Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus - 3
Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger - 3
Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth - 2
Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle - 2
Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat - 2
Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle - 1
Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise - 1
Rescue Cat - 1
Magna - slash Dragon - 1
Gravi - Crush Dragon - 1
Dweller in the Depths - 1
Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder - 1
Rainbow Dragon - 1
Total: 20 cards
Lightning Vortex - 1
Giant Trunade - 1
Monster Reincarnation - 1
Monster Reborn - 1
United We Stand - 1
Mage Power - 1
Mystical Space Typhoon - 1
Swords of Revealing Light - 1
Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins - 2
Crystal Beacon - 2
Crystal Promise - 2
Crystal Blessing - 1
Rare Value - 1
Crystal Abundance - 1
Dark Bribe - 1
Torrential Tribute - 1
Waboku - 1
Total: 20 cards
Total in Deck: 40 cards
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