The other night I had a dream that I was in this HUGE black mansion and it belonged to the short girl off of the Incredibles movie and she was all complaining about how I'm the key to her ruling the world and how I'm not going to ruin it.
So then she throws a fit and basically caused the building to collapse. So then the Cullens from the Twilight books come and rescues me. So then I'm driving to La Push and giving a new kid to the town a tour of Forks and La Push. [and I saw Alice and Jasper on the way there]
So then we see Jacob asleep next to the beach or a lake, I can't really remember... so anyways, we push him in the water, but right b4 he fell in he dragged me under! So then I was like laughing and I was like "Ha! I got you I finally got you!" and he's like "So I got you back!" and I was like "so I still got you!" so then he grabs me pulls me around his waist and on his shoulders and we were still laughing and damn was that water cold! >.>