren goes into the tent "you must jade??"varren says "yes..i am...jade..."jade says "whats your full name??"varren says "jade whai are you going to do to me??"jade says "i like the name..your father and my father use to be great friends...your father name is father name is ji they were in the same group..the red dragons.."varren says "ok but you still haven't answered my question..."jade says and then stands up "don't worry your question will be answered in full..."varren says and then dissappears "what the.."jade says and then she see pink and white smokes rise *she smeels the smoke and it glides right through her!!!)"uhh...ugh...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"jade screams as the smoke runs through her veins to her heart (her veins bubble with fource and battling engry ..her heart turns from broken to fixed...her musles tighten and she feels free) *jade falls to the ground..lifeless...* have to read my next chapter to find out what happens to jade and shade
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my thinkings of life and sometime poems in my big head and a chinese story that has gone dead..
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