PART 17:a queen in danger
(in the jungle palace)"ugh why does he want me!!!,i mean i hate him"laxara says while banging her head on the wall."ummm,queen laxara i am sorry for my brother's acting...."says luna." why are you begin nice to me!,your his sister!"says laxara madly pounding the wall now "yes i am his sister but i am not ruthless like him,i am a princess married to a high prince in africa"says luna while unlocking the door and walks away."good now i can't find a way out"laxara says while heading east *bump*"ugh"they both say "shed!"..."laxara!" *laxara runs alittle to late* *shed tackles her and pins her to the ground*"listen here queen there is no way out cause all doors and windows are sealed shut and bolted down!except for one which you do not know where it is!"says shed *laxara struggles to get free from his grip but still looks confused*"yes i know how you think,besides we are both from the same sky and people there know how to escape anything expect fires of course....wait let me geuss that what killed your family..."shed whisper's in laxra's ear *laxara flashes back when til sting told her the bad news,she had her first kiss and boyfriend on the same day*"you..sly fox..i..hate..foxes that make me sooo sick and tired......of you.....*before she can say another word shed kisses her unlike thi's kiss she had* *she turns her head yet likes the kiss alittle*...ugh let me go you little stuck up little boy"says laxara "as you wish your highnes"says shed letting her go and vanishing into thin air "ugh..i got to remember to wash my mouth with toothpaste....hahaha"laxara says while going to the main bathroom still laughing(mean while in thi's house)"AAAAHHHHHAAAAHH.........danm why does it have to hurt alot!!!"thi says in pain "oh shut up that was the last time i had to put a hot towel on your soo called X scar"says til sting "ok good but...i got a bad feeling because my lips just went cold like my only love got kissed by someone better than me.."thi says confused while feeling his lips and X scar on his back "ohh thats's just a feeling you get when you miss someone you love very much i am guessing......"laxara" says til sting as he left the house "ohh shut up dad!!!"thi yells even thought til sting is long gone "he is right after all me and laxara have been a couple for more than 23 years and we are both still young"says thi in his mind "it's just that..i miss her soo much.....*thi starts crying like a little boy who lost a toy*(at the same time where laxara is)"i just miss him so much.......*she falls to her knees and sobs*oh why do i feel so alone...only time i don't feel alone is when..i am with"
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my thinkings of life and sometime poems in my big head and a chinese story that has gone dead..
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