Anyways, so I'm really hyper right now and I have some thoughts in my brains, so here goes -takes a deep breath- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -lets it out- Alright, here goes, FOR REALS!!!
Umm, so Dominic (view past journal entry) wished me a happy sweet 16. -chuckles a little bit- that wasn't awkward at all. Oh well. He looks at me at lunch sometimes, I've just noticed it. I don't know. I think he wants to be my friend again, but whatever right? I'm moving anyways, not to a different state, just a different town >.<
Anyways, next topic. Ambeh, aka Porcelain Tragedies, is my buddy friend again. We had this whole drama thing happening between us for NO reason, I didn't do anything wrong. At least, I don't think I did. Anyways, so she told me about people not liking me and talking her into hating me and blah blah blah ya' know, the whole high school drama thing. Whatever, right? I'd never stoop down to that level, I listen to my own conscious and that's all. Like, if somebody tells me something about one person and somebody says something opposite, or even just the first thing, I'll just think nothing of it. Unless it is something like rape, then I bring it up with the person. I know when somebody is lieing, but only when they're right in front of me. Then again, voices are pretty easy to translate too >.< Yeah, so back to the topic. Umm, we're going to hang out this weekend. She's bringing her gf with her >.<
OMJ! So, the day of Silence is next Friday. I can't wait! One, I have to be quiet, and Two, I get to SHOUT about how great gays are at the end of the day. Ic an't wait >.< My boyfriend signed up for it too, it was awesome. You know, because guys don't usually support gays. At least, not the ones I sweatdrop Anyways. Not important. I don't know.
Umm, I'm wondering if Amber is just playing nice or if she really is my friend, who knows. All I know is this, I'm not talking crap about anybody behind their backs anymore, if I have a grudge, I'll say it to their faces. Heck, I'll just keep it all in my head, that's the polite thing to do, right? I don't know, blah! yeah, I'm not going to insult people behind their backs, it's rude. I mean, why do something you don't want done to you, right? I don't know, that's just my thought.
OMJ! I watched the second Carrie movie today, well, some of it! It's not that great, I liked how the vines from her tattoo grew on her body though, that was a new twist. I don't know, I thought that Carrie was a great movie, but the sequel is sort of questionable. It's still good, I just didn't really think much of it. I don't really know, I think that I want to extend my vocabulary and become a critic for a living, I'm particularily good at it. Well, sometimes I am. Not that it really matters >.< Lolz. So yeah, you tell me if you think I could be a good critic, but only if you've seen my constructive critic side >.< If you haven't seen it, ask me to critisize something and I will >.<
Lolz, I'm listening to Marilyn Manson, he got a rib bone removed so he could blow himself O.O SICK!!! Lolz, how my friend knew that, I'll never know. HECKS! That may just be something that the papparazzi made up so that they could get good kicks from people, most people don't like Marilyn Manson anyways just because of the kind of music that he sings. I don't know. I sort of like his music O.O I mean, just because I listen to his music that doesn't mean that I'm going to go all Juvenile Delenquite on yo' a**. Lolz, I like that >.< I mean, people think that if you listen to his music you'll do bad things and go to Juvi. but, isn't it the person's fault and not his. I never understood that.
I just can't comprehend why people think that listening to a certain type of music controls your actions, it makes no sense to me at all. Music might be able to control how you think sometimes, like control your actions, but it can't give you anger issues. If somebody has anger issues, then they were born that way. If somebody is violent, it's because of their own mind. It has NOTHING to do with the music they listen to. Usually, it's the environment that they were raised in. What I mean by this is if a child is raised in a bullying environment, they grow up to be a bully, if somebody grows up in an abusive family, they will turn out one of two ways. One: they'll remember the pain and stop the abuse in their own family or Two: they'll begin to abuse people as well and enjoy it. It's the same with drinking problems, if you're raised in a family that drinks a lot, you can either end the problem in yourself or you can follow their example. Everybody makes their own choices in this life, music may influence your emotions, but they can't MAKE you do anything. What you do is a choice of yours and yours alone.
So, getting away from that. Lolz. Umm, that could be considered a sort of criticism I suppose. I don't really know, it's in the reader's opinion right? OH! I drew an angel today, well, I'm DRAWING an angel. Lolz. I'll put it on my profile when I'm done with it. Anyways, dinnertime, so I must to be jetting. Yes, I made that grammar error on purpose. DAMN ME, I know, damn me! Lolz.