I mean honestly, they kill the most useful character (Aerith/Aeris) off before the game even gets rough. D: What's with that? I love Healing Wind damn it! I don't want to attack people with a Limit I want to make sure I'm alive!! </3
Cloud =/= cool. I think I would rather play with Selphie (FFVIII). Plus, not being able to use analog makes me emo. ;_; It hurts meh fingers. "I got blistas in me fingas!" Just because Cloud has a big sword doesn't mean he's cool.
Unless you've tried your hand at all the FF games then you shouldn't say which is the best. I've played all the of them. Well, not FFXI because I don't have PSonline, but that's not exactly the same. It's not an RPG. It's an MMORPG. ;D I've played all the FF games, I haven't beat them all yet. (The first one is so hard ;_; ) But I've either beat or almost beat pretty much every one of 'em.
FFVI is by far the best IMO. Such a vast cast and you're not forced with a character you hate. That's a flaw in the newer games period. FFXII almost had it right. If I could've been Fran in Town instead of that loser Vaan I would have been much more happy. :3
I personally think that Kefka was far more insane than Sephiroth. I mean honestly, did you hear his laugh? D: Creepy!
Besides, look at all the s**t they're making for FFVII because it's so overrated. Dirge of Cerberus (Have it beat it on the hardest difficulty... because it was EASY anyway. :/ The only hard aspect was having enough ammo) and whatever else they have. There's that PSP game that I forgot.. I saw it at walmart. There was a 'movie' I have that too. The best part of that movie was seeing Tifa fight <3
I don't see other games being pimped so hard. FFX-2 is the only thing to compare really. That was a decent game to me. I mean it was nice to see Yuna and Rikku again. It was much more lighthearted. Which is why people (I think) hated it. Since it's not the class system. Otherwise they would hate all FF games. Except 12 since you can use everything on everyone.
Cloud = Swordsman
Tifa = Fighter
It's just not changable in them. It is in FFV which is neat <3 Anyhoo,
I was watching a YouTube video of FFX's ending and a comment mentioned how it (the ending) was almost up to par with FFVII... and then they went on to say how FFX-2 ruined the ending of FFX. :/ FFVII = beating a dead horse. Sheesh. How much s**t are they going to pop out? (is it Crisis Core? Is that the PSP game? I remember that being one of the FFVII things going to be released... hmm... )
I can see it now,
FFVII: Child's Play
Be the child version of your favorite Final Fantasy VII character as you go around capturing monsters to battle and trade with your friends!!!