Easter balance
Spent my free time this hollidays rereading favourite fanfics. Damn, they're good! Always leave me wondering what the hell am I doing when there's this kind of fic nextdoor.
I'm still going strong with Torushina, even if watching the spanish dub of Escaflowne has left me with deep scars. Still can't stop shuddering (and snickering) when I remember Dilandau (an explicitly stated full-fledged girl here!) screaming at the top of her lungs for Hahooka... *shudder* I'm still trying to ban the image from my system. That and episode 14. I actually left the room on episode 14, because I didn't want to watch my poor boys... It was a pretty strong reaction - I guess writing Torushina has only made me like the Dragonslayers more. Damn, I hate that episode! Stupid Van! Anyway, I'm now planning to end it at chapter 8 or 9.
I have lots of other ideas that haven't coalesced into a story yet. I'm not giving them much leeway to run free anyway, because then I know it would take me ages to finish little Torushina, and Of Knights and Scoundrels. Concerning this second fic, I'm going to have to do a lot of revision work on it, and the prospect is not appealling. I'm still preparing myself for that, though I do think I've found a beta-reader who will help.
Other than that, and relating to fic-world, I'm giving some serious thought to trashing Under the Same Stars. To think I nearly considered it could be turned into a trilogy! I'll have to face the truth - romance and epics that demand a lot of dedication aren't my forte. On the other hand, it's making me sad to let it go. It was my very first Escaflowne fanfic. *sigh* I might get a beta, or a co-author even. Or I'll just keep sneaking in little paragraphs until it's done. But trashing it sounds better and better every day.
Oh wait: this is why I write crappy fanfics. It's just too much fun to think out plots to resist it!
Oh well... back to classes for me. The reprieve was good while it lasted.