PART 27: a bad day yet still good on the passion side
(lara has been a slave for two years)"i forgot about the new king's dauther!!!!"lara says while running across the new bridge into the next palace "HAULT!!!"a nearby gaurd says "why is a dersert flower in the palace?"the gaurd says "oh shut up kong you know me i was here since i was 16!!!now get out my way!!!!!"lara says and pushes him out her way (three hours later) (after getting the kings dauther and getting to her room)"ugh,i wish i could go home!!!!!"lara says while crying *she feels a hand on her shoulder*"what the hel-"she was cut off by a old friend kiss "dravin but they said you went faraway!!!!"lara says while getting alittle happy "yeah they said that they lied i went to a ninja camp for two years!"dravin says "well things have changed here...."lara says "yeah i know,drake is now the king i got a niece,he still rapes you yet your still pretty!"dravin says with a small half smile "yes,he does and the bad news is the you brother trin died.....or is that good news?"lara says "thats great!!!!!!now i don't have to hear is mouth all the time!!!"dravin says and starts laughing *they both laugh for three mintues* "ohh someone coming!!!"lara says alittle worried "well i will see you at dinner bye"dravin says and leaves the room *drake comes in* *lara gulps* "ohh not again please!!!oh mercy!!!"lara says while on her knees "don't worry i am not going to bed witch you again....i am giving you to dravin.."drake says while cutting her silver braclet that was giving to her when she was first a slave "what does this mean?"lara says "it means you don't serve me any more your no longer a slave yet you belong to dravin now"drake says while giving her a gold ring "dravin gives this to you"drake says and puts the ring in her hand and leaves *lara sits on her bed and looks at the ring*"well i might as well put it on"lara says (at dinner) (lara has new queen clothes even though she is not a queen)"come sit be me"dravin says and takes lara's hand *dravin and lara talk awhile and leave the dinner table and go to dravin's balcone* "well it is good to know that i am not a slave anymore and drake can't touch me"lara says in relielf "i see you putted the ring on i gave drake to give to you"dravin says with a smile "yeah its beautiful,but why did you give it to me?"lara says while walking to her new room (but before she gets off the balcone dravin says)"because of this"dravin says and holds lara and kisses her (lara feels all warm for the first time in her life) (dravin regiters the same feeling)*they stand there just kissing for twenty minutes "wow never in my life i thou-"lara was cut off by another kiss ...........................(this is may be her real love and not a arranged one) heart
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my thinkings of life and sometime poems in my big head and a chinese story that has gone dead..
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